Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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As I am doing Dryuary, you couldn't pay me to listen to Obama drone on and on and on about his army of strawman arguments.

The only way to endure such an experience is to make a drinking game out of all the times he says "I", "Me", and "My". Without the booze support, listening to him is sheer and utter torture.

You'd be drunk in 10 minutes, bo. Dont pop open any good napas!
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

This is a GREAT idea. I can't believe it hasn't been done before. I can't even begin to list the good things that would happen for the Republican party if none of them show up at the State of the Union speech.
In my opinion it is a stupid pointless idea and I like the "Great One."

It would make a humorous picture when NBC (etc) scans the "crowd" for reactions and there is about half the joint empty.

But I agree with Freewill. I think Mark Levin is the best political analyst/commentator out there. More political philosopher than "commentator," in fact.

But this particular idea of his is quite pointless. And, of course, it simply is NOT going to happen.
In my opinion it is a stupid pointless idea and I like the "Great One."

It would make a humorous picture when NBC (etc) scans the "crowd" for reactions and there is about half the joint empty.

But I agree with Freewill. I think Mark Levin is the best political analyst/commentator out there. More political philosopher than "commentator," in fact.

But this particular idea of his is quite pointless. And, of course, it simply is NOT going to happen.

Hey people can dream you know?
Like Levin gives a blip what any liberal puke thinks of him, or RINOs for that matter.
What would be REALLY funny is if the ENTIRE GOP contingent in Congress occasionally interrupts President Obumbler as he reads his State of the Union script off of the TOTUS. And that interruption would HAVE to be:

What would be REALLY funny is if the ENTIRE GOP contingent in Congress occasionally interrupts President Obumbler as he reads his State of the Union script off of the TOTUS. And that interruption would HAVE to be:


Better yet. At just the right moment, all the Republicans should turn their backs to the President and drop trousers.

Priceless. And classy to.
I'd say that the GOP could do better with candidates to the right of Romney/McCain but it can't be too far right.
Romney lost the Moderate vote 56-44 per two exit polls. His 47% comment bombed and I think his early primary stances hurt him when he was appealing to the base. If you remember, the Dems used those early stances against him in their ads.
McCain lost votes because Palin went over the comfort line with the middle with some of her more outrageous comments (and his comment about the US's "sound economy" was the final nail).
The GOP needs a consistent message with continuity that appeals to a bigger audience and not just Republicans. They haven't done that well of late.

I get a little tired of hearing about the 47 percent comment. He was right and his saying so did not cost him their votes. McCain lost because he is McCain and the left, my leg tingles, press was fully in Obama's corner. Palin did say some things controversial but the press made mountains out of mole hills seldom does the VP cost an election. Meanwhile they pretty much let Biden slide on his "clean articulate" comment about Obama.

That 47% comment most certainly hurt plastic man.

And Palin problem was not controversy. It was stupidity she is just not intelligent enough to be a breath away from the Oval Office. Listen to her talk. It is scary.

Who did it hurt him with??? The 47 percent who were not going to vote for him any way? YOU? As if without that comment you would have voted for him.

Yeah, she's stupid laughing all the way to the bank. And I did listen to her and I found nothing stupid at all. She wasn't well prepared for her first prime time interview to that I blame the McCain staff.
This would be great. Too bad most of the spineless Republicans have no guts

“Here's what should happen at the State of the Union speech,” Levin began. “Since these men and women will not use the Constitution to defend this nation, since they will not use the Constitution to confront a lawless president — worse yet, since they are funding his activities with these omnibus bills filled with all kinds of crap — what the Republicans should do is boycott the State of the Union.”

By such a “bold” act, he said, half of the House floor will be empty and it will grab the attention of the American people and the media, “which will attack it, but cannot ignore it.”

“It would be historic, it would be profound, that finally the opposition party demonstrates that it opposes not just the Democrat Party, but the destruction of this republic, but this president and his willing dupes in Congress," he added.

He suggested Republicans present their own State of the Union by, perhaps, joining together on the steps of the Capitol to lay out their case against the president's agenda.

Radio Host Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of Union

This is a GREAT idea. I can't believe it hasn't been done before. I can't even begin to list the good things that would happen for the Republican party if none of them show up at the State of the Union speech.

Ah come on try and list at least one. Then list the bad that could happen and we will put them both on a scale.
In my opinion it is a stupid pointless idea and I like the "Great One."

It would make a humorous picture when NBC (etc) scans the "crowd" for reactions and there is about half the joint empty.

But I agree with Freewill. I think Mark Levin is the best political analyst/commentator out there. More political philosopher than "commentator," in fact.

But this particular idea of his is quite pointless. And, of course, it simply is NOT going to happen.

I seriously doubt Levin was serious. If this were to be done the media would play it as the biggest insult in history to the first BLACK president. Very not worth the laugh or the bad publicity.
None of you but jroc understand sending a message?

tapatalk post

What specific message would you be sending? The msm would paint it as a racist message. Since it was never done to a white president. I realize the message(s) you would like to be sent but I have serious doubts that message would be reported. After 6 years of this mess I would think that would be obvious. Obama needs attacked on policy not by pranks.
What would be REALLY funny is if the ENTIRE GOP contingent in Congress occasionally interrupts President Obumbler as he reads his State of the Union script off of the TOTUS. And that interruption would HAVE to be:


Better yet. At just the right moment, all the Republicans should turn their backs to the President and drop trousers.

Priceless. And classy to.

Oh I forgot. When the Repubs drop trousers, they have toall yell together; Mr. President, kiss my ass!!!.

What could go wrong?
What would be REALLY funny is if the ENTIRE GOP contingent in Congress occasionally interrupts President Obumbler as he reads his State of the Union script off of the TOTUS. And that interruption would HAVE to be:


Better yet. At just the right moment, all the Republicans should turn their backs to the President and drop trousers.

Priceless. And classy to.

Oh I forgot. When the Repubs drop trousers, they have toall yell together; Mr. President, kiss my ass!!!.

What could go wrong?

What could go wrong????

What could go wrong?????????

He might lose track of the TelePrompter and think he was in Saudi Arabia then grab the nearest Republican and actually do as was commanded!
What specific message would you be sending? The msm would paint it as a racist message. Since it was never done to a white president. I realize the message(s) you would like to be sent but I have serious doubts that message would be reported. After 6 years of this mess I would think that would be obvious. Obama needs attacked on policy not by pranks.

I agree that some on the far left would call it racist, but I imagine most people would just call it childish, because that's what it would be. It's not like he's standing up their enacting policies you disagree with. He's just giving a speech.

What would be REALLY funny is if the ENTIRE GOP contingent in Congress occasionally interrupts President Obumbler as he reads his State of the Union script off of the TOTUS. And that interruption would HAVE to be:


I think it'd be funny to yell out "PLAY SOME SKYNYRD!"
And what's boycotting the State of the Union supposed to do for Republicans? Other than diminish their already abysmal approval ratings.

They wouldn't want to be diminished would they? Maybe they are diminished, because most don't stand for shit

I'm not saying that Republicans, in general, haven't done a good job. What I am saying is boycotting the State of the Union would be a losing proposition politically.
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