Mark Levin: Congress can end birthright citizenship without amending the Constitution

Levin is an outlier, pure and simple, reaching out to the simple minded. He is very successful.

He's actually, unlike Obama, has argued cases in the Supreme Court. He, unlike your savior, Lord Obama, knows the constitution. He's a brilliant attorney.
The one case the supreme court considered involved legal aliens, they have never ruled on a case involving criminal aliens. And yes, congress has every right to say illegals do not meet the jurisdictional requirements of the 14th Amendment in our naturalization laws.

Q. How does that impact children born in the United States?

A. It has no effect, children born in the United States are United States Citizens.

Naturalization Eligibility Requirements
Before an individual applies for naturalization, he or she must meet a few requirements. Depending on the individual’s situation, there are different requirements that may apply. General requirements for naturalization are below.

  • Be at least 18 years old at the time of filing Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

  • Be a permanent resident (have a “Green Card”) for at least 5 years.

  • Show that you have lived for at least 3 months in the state or USCIS district where you apply.

  • Demonstrate continuous residence in the United States for at least 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing Form N-400.

  • Show that you have been physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing Form N-400.

  • Be able to read, write, and speak basic English.

  • Have a basic understanding of U.S. history and government (civics).

  • Be a person of good moral character.***

  • Demonstrate an attachment to the principles and ideals of the U.S. Constitution.
***Felons need not apply
The mentally ill have no inherent right to own guns.

What's the mentally I'll a 25 year old domestically abused woman taking prescribed pills to calm her down?

That's against the law to own a gun in the 1968 gun law
Levin is as much an idiot as Trump, and just as wrong
I have to disagree. Levin is not a thinker or philosopher; he is an entertainer, making his money by selling outrage on Retard Radio, and by selling his books to his loyal listeners.

Trump is a professional politician that doesn't rely upon patrons to sponsor his campaigns. He is a "loose cannon."
Levin's legal expertise includes some very confident declarations that the ACA was unconstitutional,

for several reasons, doesn't it?

How many of them were right?
This is the kind of spew that Mark Levin thinks passes for a sound legal argument:

( - The same-sex marriage case argued before the Supreme Court on Tuesday has no business being there, says conservative talk show host Mark Levin.

"Where there's not a clear federal constitutional issue...then why should the federal courts intervene? Why should the Supreme Court intervene? The equal protection clause doesn't say the 'liberal promotion clause' or the 'radical egalitarianism clause,' where people can pour their economic, social and cultural agendas into the Constitution for the courts to decide."

The 14th Amendment, which contains the equal protection clause (see text below), does not mean "everybody is the same, everything is uniform," Levin said. It's not a "grab bag for every egalitarian dream on the face of the earth."
being wrong has never stopped levin from being loud. i'm sure he'll be shouting about this for some time.
I remember they said the same thing about same-sex marriage at one time.

Nobody really felt it was an issue.

To be honest, Obama can only blame himself for this. He wants to pick and choose the laws he wants to why not the 14th Amendment.
Why bother with Congress?

Just have the next GOP President issue an executive order outlawing birthright citizenship.

Whats congress going to do about it? Its not like any party is going to get a veto proof majority in the next 100 years anyway.
The anchor baby phenomenon will end, as congress has the power to end it, and they will.

Now go pound sand, progs. You will lose your seemingly endless supply of new prog voters.
Why bother with Congress?

Just have the next GOP President issue an executive order outlawing birthright citizenship.

Whats congress going to do about it? Its not like any party is going to get a veto proof majority in the next 100 years anyway.
I would rather not have the next president rule by Executive Order. It smacks of a dictator when left unchecked.
Why bother with Congress?

Just have the next GOP President issue an executive order outlawing birthright citizenship.

Whats congress going to do about it? Its not like any party is going to get a veto proof majority in the next 100 years anyway.
I would rather not have the next president rule by Executive Order. It smacks of a dictator when left unchecked.
Too late.....we already are......So why not get in on that action.

Its not like Congress is ever going to do anything about it and the DOJ/Attorney General is now just a lackey of the President.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Can't refute what he said so you attack the messenger, how leftist of you. The reason you can't refute what he said in the framers of the 14th specifically said that the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction there of" was meant to exclude foreigners, aliens and diplomats. It also excluded American Indians which were finally made American citizens by an act of congress in the 1920's.

Sure I can refute it. He's wrong.

:link: you said it now back it up.

The 14th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified on July 9, 1868, and granted citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States,” which included former slaves recently freed.
The author of the 14th amendment. Senator Howard, wrote an essay about the amendment so it would not be misconstrued.

"Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons."
The one case the supreme court considered involved legal aliens, they have never ruled on a case involving criminal aliens. And yes, congress has every right to say illegals do not meet the jurisdictional requirements of the 14th Amendment in our naturalization laws.

I agree.

Its not the law and it never has been.

Neat story here from Brietbart.

Constitution Doesn't Mandate Birthright Citizenship - Breitbart

Of course some will dismiss it because its Brietbart but it is what it is.

One has to wonder why no one in Govt. isn't aware that its not a law and all these kids born of illegal parents aren't US citizens and never have been??
Why bother with Congress?

Just have the next GOP President issue an executive order outlawing birthright citizenship.

Whats congress going to do about it? Its not like any party is going to get a veto proof majority in the next 100 years anyway.
Yeah......revoke the citizenship of every Democrat in Washington. Would solve alot of problems.

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