Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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Republicans never go wrong when the listen to rightwing radio

They should walk out.....that will show Obama

Lolberals always go wrong -- even thought lolberal radio is a perpetual fail and nobody listens to that shit.

Are there any lolberals out there silly enough to take seriously ANYTHING muttered by Obumbler in the upcoming State of the Union, anyway?

We know Republicans will be outraged. Outrage is the only card they have left

Time is here for Republicans to start to come up with some vision of their own....channeling Reagan and trashing Obama doesn't cut it
Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Good idea. All they do is sleep during it anway.

FYI: In case you didn't know it, every year the Republicans are allowed a response to the State of the Union speech.

Wrong. Every year the Party not holding the White House GIVES a response. And most often, the left wing media deigns to air it.

And considering the way your pubs are going, that's going to be for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time, huh?

tee hee
Good idea. All they do is sleep during it anway.

FYI: In case you didn't know it, every year the Republicans are allowed a response to the State of the Union speech.

Wrong. Every year the Party not holding the White House GIVES a response. And most often, the left wing media deigns to air it.

And considering the way your pubs are going, that's going to be for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time, huh?

tee hee

Uhm. No. "W" held the office for two full terms. He was replaced by Obumbler who is holding it for two terms, too.

The way Obumbler is fucking everything up, however, he might even make it impossible for Shrillary to get elected. You Dims think you have some special claim to the Executive Branch and the almighty (related) Federal Leviathan BUREAUCRACY.

You don't.

When reality hits you (and it will -- hard) enjoy the smack down.
It surely can be a great gesture, but pretty meaningless as it basically does not matter - the speech, I mean.

we all know what he is going to say.

It's like watching the soviet politburo members to speak :lol:
Wrong. Every year the Party not holding the White House GIVES a response. And most often, the left wing media deigns to air it.

And considering the way your pubs are going, that's going to be for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time, huh?

tee hee

Uhm. No. "W" held the office for two full terms. He was replaced by Obumbler who is holding it for two terms, too.

The way Obumbler is fucking everything up, however, he might even make it impossible for Shrillary to get elected. You Dims think you have some special claim to the Executive Branch and the almighty (related) Federal Leviathan BUREAUCRACY.

You don't.

When reality hits you (and it will -- hard) enjoy the smack down.

The Dems have a distinct advantage in the Electoral College even before the first vote is cast

Given the increasing difficulty of Republucans to appeal to moderates and independents it is unlikely they can win the presidency for some time
And considering the way your pubs are going, that's going to be for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time, huh?

tee hee

Uhm. No. "W" held the office for two full terms. He was replaced by Obumbler who is holding it for two terms, too.

The way Obumbler is fucking everything up, however, he might even make it impossible for Shrillary to get elected. You Dims think you have some special claim to the Executive Branch and the almighty (related) Federal Leviathan BUREAUCRACY.

You don't.

When reality hits you (and it will -- hard) enjoy the smack down.

The Dems have a distinct advantage in the Electoral College even before the first vote is cast

Given the increasing difficulty of Republucans to appeal to moderates and independents it is unlikely they can win the presidency for some time

I promise to leave this message board FOREVER if Obama wins re-election in 2016. :D
Better yet. At just the right moment, all the Republicans should turn their backs to the President and drop trousers.

Priceless. And classy to.

Oh I forgot. When the Repubs drop trousers, they have toall yell together; Mr. President, kiss my ass!!!.

What could go wrong?

What could go wrong????

What could go wrong?????????

He might lose track of the TelePrompter and think he was in Saudi Arabia then grab the nearest Republican and actually do as was commanded!

Whew, first I thought you was saying that the Repubs would need a teleprompter be able to yell; kiss my ass.
Uhm. No. "W" held the office for two full terms. He was replaced by Obumbler who is holding it for two terms, too.

The way Obumbler is fucking everything up, however, he might even make it impossible for Shrillary to get elected. You Dims think you have some special claim to the Executive Branch and the almighty (related) Federal Leviathan BUREAUCRACY.

You don't.

When reality hits you (and it will -- hard) enjoy the smack down.

The Dems have a distinct advantage in the Electoral College even before the first vote is cast

Given the increasing difficulty of Republucans to appeal to moderates and independents it is unlikely they can win the presidency for some time

I promise to leave this message board FOREVER if Obama wins re-election in 2016. :D

I have already said that I won't vote for him again. So I will leave with you IF he wins in 2016. But only IF he wins. Place or show and I am staying here.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

I am not capable of stomaching a 60 minute campaign speech in which class warfare, increases in taxes, bigger government and of course what the GOP is doing wrong.
This will be Obama's 6th State of the Union Address. Each of the previous five have been filled with "I" and "me"..
Uhm. No. "W" held the office for two full terms. He was replaced by Obumbler who is holding it for two terms, too.

The way Obumbler is fucking everything up, however, he might even make it impossible for Shrillary to get elected. You Dims think you have some special claim to the Executive Branch and the almighty (related) Federal Leviathan BUREAUCRACY.

You don't.

When reality hits you (and it will -- hard) enjoy the smack down.

The Dems have a distinct advantage in the Electoral College even before the first vote is cast

Given the increasing difficulty of Republucans to appeal to moderates and independents it is unlikely they can win the presidency for some time

I promise to leave this message board FOREVER if Obama wins re-election in 2016. :D

You're crazy. I predict an Obama landslide.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

I am not capable of stomaching a 60 minute campaign speech in which class warfare, increases in taxes, bigger government and of course what the GOP is doing wrong.
This will be Obama's 6th State of the Union Address. Each of the previous five have been filled with "I" and "me"..

This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

I am not capable of stomaching a 60 minute campaign speech in which class warfare, increases in taxes, bigger government and of course what the GOP is doing wrong.
This will be Obama's 6th State of the Union Address. Each of the previous five have been filled with "I" and "me"..


He will watch it. Nutters can't help themselves.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

I am not capable of stomaching a 60 minute campaign speech in which class warfare, increases in taxes, bigger government and of course what the GOP is doing wrong.
This will be Obama's 6th State of the Union Address. Each of the previous five have been filled with "I" and "me"..

Yep, and after six years of pretty much the same speech. We could probably report on last year's speech and get everything that will be in this one:

--I inherited a bigger mess than we expected and that's why we haven't accomplished anything
--I would have accomplished a whole lot of things if the GOP had not blocked me at every turn
--I have accomplished so much that we're turning the corner any moment now
--My plan will create millions and millions of jobs
--My plan will put a chicken in every pot
--My plan will educate the children
--My plan will fix poverty, hunger, global warming, and end the proliferation of nuclear weapons
--I have seen to it that millions now have healthcare
--I have entered into negotiations with Iran and Syria to achieve peace in the Middle East
--My policies have al Qaida on the run
--I killed bin Laden
--I have seen to it that the national debt will be paid off--it is scheduled to begin happening right after I leave office

And the odds are pretty good that not a single statement will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth or any part of the truth. And of course the media won't even question why all those plans are just now being offered, five years into the Administration or what happened to all the plans in last year's speech or 2012 or . . . .
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I am not capable of stomaching a 60 minute campaign speech in which class warfare, increases in taxes, bigger government and of course what the GOP is doing wrong.
This will be Obama's 6th State of the Union Address. Each of the previous five have been filled with "I" and "me"..


He will watch it. Nutters can't help themselves.

I don't know if Rush will allow him to watch it

I don't remember the last political speech I sat through.

So people really do that?

For those who do, aren't you the least bit insulted?

What would be REALLY funny is if the ENTIRE GOP contingent in Congress occasionally interrupts President Obumbler as he reads his State of the Union script off of the TOTUS. And that interruption would HAVE to be:


Better yet. At just the right moment, all the Republicans should turn their backs to the President and drop trousers.

Priceless. And classy to.

Or how about the ever popular one fingered salute?
Which Republican gets to destroy his presidential aspirations this year by giving the Response?
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