Married lesbian trio from Massachusetts expecting first child together


VIP Member
Jan 30, 2014
'Throuple' Brynn, Doll and Kitten Young tied the knot in Aug. 2013 and have decided expand their family through in vitro fertilization.

Lee Moran
Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 9:20 AM

Three women and a baby!

A married lesbian trio from Mass. is expecting its first child.

Brynn, Doll and Kitten Young - who claim to the only "throuple" in the world - are expecting their newborn in just 3 months time.

Doll, 30, and Brynn, 32, had been together for 2-and-a-half years when they decided to spice up their relationship with an additional partner.

Smitten after meeting Kitten, 27, through a threesomes' website, they decided to tie the knot to each other last August.

And, after undergoing IVF with an unknown sperm donor, the youngest of the group is now with child.

"The three of us have always wanted kids and wanted to grow our family," Kitten, who like Doll took IT expert Brynn's surname because she is the main breadwinner, told The Sun.

Read more: Married lesbian trio from Massachusetts expecting first child together - NY Daily News
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And they are not married. Two are married to each other, the other is just a hanger on.
So weird:

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Already a thread on this.

And they are not married. Two are married to each other, the other is just a hanger on.

Good, that's beautiful, hopefully she can tie the not with them once these discriminatory laws against polyandry are removed.
Already a thread on this.

And they are not married. Two are married to each other, the other is just a hanger on.

Apparently they had a second marriage ceremony to join the three of them. Whether it is recognized by the gov't or not, they have their asset equally divided & shared.

I seem to recall some of the neocons saying gays could marry all they want, the state just wasn't going to recognize it. These women seem to be working within that framework.
And only one is a parent. Who is the dad?
How arrogant can people be to intentionally deny a human being the opportunity to be raised by his two actual parents.
Neocon homofascists.

The child will be raised by his parents. The fact that some guy jerked off into a cup does not make him one of the parents. It looks as though this child will have a full-time, stay at home Mom. Most kids don't.
Good, that's beautiful, hopefully she can tie the not with them once these discriminatory laws against polyandry are removed.

This already occurs in Utah, but rarely and only when the people are controlled by both religion and dogmatic thinking. No freedom there. Funny that heterosexual marriage is not debated as half end in divorce and recrimination, and many create scarred children. So far all mass murderers came from heterosexual marriage. So maybe so called normal marriage doesn't work much better? Just maybe we need to solve other problems and get out of others bedrooms and homes. You think.

"Being the first wife means that everybody hates you and those other wives are just waiting for you to fall from your perch, silently praying every day that you do. They won’t take any steps themselves to be rid of you but they won’t cry if you do go. Nothing good is ever said about you and nobody will ever back you up. You know this and you don’t like it, but the worst part is how cheated you feel. You originally married one man, not a man and several other women. But you wouldn’t give your spot up for the world. In a strange, small sense you nurture your bitterness and hurt. Being the victim can be a sweet pain. He treats you with extreme care and buys you nice presents. You’re the first, you know you’re the benchmark, and in the end, he always comes back to you. You’re the queen bee: the rest are just wannabes.You sleep in the big bedroom, you make the shopping lists and you have control of the money. You have his ear and ultimately, the final word on everything.Well, almost everything." Polgamy Problems - By Claire Zulkey
This is child abuse of the highest degree.

The poor kid will grow up mentally scared if not mentally ill.

And need psychiatric treatment for the rest of its life. . :doubt:

Were you raised by lesbians? I see more hate from you than from many people. That, to me, is a sign of mental illness.

If these women provide a loving home for their child then they are good parents. Their gender does not matter.
What matters to a child is that there is care and guidance in the home. If that home of three women provide that, then the child will have a good life. There are a great many apperantly hetereosexual couples out there that have one or the other partner that is bi or homo in private. And many of them manage to have good homes for their children. Just as there are hetereo's tht provide a terrible home life for their children. I have not observed that the sexual orientation is an indicator of the quality of parenting abilities.
What matters to a child is that there is care and guidance in the home. If that home of three women provide that, then the child will have a good life. There are a great many apperantly hetereosexual couples out there that have one or the other partner that is bi or homo in private. And many of them manage to have good homes for their children. Just as there are hetereo's tht provide a terrible home life for their children. I have not observed that the sexual orientation is an indicator of the quality of parenting abilities.

What would matter to me if I were a child is that my parents are normal. I can picture myself running away from home at age 5 in this case. I'd rather live with a pack of hyenas.

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