Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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Thanks, TGG. After your dopey question, I looked it up. I actually should not be capitalizing "president" unless it precedes the name of the POTUS. Point taken.

Not sure if I will make the change or not. I have always capitalized titles. We'll see.

You may as well continue doing it, as it'll help you to continue with your worship of Obama.
Nice spin. She won't be watching it for the reason she stated. She doesn't want to watch Obama say everything is good when it's not. People who are paying attention know the shell game that is being played.

BTW, why do you capitalize president as if you are worshiping a deity? Sad.

The ignore feature is so cool!

Worshipping a deity? I capitalize that word regardless of who is POTUS. do you think I worship every President that we have ever had?

Yea, well it's grammatically wrong to do so, unless you are elevating him (or the office) to a deity status.

Really? My capitalizing the word means I worship the office as a deity? That is the only way you can look at it?

Interesting. You are one brilliant dude.
Thanks, TGG. After your dopey question, I looked it up. I actually should not be capitalizing "president" unless it precedes the name of the POTUS. Point taken.

Not sure if I will make the change or not. I have always capitalized titles. We'll see.

You may as well continue doing it, as it'll help you to continue with your worship of Obama.

Hmm. If I don't....does it mean that I do not worship him?
The ignore feature is so cool!

Worshipping a deity? I capitalize that word regardless of who is POTUS. do you think I worship every President that we have ever had?

Yea, well it's grammatically wrong to do so, unless you are elevating him (or the office) to a deity status.

Really? My capitalizing the word means I worship the office as a deity? That is the only way you can look at it?

Interesting. You are one brilliant dude.

I think it helps to signify the peon/Leader arrangement that you have with Obama.
Thanks, TGG. After your dopey question, I looked it up. I actually should not be capitalizing "president" unless it precedes the name of the POTUS. Point taken.

Not sure if I will make the change or not. I have always capitalized titles. We'll see.

You may as well continue doing it, as it'll help you to continue with your worship of Obama.

Hmm. If I don't....does it mean that I do not worship him?

Once again, your lack of logical skills comes to the forefront.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

I am not capable of stomaching a 60 minute campaign speech in which class warfare, increases in taxes, bigger government and of course what the GOP is doing wrong.
This will be Obama's 6th State of the Union Address. Each of the previous five have been filled with "I" and "me"..

Oh? Did someone count? Someone counted Christie's. Christie put the "me" in Mea Culpu...

Use of the word “I”: 692 times.

I’m: 119.

I’ve: 67.

Me: 83.

My/myself: 134.​

All in 108 minutes...
Some of the Supreme Court Justices already don't attend. It's not a State of the Union speech because we don't hear anything about what the state of the union is. We hear yet another speech from obama about how great he is. There's no reason to attend. It would be a great statement to boycott the speech.
I wasn't planning to watch it anyway. He's going to claim everything is good when it's not.

So transparent.

Had Romney been elected....would you or would you not be looking for him to highlight the positives in his SOTU speeches?

You would....and you'd watch it precisely for that reason.

I guarantee you that the President will not say that "everything is good". He will certainly suggest areas where improvement and change is needed. tradition warrants.....and as far as doing so can motivate Americans to push forward and work together.....he will certainly stress the positives. Consumer confidence is a powerful thing. It is his job to promote it.

Be honest about it. Please.

Who wants to listen to a serial liar?
[ame=]Mark Levin on CNN w Jake Tapper Bashes 'Serial Liar' Obama's 'Scare Tactics' Over Gov't Shutdown - YouTube[/ame]
Levin is worse than useless

No he is not. The fact that an abject liberal tool like Fakey "thanks" you for that post should cause you grave concern, in fact.

On THIS call for a GOP boycott of the SOTU speech, I agree with you that Mark Levin is off base.

But that's a much more limited assertion.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

I won't be watching. this president does not deserve two minutes of my time. he has offered nothing to make America better in his first 5 years. he has done nothing but challenge the liberties and freedoms of americans. we've had out fill of lies. I hope they do boycott it. send him am message. send americans a message
Levin is worse than useless

No he is not. The fact that an abject liberal tool like Fakey "thanks" you for that post should cause you grave concern, in fact.

On THIS call for a GOP boycott of the SOTU speech, I agree with you that Mark Levin is off base.

But that's a much more limited assertion.

Actually I don't think he is even off base. But in the course of delivering his rationale for why the GOP should do that, he fails to remember how the media will portray it so that the educational purpose would be totally mischaracterized, misrepresented, and would lose much of its impact. The concept itself I do not oppose But I am enough of a realist to know how counterproductive it would be by the time Obama's surrogate media got through with it.
Levin is worse than useless

No he is not. The fact that an abject liberal tool like Fakey "thanks" you for that post should cause you grave concern, in fact.

On THIS call for a GOP boycott of the SOTU speech, I agree with you that Mark Levin is off base.

But that's a much more limited assertion.

Actually I don't think he is even off base. But in the course of delivering his rationale for why the GOP should do that, he fails to remember how the media will portray it so that the educational purpose would be totally mischaracterized, misrepresented, and would lose much of its impact. The concept itself I do not oppose But I am enough of a realist to know how counterproductive it would be by the time Obama's surrogate media got through with it.

I am in partial agreement with you on that one, FF.

Levin is off base BECAUSE mere political theater is pointless. He is off base, also, because it WOULD be turned around and used against them by the relentless purveyors of Obamessiah propaganda, the laughably liberal main stream media.
So what you're all saying is republicans should just sit there and shut up because you are afraid a media might say MORE bad things about them?

tapatalk post
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I haven't watched a SOU speech in years!

Why on earth would anyone subject themselves to an hour or two of white-lies, lies and damn lies. It's truly an assault on our intelligence.
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