Mark Levin: Congress can end birthright citizenship without amending the Constitution

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.
This is your refute?

Don't want to post the phrase in the 14th that reads "and subject to the jurisdiction there of"

Wow. You believe some whiney talk show idiot just found the key that the right has been looking so long for? There are procedures for changing the constitution, but other than that, why hasn't some smart right winger pointed that out before? Could it be that smarter people than you already knew that was there but it didn't hold water?

Quit your crying, you tried to be intellectually dishonest in your post to refute ok's post by just posting the part of the 14th that you agree with.

Guess ok's other post was to long for you to comprehend so you quoted mine.

Nothing dishonest about an answer that covers the question. Obviously the right thinks Levin, or trump, or some other rattlehead found a magic phrase that will solve all your fears and worries about immigration, and I say it won't work. That's about as far as we need to go. If you think your little idea is valid, then you don't need to be wasting time here. Show what kind of a man you are and demand that somebody do something about it. If your little phrase is that forceful and definitive, we should be hearing about congressional hearings by tomorrow night.
There is no magic here - the right has no interests in reforming immigration than the left does. We know this from their actions.

That does not, however, have any relation to a debate on what is possible under the constitution for congress to enact. I don't see any particular problem with what OK is stating. If the court has not ruled on this issue then it would clearly be within congress' power to enact.

I also believe that the court would overturn the law though.

Debate all you want. I have heard and completely understood the right wing point of view on this, and see it as nothing more than more bullshit. Rereading the same arguments won't change my mind. I chose not to participate in this silliness.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer

Sorry to break your bubble but Mark Levin is not a constitutional lawyer just a regular one. Obama was a constitutional law lecturer (professor)...

Obama would chew Levin up for breakfast in constitutional law.

And just a small comparison, How many Obama's Law school became Supreme court justices compared to Levin's law school?
Then start an amendment process, because neither Congressional or Presidential action will work. The courts will quickly strike down any such attempt.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer

Sorry to break your bubble but Mark Levin is not a constitutional lawyer just a regular one. Obama was a constitutional law lecturer (professor)...

Obama would chew Levin up for breakfast in constitutional law.

And just a small comparison, How many Obama's Law school became Supreme court justices compared to Levin's law school?

What district court covers those 7 states?

Obama chooming when they were teaching Judicial Review

American nation already is unable to properly take care of its citizens. We should not allow anyone who is born in the U.S. to automatically have citizenship. This problem needs to be solved.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Unlike Obama, Levin is an actual Constitutional lawyer

Sorry to break your bubble but Mark Levin is not a constitutional lawyer just a regular one. Obama was a constitutional law lecturer (professor)...

Obama would chew Levin up for breakfast in constitutional law.

And just a small comparison, How many Obama's Law school became Supreme court justices compared to Levin's law school?

What district court covers those 7 states?

Obama chooming when they were teaching Judicial Review

That all you got? He misspoke........big deal.
Trump can use Obama ACA's precedent to rewrite laws he doesn't like
He may certainly try if he elected President, and the courts will strike it down.

He'll ignore them too, just like Andrew Jackson

Why doesn't he tell us that in the election... That he will serve as Dictator not President.

Trump will never be president. The GOP will soon reign him in and tell the republicans who to vote for instead. It won't be trump.
The one case the supreme court considered involved legal aliens, they have never ruled on a case involving criminal aliens. And yes, congress has every right to say illegals do not meet the jurisdictional requirements of the 14th Amendment in our naturalization laws.

They don't? A foreigner in this country illegally does not fall under the jurisdiction of US law?
"These children are here through no fault of their own" say the bleeding hearts. Well I don't want to have to pay their bills...through no fault of my own.

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