Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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anything would be better than another long-winded lying speech of deceitful rubbish and drivel by Oblather...

we really need to start voicing our differences on the national stage....but i doubt the Rs have it together enough to pull it off...
Levin doesn't have "viewers" and he does a lot more than host his show. He fights these liberal nutjobs in court

Hmmm, here I always thought that right wing fanatics sat and stared at the radio when Levine mistake and my poor use of the word.

The reason it is a bad idea is what happens when your guy is in office? Do you want the same lack of respect just because the left wing hates his agenda? There are plenty of ways to show solidarity but this ain't the best. And that is coming from a conservative, true, who likes listening to Levin, Beck and Rush, but I don't stare at the radio. :lol:

You must, you said "viewers" not me. People didn't seem to mind when Obama berated the supreme court justices as they sat in front of him. You're just way too civil. You can sit there and clap for Obama as he ignores our Constitution. Me? I'd pass.

Face the facts, doing so could backfire and one thing that the right does not need right now is bad publicity. The democrats are shooting themselves in the foot every stinking day we don't need to screw that up with a pointless in your face maneuver which will been seen as being racist, and you know it will. Too big of chance.

Obama was wrong in what he did with the SCOTUS but he did so because he is a novice and not really very well mannered. And you saw how the press handled it, pooh poohed as always. But Wilson shouts lie and the press is all over him for days.

We on the right need to find a Reagan and find him fast. We need to stand in solidarity on platform, not a pointless insulting gesture. Just my opinion.
For a minute there, I thought we we going to witness an argument between two USMB nutters.
Hmmm, here I always thought that right wing fanatics sat and stared at the radio when Levine mistake and my poor use of the word.

The reason it is a bad idea is what happens when your guy is in office? Do you want the same lack of respect just because the left wing hates his agenda? There are plenty of ways to show solidarity but this ain't the best. And that is coming from a conservative, true, who likes listening to Levin, Beck and Rush, but I don't stare at the radio. :lol:

You must, you said "viewers" not me. People didn't seem to mind when Obama berated the supreme court justices as they sat in front of him. You're just way too civil. You can sit there and clap for Obama as he ignores our Constitution. Me? I'd pass.

Face the facts, doing so could backfire and one thing that the right does not need right now is bad publicity. The democrats are shooting themselves in the foot every stinking day we don't need to screw that up with a pointless in your face maneuver which will been seen as being racist, and you know it will. Too big of chance.

Obama was wrong in what he did with the SCOTUS but he did so because he is a novice and not really very well mannered. And you saw how the press handled it, pooh poohed as always. But Wilson shouts lie and the press is all over him for days.

We on the right need to find a Reagan and find him fast. We need to stand in solidarity on platform, not a pointless insulting gesture. Just my opinion.

"Find a Reagan" is easier said than done. when you find him let me know.
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB but in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

I do agree with this mostly. But I will say that the next candidate that the republicans put up better not be another moderate closet liberal. We tried that twice and lost. Of course we won with Bush so maybe it was just Obama.

I'd say that the GOP could do better with candidates to the right of Romney/McCain but it can't be too far right.
Romney lost the Moderate vote 56-44 per two exit polls. His 47% comment bombed and I think his early primary stances hurt him when he was appealing to the base. If you remember, the Dems used those early stances against him in their ads.
McCain lost votes because Palin went over the comfort line with the middle with some of her more outrageous comments (and his comment about the US's "sound economy" was the final nail).
The GOP needs a consistent message with continuity that appeals to a bigger audience and not just Republicans. They haven't done that well of late.
For a minute there, I thought we we going to witness an argument between two USMB nutters.

Maybe we all aren't just brain-dead clones, with no independent thoughts in their heads, who follow Obama like sheep. In the end conservatives are all united against people like Obama
You must, you said "viewers" not me. People didn't seem to mind when Obama berated the supreme court justices as they sat in front of him. You're just way too civil. You can sit there and clap for Obama as he ignores our Constitution. Me? I'd pass.

Face the facts, doing so could backfire and one thing that the right does not need right now is bad publicity. The democrats are shooting themselves in the foot every stinking day we don't need to screw that up with a pointless in your face maneuver which will been seen as being racist, and you know it will. Too big of chance.

Obama was wrong in what he did with the SCOTUS but he did so because he is a novice and not really very well mannered. And you saw how the press handled it, pooh poohed as always. But Wilson shouts lie and the press is all over him for days.

We on the right need to find a Reagan and find him fast. We need to stand in solidarity on platform, not a pointless insulting gesture. Just my opinion.

"Find a Reagan" is easier said than done. when you find him let me know.

Again a bad use of words on my part, I should have said Reagan like, cause there never will be another Ronald Reagan.
For a minute there, I thought we we going to witness an argument between two USMB nutters.

Maybe we all aren't just brain-dead clones, with no independent thoughts in their heads, who follow Obama like sheep. In the end conservatives are all united against people like Obama are most certainly drones. Which is why the argument never materialized. You fuckers stick together.
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB but in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

I do agree with this mostly. But I will say that the next candidate that the republicans put up better not be another moderate closet liberal. We tried that twice and lost. Of course we won with Bush so maybe it was just Obama.

I'd say that the GOP could do better with candidates to the right of Romney/McCain but it can't be too far right.
Romney lost the Moderate vote 56-44 per two exit polls. His 47% comment bombed and I think his early primary stances hurt him when he was appealing to the base. If you remember, the Dems used those early stances against him in their ads.
McCain lost votes because Palin went over the comfort line with the middle with some of her more outrageous comments (and his comment about the US's "sound economy" was the final nail).
The GOP needs a consistent message with continuity that appeals to a bigger audience and not just Republicans. They haven't done that well of late.

I get a little tired of hearing about the 47 percent comment. He was right and his saying so did not cost him their votes. McCain lost because he is McCain and the left, my leg tingles, press was fully in Obama's corner. Palin did say some things controversial but the press made mountains out of mole hills seldom does the VP cost an election. Meanwhile they pretty much let Biden slide on his "clean articulate" comment about Obama.
I used to like listening to the State of the Union address, Reagan's were good as was Clinton's. The first few years of Bush but if you don't have a leader, you find the speech is empty. No vision, no encouragement, just lots of propaganda and politics.

I'll probably skip it this year, Obama is a good speaker but his rhetoric is empty and has no clear vision, just self congratulatory speak and then blames others for what he and his leadership skills can't get done.
I think what we are seeing with Levin is a bubble. To keep his viewers happy he needs to ratchet up the rhetoric. So he will ratchet it up until he leaves conservatives behind and only has the extreme right wing as an audience. Then the bubble will burst and he will once again come back down to Earth.

Levin doesn't have "viewers" and he does a lot more than host his show. He fights these liberal nutjobs in court

Hmmm, here I always thought that right wing fanatics sat and stared at the radio when Levine mistake and my poor use of the word.

The reason it is a bad idea is what happens when your guy is in office? Do you want the same lack of respect just because the left wing hates his agenda? There are plenty of ways to show solidarity but this ain't the best. And that is coming from a conservative, true, who likes listening to Levin, Beck and Rush, but I don't stare at the radio. :lol:

I think it's good for the country for the uber-rightwing crazies to keep pulling their crazy stunts because... long as rightwingers keep following nutjobs like Levin or-----or the Republibullies/T-publicans figure out a way for nationwide voter suppression and/or a way to gerrymander the entire country, Republicans may never get back into the White House. Republicans have lost five of the last six popular votes for POTUS and now-----and now people that identify themselves as Republicans is at their lowest level in 25 years... ...yo, Levinlovers keep doin' whatcher doin' - it works for me.
anything would be better than another long-winded lying speech of deceitful rubbish and drivel by Oblather...

we really need to start voicing our differences on the national stage....but i doubt the Rs have it together enough to pull it off...

Unfortunately, whether one votes Democrat or Republican, it only shows the preference over which hole they'd rather take it in.
I think the State of the Union speech it's self is a waste of time I don't remember the last time I watched one.
And what's boycotting the State of the Union supposed to do for Republicans? Other than diminish their already abysmal approval ratings.
I do agree with this mostly. But I will say that the next candidate that the republicans put up better not be another moderate closet liberal. We tried that twice and lost. Of course we won with Bush so maybe it was just Obama.

I'd say that the GOP could do better with candidates to the right of Romney/McCain but it can't be too far right.
Romney lost the Moderate vote 56-44 per two exit polls. His 47% comment bombed and I think his early primary stances hurt him when he was appealing to the base. If you remember, the Dems used those early stances against him in their ads.
McCain lost votes because Palin went over the comfort line with the middle with some of her more outrageous comments (and his comment about the US's "sound economy" was the final nail).
The GOP needs a consistent message with continuity that appeals to a bigger audience and not just Republicans. They haven't done that well of late.

I get a little tired of hearing about the 47 percent comment. He was right and his saying so did not cost him their votes. McCain lost because he is McCain and the left, my leg tingles, press was fully in Obama's corner. Palin did say some things controversial but the press made mountains out of mole hills seldom does the VP cost an election. Meanwhile they pretty much let Biden slide on his "clean articulate" comment about Obama.

That 47% comment most certainly hurt plastic man.

And Palin problem was not controversy. It was stupidity she is just not intelligent enough to be a breath away from the Oval Office. Listen to her talk. It is scary.
As I am doing Dryuary, you couldn't pay me to listen to Obama drone on and on and on about his army of strawman arguments.

The only way to endure such an experience is to make a drinking game out of all the times he says "I", "Me", and "My". Without the booze support, listening to him is sheer and utter torture.
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