Mark Levin: "Stop hiding, Liz. Come on my radio show where we can debate"...Cheney: "When you return to being a principled conservative, I’ll come on"

I have to admit, watching all of this love from the Left for a Republican - let alone one named Cheney- is quite entertaining; knowing full well that if Liz stands in the way of Democrats, they will destroy her like they did Trump.
If Hitler rose from the dead and said he hated Trump the left would fire up the ovens.
Doesn’t matter how great a leader you are if you have to acquire power illegally.
If the election for President were held today, Republicans could run Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd and beat Biden and Harris.
If the election for President were held today, Republicans could run Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd and beat Biden and Harris.
Probably not but that’s not the point.

Cheney is standing up for the system we’ve used for hundreds of years to govern ourselves. The fact that a lot of Republicans hate her for that demonstrates their abandonment of our values.
Her principles are that she and her family have a personal beef with Donald Trump. I’m not criticizing her for that but I don’t doubt the weight of the personal angle.
That’s the totality of it.
He did not treat the Dickster with reverence
Probably not but that’s not the point.

Cheney is standing up for the system we’ve used for hundreds of years to govern ourselves. The fact that a lot of Republicans hate her for that demonstrates their abandonment of our values.
You've also swallowed the propaganda. She's been assigned by the Republican elites to hurt Trump. It's revenge, nothing as noble as the media would have you believe.
She will go down fighting with her head held high
Something a majority of her Trump fearing Republicans will be unable to do
Going down is something she is probably used to. Who cares as long as she is out of politics.
Name all those "conservative" principles to which Liz adheres.

Which one doesn’t she adhere to?

Gun rights
Energy production
Abortion restrictions
Defense spending

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