Mark Levin: Congress can end birthright citizenship without amending the Constitution

Levin is as much an idiot as Trump, and just as wrong
I have to disagree. Levin is not a thinker or philosopher; he is an entertainer, making his money by selling outrage on Retard Radio, and by selling his books to his loyal listeners.

Trump is a professional politician that doesn't rely upon patrons to sponsor his campaigns. He is a "loose cannon."

Trump is a professional politician?
What political office has he held and for how long? :eusa_whistle:
Why bother with Congress?

Just have the next GOP President issue an executive order outlawing birthright citizenship.

Whats congress going to do about it? Its not like any party is going to get a veto proof majority in the next 100 years anyway.
Yeah......revoke the citizenship of every Democrat in Washington. Would solve alot of problems.
It would at that.
Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Can't refute what he said so you attack the messenger, how leftist of you. The reason you can't refute what he said in the framers of the 14th specifically said that the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction there of" was meant to exclude foreigners, aliens and diplomats. It also excluded American Indians which were finally made American citizens by an act of congress in the 1920's.

Sure I can refute it. He's wrong.

:link: you said it now back it up.
United States v. Wong Kim Ark
The reason you can't refute what he said in the framers of the 14th specifically said that the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction there of" was meant to exclude foreigners, aliens and diplomats.

Nope. It was meant to exclude diplomats who are immune from US jurisdiction, not children born here.

In fact, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 granted citizenship to anyone born here. It was vetoed twice by Johnson, but Congress overrode it with a two-thirds majority.

This was in the same time frame as the 14th Amendment. So your claim the framers of the 14th did not intend birthright citizenship is complete bullshit.
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Levin is a whiney little Limbaugh wanna be. Nothing he says is believable.

Can't refute what he said so you attack the messenger, how leftist of you. The reason you can't refute what he said in the framers of the 14th specifically said that the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction there of" was meant to exclude foreigners, aliens and diplomats. It also excluded American Indians which were finally made American citizens by an act of congress in the 1920's.

Sure I can refute it. He's wrong.

:link: you said it now back it up.
United States v. Wong Kim Ark

Ark's parents was not here illegally.
They were legal under California's Domicile Laws at that time and legal under the 14th Amendment which states subject to the the Jurisdiction thereof.
The one case the supreme court considered involved legal aliens, they have never ruled on a case involving criminal aliens. And yes, congress has every right to say illegals do not meet the jurisdictional requirements of the 14th Amendment in our naturalization laws.

I agree.

Its not the law and it never has been.

Neat story here from Brietbart.

Constitution Doesn't Mandate Birthright Citizenship - Breitbart

Of course some will dismiss it because its Brietbart but it is what it is.

One has to wonder why no one in Govt. isn't aware that its not a law and all these kids born of illegal parents aren't US citizens and never have been??
opur representatives are not constitutional scholars and do not do their homework. Thsaat headline from Breitbart is wrong it should read "Constitution Doesn't Mandate Birthright Citizenship in All Cases."

It doesn' allow birth right citizenship to foreigners, aliens and those who alliance is not of the US.

Ark's parents was not here illegally.
They were legal under California's Domicile Laws at that time and legal under the 14th Amendment which states subject to the the Jurisdiction thereof.
What law are they breaking?

US law.

Ergo, illegals are under our jurisdiction. Ergo, their children born here are citizens. Simple as that.

By the way, did you read the case? Wong Kim Ark's parents weren't allowed to become citizens due to bigoted laws in the US at the time which excluded Chinese from attaining citizenship.

As the child of parents of an excluded race, Wong Kim Ark was Chinese, and it was believed by your bigoted political ancesters the exclusion applied to him, too.

But thanks to the 14th amendment, it didn't.

Same for the children of illegals.

There isn't much difference between the bigots of 120 years ago who targeted Chinese and the bigots of today who target Mexicans.
Illegals are under our jurisdiction, just like Wong Kim Ark's parents were under our jurisdiction. That's the similarity, and the only thing that matters.

Children born to parents under our jurisdiction are citizens, period.
No... sorry... and repeating that garbage isn't going to change it.
You can't debate a fact. Sorry.

Are illegals under US jurisdiction, or not?

If they aren't, then they aren't breaking our laws.

You lose.
In the 1890s, Chinese foreigners in the US could not attain citizenship. There were bigoted laws on the books preventing them from doing so.

When Wong Kim Ark was born in the US to parents from China, the nativists felt that Wong Kim Ark was not allowed to be a citizen since he was of the Chinese race.

Though the law forbade his parents from being citizens, they were still under US jurisdiction, which meant Wong Kim Ark had birthright citizenship under the 14th amendment. So sayeth the Supreme Court in 1898.

Now we have modern day nativists who think the illegal status of the parents of a child born here means the child is not allowed to be a citizen.

They are wrong for exactly the same reasons as their bigoted political ancestors were in 1898. The parents of the children born in the US are under US jurisdiction. Therefore, their children have birthright citizenship.
The garbage comes from the nay sayers like Peach and JimBowie.

They can start an amendment process.
Levin is as much an idiot as Trump, and just as wrong
I have to disagree. Levin is not a thinker or philosopher; he is an entertainer, making his money by selling outrage on Retard Radio, and by selling his books to his loyal listeners.

Trump is a professional politician that doesn't rely upon patrons to sponsor his campaigns. He is a "loose cannon."
Yup......a politician who isn't bought is a really loose cannon.

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