Marshall Plan for dummies - largest capital injection a country ever got from another


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Marshall Plan - the resurrection of Germany - where the name really comes from.
Last Prophet revealed that Obama's first name, Barack, has its origins in two airforce marshals.
Talk of one of those two marshals:

Marshall Plan, largest capital injection a country ever got from another country: meaning revealed worldwide first
Truman, the invisible senator, became vice-president January 20, 1945, before Hitler promoted him to the last Generalfeldmarschall.

At this point it should be clear:
- why one of the US Generals was supposedly named Marshall.
- why the plan to "punish" the nazis for the most horrible crimes ever was the largest capital injection that a country ever got from another country.
- why did "General Marshall" step on stage January 21, 1947 to play US Secretary of State until January 20, 1949.

In other words: what "Marshall Plan" really means.

Marshall Plan - in the REAL Expenditures table Germany got more than all the rest together.

General Marshall

Obama's first name, Barack - where does it come from, revealed first and so far only by Last Prophet.
Obamessiah, the false prophet created by the illuminati to play the ultimate suicide bomber: BARACK Obama: first name comes from Truman and Mubarak, both Field Marshals

search for Truman at:
1918, 1945, 2004, NOW: what did/do the illuminati control: FOUR Key dates of Illuminati End Times
History of End Times: 1918, 1945, 2004, NOW: what did/do the illuminati control: FOUR Key dates of Illuminati End Times

IV Reich, lead by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: Marshall Plan for dummies - largest capital injection a country ever got from another country exposed, starting with its name
You're clearly insane, but worse than that, you're factually wrong. Truman was never a field marshal. He was a mere captain. The US has never had a field marshal in any event (although MacArthur was field marshal of the Philippine Army).

Mubarak was an Egyptian Air Force officer. He was an Air Marshal, not a field marshal.
Funny how the secretary of state got to put his name on it when he had nothing to do with drawing up the plan. We gave tons of money when we could least afford it to rebuild Europe and then the Russians put up the "wall" and isolated Berliners while pompous ass JFK told them "we are all Berliners" and then went home to let them be shot in the back for trying to reach their relatives. Meanwhile the rest of the ungrateful mob still hate us. Brilliant work.
while pompous ass JFK told them "we are all Berliners"

Actually, what he said was "ich bin ein Berliner" We wanted to say "I am a Berliner" and should have said "ich bin einen Berliner."

Instead what he really said was "I am a jelly donut."
The Marshall Plan, named after the Secretary of State after a speech he gave at Harvard, was implemented in 1948 to help rebuild Western Europe after WWII. WWI left Germany devastated and the Treaty of Versailles made it impossible for Germany to rebuild and sustain the people. This hardship was one of the main directives that pushed Hitler to enact revenge, and what he used to gather support of the German people. WWI was the Kaiser's fault, but leaving a country in a dire situation, and making it impossible for that country to feed its people through strict sanctions that inflicted even more hardships on the people--is asking for trouble. The US and allies learned this lesson the hard way. The Marshall Plan was the first plan to aid foreign states in the attempt to keep them from falling under dictators bent on destruction.
The Truman Doctrine (1947) was implemented as an aid plan to attempt to keep countries from joining countries that were perceived as a threat to the allies. This was a plan of containment against the Soviet Union.
Truman was VP during WWII until Roosevelt died so I think if he was double-dipping as a VP for the US and serving in Hitler's military at the same time--somehow, I think this would have made front page news.

Did you know that the Illuminati infiltrated this forum? I read about it on their private blog.

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