Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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As I am doing Dryuary, you couldn't pay me to listen to Obama drone on and on and on about his army of strawman arguments.

The only way to endure such an experience is to make a drinking game out of all the times he says "I", "Me", and "My". Without the booze support, listening to him is sheer and utter torture.

That is pretty much where I am. He has proved again and again and again that he is totally disinterested in informing the American people of any truth. That he is not going to tell us the truth about anything. It is obvious to at least some of us that his interest is in simply glorifying again all the ideological lies that his most gullible worshippers will soak in as truth, yet again, and grovel at his feet while they gush over his magnificent oratory. And some will be looking for some way to characterize my opinion about that as racist. :)

McCain lost because he ran the most stupid, incompetent campaign any candidate has ever run in my ever more lengthy life. The Left, who have consistently held him up as what a virtuous Republican should be, wouldn't have voted for him anyway, and they used Sarah Palin as their excuse for rejecting him. And the media also strongly favored Obama: A Pew study in 2008 found that candidate Barack Obama got mostly favorable coverage (36% pos to 29% neg) while coverages about Republican John McCain were mostly negative (57% neg to 14% pos).

Romney lost because Obama enjoys the most groveling and gratuitously supportive press of any President in my memory except for a brief period right after the first debate in which Romney clearly won. After that the negative coverage was much more pointed at Romney than it was Obama most especially in the final days before the election when Obama got mostly favorable press and Romney mostly unfavorable press. Add to that the fact that the media would not show Romney's personable side and played up code words like 'stiff' and 'plastic'. And Romney was a Mormon which was not considered an asset--far more unfavorable than Obama's 20-year history with a radical Marxist America-hating church. The 41%, like Sarah Palin, was touted as the reason Romney lost, but that wasn't it.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.
Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

To what end?

It never ceases to amaze me how childish conservatives can be. Levin is an immature man who's on a perpetual emotional rant. He also claimed this week that we (meaning America) is engaged in a non shooting civil war. No we're not. That's just the way conservatives react when they can't get their way.
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As for the boycott, it wouldn't be unprecedented. Didn't SCOTUS boycott a SOTU after Obama dissed them during a SOTU? Actually a boycott of a dishonest and self-serving speech would be a good idea - EXCEPT - the media will never allow the GOP to give their side of it. Instead the GOP will be portrayed as petulant and childish and hateful with no inkling given for any other motive or purpose.

And it is that which makes it a bad idea.
I think Republicans should do just that...

America would flock to their side....just like when they listened to rightwing radio and shut down the government
I think Republicans should do just that...

America would flock to their side....just like when they listened to rightwing radio and shut down the government

Leftwhiner, you old hack. Try honesty for once.

It was the left wing Democrat Parody that shut down (only about 17% of) the government.
What specific message would you be sending? The msm would paint it as a racist message. Since it was never done to a white president. I realize the message(s) you would like to be sent but I have serious doubts that message would be reported. After 6 years of this mess I would think that would be obvious. Obama needs attacked on policy not by pranks.

I agree that some on the far left would call it racist, but I imagine most people would just call it childish, because that's what it would be. It's not like he's standing up their enacting policies you disagree with. He's just giving a speech.

What would be REALLY funny is if the ENTIRE GOP contingent in Congress occasionally interrupts President Obumbler as he reads his State of the Union script off of the TOTUS. And that interruption would HAVE to be:


I think it'd be funny to yell out "PLAY SOME SKYNYRD!"

By golly, that WOULD be funny!
Hopefully there will be a Duck Dynasty marathon on that night as a alternative.

What a great idea. I wouldn't watch that either, but wouldn't it be funny if Duck Dynasty reruns pulled a bigger audience than the SOTU address? :)

There was a time that I considered tuning in the SOTU as a patriotic duty. We needed to hear the President inform us of the the SOTU. We haven't had a SOTU from President Obama, however, but only self-serving, self adulating campaign speeches. And that is what makes it all so pointless.
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More anti-Americanisms from the far-right.

No respect for the office, the traditions, or our country.

Why doesn't Levin and his Ilk just leave?
More anti-Americanisms from the far-right.

No respect for the office, the traditions, or our country.

Why doesn't Levin and his Ilk just leave?

Hazmutt, as usual, is wrong. It is the incumbent who shows no respect for his Office.

Why don't YOU go live in some gay Islamist paradise?

Oh wait. They'd off ya.

Better you stay safe here under the blanket of security others provide TO and FOR you. But be sure to whine endlessly about how unfair America is, you dip.

By the way, it is not the fault of the RIGHT that Obumbler is such a sorry ass sack of fail.
Republicans never go wrong when the listen to rightwing radio

They should walk out.....that will show Obama
Republicans never go wrong when the listen to rightwing radio

They should walk out.....that will show Obama

Lolberals always go wrong -- even thought lolberal radio is a perpetual fail and nobody listens to that shit.

Are there any lolberals out there silly enough to take seriously ANYTHING muttered by Obumbler in the upcoming State of the Union, anyway?
Much better idea: Republican should let people who have lost their health insurance because of ObamaCare sit in for them
Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Good idea. All they do is sleep during it anway.

FYI: In case you didn't know it, every year the Republicans are allowed a response to the State of the Union speech.
Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

Good idea. All they do is sleep during it anway.

FYI: In case you didn't know it, every year the Republicans are allowed a response to the State of the Union speech.

Wrong. Every year the Party not holding the White House GIVES a response. And most often, the left wing media deigns to air it.
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