Mark Levin Show, every day.

You say that like it's a good thing.

How long ago were you tards saying

"Well no one listens to Rush anyway" because he was such a lunatic
I never said any such thing. Turds like you were saying it.
Levin will be one of the people who deserve serious scrutiny if these Rambo wannabes start the civil war they so desire.
You treat half the population like slaves. And the kicker is most of them have more important jobs then the city slickers do as they provide the living while the others serve no purpose but paperwork and mind games to other citizens.
One of the primary architects of the alternate universe.
you give him too much credit…God created the universe that we all live in called reality…sure it’s an alternative from the demafasict cult you live in.
Testing something:
I could never be a Democrat, Trumpster. I'm not a sheep.

You wouldn't understand, obviously.
I am first a born again citizen of the United States. I am second a mother and widow of the best man who ever lived. I am third a Republican, and I support President Trump's First Lady, his Staff who were wrongfully sent to Prison by a hyperpartisan and morally corrupt powermonger chairing Speaker's job in the Congress; I support Trump fiscal policies, his Clean up the Ocean efforts, and championing of Peace in the Middle East. The evidence of his stolen election is in accordance with my accidental finding of Democrat precinct chairmen who were having a little braggart convention online at the former boards run by Time Magazine, and the subject was who cast the most illegal votes in their precinct with the Michigan representative claiming the most repititious votes for whoever ran against incumbent President Dubya. I was horrified, I tell you. I was totally horrified and I never forgot that reading and posted my distastefor their criminal changing of the votes in their precincts to give the advantage to Democrats running for office, although they did not win it. In my humble opinion, these criminal vote addons continued through the next 20 years of elections, each year becoming more criminal than the last.

I thank God for President Trump's fastidious selection of good advisers in fiscal, environmental, and diplomatic efforts that won the approval of numerous countries around the world for his excellence in bringing the Middle Eastern countries close together. I think that the soiled Democrats put a tombstone on world peace for the arrogant reason they didn't bother to think of it, and as I am typing, Russia is smacking its hatemongering of a country who already suffered a million murdered farmers under Stalin in WWII when nobody was noticing as Hitler's Holocaust was getting the attention it deserved, but unfortunately, to the Ukrainian people, their loss of life is a black mark on Russia.

I hope Russia gets a grip on the harm they would do to a country they got even with for all time in the 40s when they were starving out the farmers, of all people who work hard for their money earned from tending to animals and tending to vegetables. No more bloodbaths for the Ukrainian people.
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I always wonder how much helium that guy ingests before his "lectures"....
Dr. Levin is very enthusiastic about the Constitution of the United States and the nation's people. He calls himself a RINO, because while he may vote Republican from time to time, he is not associated and never intends to be stuck with any given party. Case in point is when both Democrats and Republicans passed the expensive Biden budget(s) in the history of this nation, the amounts they agreed to would pay for every war America has ever engaged in including WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, the War Between the States, the Spanish-American War, and the Revolutionary War. The New Green Deal ignores the fact that mankind had a negligible effect on the "global warming" and the cyclical cooling off recently. The effect many scientists say is due to mankind is far less than 2 percent. That does not justify the amount the Democrats want to have in their pockets without sharing with other Americans nor the world for that matter on account of greedy AOC's GreenND, I might add.

Don't tell me you hate the Constitution as much as Hillary, Maxine, Nancy, et al, by their misdeeds that are counter to everything the founders established to benefit the common man. If AOC is the future of the Democrat Party, there are going to be a lot of Dress Designers putting a lot of money into the bank. :rolleyes-41:
I will say he THINKS he's a constitutional scholar. Pretty hard when all he does is talk shit about his biased politic.
so you’ve never heard him?

no he’s actually a constitutional law scholar, having practice con law as well as civil rights lawyer
so you’ve never heard him?

no he’s actually a constitutional law scholar, having practice con law as well as civil rights lawyer
More than enough of that windbag. You believe all he has to say. Sychophant is the word for that.
"Yeah, I said it!"

And taking credit when it was said before many times by others. So brilliant.
He doesn't take credit for the phase, dummy. It's merely a signature expression of his, and he occasionally uses it to punctuate decisive observations.
Mark Levin Show is on his website every day. Once a week just isn't enough! (IMHO)

Check out today's lecture:

It is the one dated 2/12/2002, and I love it! Go Mark Levin!


I thought Alex Jones got really angry.

I think I would suffer from health problems and stress if I listened to so much negative neo-con propaganda on a regular basis.

There is some truth there, much of it is just for ratings and is pretty much pandering and false though.

He seems to be. . .

btw. . . the GOP does gerrymandering, when the DNC does it, they call it. . . "redistricting." :auiqs.jpg:
I will say he THINKS he's a constitutional scholar. Pretty hard when all he does is talk shit about his biased politic.
More than enough of that windbag. You believe all he has to say. Sychophant is the word for that.
i get that is a trait your cult follows…but it’s untrue for those of us in reality.

Nor is it what Levin expects from his listeners… i’ve listen to him, he expects people to go find out things for themselves. i do respect some of his opinions and logic though…but don’t believe everything he says, as they are often opinions he has formed

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