Marxism In America

Republicans oppose money going to members of the working public. They want workers desperate and needy so that their donors can continue to have the lowest wages possible.
The fuck they do.... They're as big a bunch of welfare statists as their alleged "opposition".
Republicans oppose money going to members of the working public. They want workers desperate and needy so that their donors can continue to have the lowest wages possible.
And they do not value public education and are constantly cutting the funding.
Yes yes, Lenn was wrong about that just like he was wrong about everything else. Difference between socialism and Communism is dictatorship and only right wing brainwashed fools are for that, martial law under the Orange Clown Mussolini wannabe- how dumb can you get?
You really have no clue what a fucking bore you are, do you?
You like Trump's policies.........Just move to Russia.
They're already set in stone over there.

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I dropped out over 20 years ago, assclown.

Unlike deranged kooks like you, Cheeto Jesus isn't the singular focus of my life
Equity means someone else (the government) decides what resources you are entitled to based on their definition of equity. That's Marxist.

Climate Change is a vague proposition that humans can somehow control the climate but, the purveyors of that lie had to change the name of their own proposition to 'climate change' because there is no proof humans can change global climate. Still it exists and government controls it with whole economies have sprung up around it with government rules, regulations, special inspectors and on and on and on. That's Marxist

Government promotion of electric vehicles is certainly Marxist because it uses government control to guide the proletariat into buying certain commodities.

Although Marxists claim they do not promote central government control, somehow their policies always result in an overbearing, central control of the proletariat.
If you can’t actually cite specific democrat policies for what you’re talking about, you’re just wasting your time.

Idiot what democrat policy are you talking about when you say “equity”?

Climate change isn’t Marxist simply because you don’t like the science. Marxism isn’t some catch all term for anything you don’t like. The government “promoting” electric vehicles is obviously not Marxist. If it was, you would have to explain why the government promoting gas vehicles is not.
Gun restrictions and trying to get Trump removed from the ballot.

Nothing says "We know our policies suck" like trying to cheat elections in every imaginable way possible.
Lol none of that is Marxist.
If you can’t actually cite specific democrat policies for what you’re talking about, you’re just wasting your time.

Idiot what democrat policy are you talking about when you say “equity”?

Climate change isn’t Marxist simply because you don’t like the science. Marxism isn’t some catch all term for anything you don’t like. The government “promoting” electric vehicles is obviously not Marxist. If it was, you would have to explain why the government promoting gas vehicles is not.
The demented LEFT is always foisting cries of CRISIS and the climate change alarmism is just that, an IMAGINED crisis to create instability for CONTROL. It's Marxism 101 !!!
If you can't recognize that, you may be (are) a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie.
Teach 1619 Project , teach DEI , teach Israel Bad Arabs Good umkay
Try a news channel, What a load of hateful divisive anti American crap, hater dupe. Nobody outside your bubble of total BS knows what half your crap is about.... You hate everybody in the United States except for other brainwashed functional moron hater dupes and lovers of the mobbed up orange mussolini wannabe clown con man fraudster....
Try a news channel, What a load of hateful divisive anti American crap, hater dupe. Nobody outside your bubble of total BS knows what half your crap is about.... You hate everybody in the United States except for other brainwashed functional moron hater dupes and lovers of the mobbed up orange mussolini wannabe clown con man fraudster....
Try a new channel ( White Nationalists / Neo Nazi / Militia / III%ers ) ( Oathkeepers ) ( Fundy Christian Conservatives ) ...
Lol you are such a retard. Critical Race Theory is only taught in the college level. Even if that were the case, that isn’t a Marxist idea you dumb shit. Lockdowns sure as hell isn’t either. You’re all so pitifully, embarrassingly ignorant.

Part of you knows I’m right because of how butthurt you just got lol
Sorry wrong it is in fact taught at all levels and is in fact a maxist idea.

It merely replaces class with race
Lol a lot to unpack here. I don’t think you can even point to a specific democrat policy for any of that, but regardless it wouldn’t matter because none of that is Marxist.
We are allowed to be socialist's or MAGA here.
We are not required to like either.

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