Maskers gone wild

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What if, even after most of the vaccines have been administered, the Western world sets aside its former snobbery against Asia’s widespread mask usage, and adopts the practice in its public health strategy for mitigating the adverse effects of air pollution, which causes the premature deaths of about 4.2 million people in smog-choked cities every year? Opinion: When the pandemic is over we should continue wearing masks - The Globe and Mail
A/ our cities arent smog choked. B/ masks havent stopped any spread of covid. Leave us alone and work on some real problems like the budget and Govt bloat
The sooner we trash the masks the better off we will be.
Masks only make Liberal paranoid Hypochondriacs feel better
Masks should only be worn by the sick not the healthy
The only time masks can help with air pollution is if there is acid rain and the pollution has combined with fog to form acidic water droplets in the air that you can see.

The way to combat any epidemic is to squash it completely as quickly as possible, not to make it last longer and spread the most.
Masks cause reduced Oxygen intake

Reduced Oxygen intake causes gradual brain damage

Brain damage means Morons can't think for themselves

Mission accomplished !

This has literally been disproven countless times, Congratulations for trying to sling more bullshit I guess.

No, it has never been disproven.
Clearly you get less oxygen in the blood when you wear a mask.
They can be very uncomfortable and you feel like you are drowning or going to pass out sometimes.
If they worked it and there was a risk they avoided, that would be one thing.,
But most likely there not only is almost no risk, but the masks likely not only do not help, but instead do great harm by "flattening the curve" and making the epidemic last far longer than it normally would have otherwise.
Haha, so all these nurses and doctors who wear masks everyday as part of their job are doing so knowingly damaging their own health? Your logic is brilliant!

Doctors and nurses normally do not wear masks except for surgery.
When they do wear masks, they are not to hold back viruses, but large spit droplets containing large bacteria, so they are VERY porous.
When they are working in an infectious ward, they wear shield and have full body covering that often also include fans. But they also are not exerting themselves in these personal protection equipment suits, (PPEs). And they normally do not spend much time wearing protection, because it is not healthy.

You should talk to an emergency room doctor or two. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
The only time masks can help with air pollution is if there is acid rain and the pollution has combined with fog to form acidic water droplets in the air that you can see.

The way to combat any epidemic is to squash it completely as quickly as possible, not to make it last longer and spread the most.

I think masks help filter out the smell of people smoking outside of Walmart, for those sensitive to the odor of burning tobacco.

Maybe in the post-pandemic era, we can open up the country to smoking again, as an effective way to deal with it has been discovered.
Masks cause reduced Oxygen intake

Reduced Oxygen intake causes gradual brain damage

Brain damage means Morons can't think for themselves

Mission accomplished !

This has literally been disproven countless times, Congratulations for trying to sling more bullshit I guess.

No, it has never been disproven.
Clearly you get less oxygen in the blood when you wear a mask.
They can be very uncomfortable and you feel like you are drowning or going to pass out sometimes.
If they worked it and there was a risk they avoided, that would be one thing.,
But most likely there not only is almost no risk, but the masks likely not only do not help, but instead do great harm by "flattening the curve" and making the epidemic last far longer than it normally would have otherwise.
Haha, so all these nurses and doctors who wear masks everyday as part of their job are doing so knowingly damaging their own health? Your logic is brilliant!

Doctors and nurses normally do not wear masks except for surgery.
When they do wear masks, they are not to hold back viruses, but large spit droplets containing large bacteria, so they are VERY porous.
When they are working in an infectious ward, they wear shield and have full body covering that often also include fans. But they also are not exerting themselves in these personal protection equipment suits, (PPEs). And they normally do not spend much time wearing protection, because it is not healthy.

You should talk to an emergency room doctor or two. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.

You are just totally wrong.
I have been in emergency rooms dozens of times for things like stitches, etc., and they NEVER wear masks.
If they do now, it is due to the silly CDC regulations, which are coming from politicals, not medicals.
The only time masks can help with air pollution is if there is acid rain and the pollution has combined with fog to form acidic water droplets in the air that you can see.

The way to combat any epidemic is to squash it completely as quickly as possible, not to make it last longer and spread the most.

I think masks help filter out the smell of people smoking outside of Walmart, for those sensitive to the odor of burning tobacco.

Maybe in the post-pandemic era, we can open up the country to smoking again, as an effective way to deal with it has been discovered.

Never tried masks on smoke so not sure.
Smoke particles are millions of times larger than viruses, so maybe.
But I have seen a video of a doctor who vapes out through a mask, and it seems like smoke goes right through or around them?
Not sure.
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.

My brother agreed with you. He joked about eating in every Chinese restaurant he could find, just to prove the virus was a hoax. He's in the ICU on a respirator right now.

I hope he has a speedy recovery. It took me 11 days to get over it, but I didn't have it that bad. I was just real fatigued and what I would call a really bad cold.

That doesn't seem to be a possibility. They called in his children. Doctors say they just don't expect his heart to take the strain much longer. He has never had heart problems before. Two weeks ago, we were drinking beer and changing the oil in my mother's car.
Masks cause reduced Oxygen intake

Reduced Oxygen intake causes gradual brain damage

Brain damage means Morons can't think for themselves

Mission accomplished !

This has literally been disproven countless times, Congratulations for trying to sling more bullshit I guess.

No, it has never been disproven.
Clearly you get less oxygen in the blood when you wear a mask.
They can be very uncomfortable and you feel like you are drowning or going to pass out sometimes.
If they worked it and there was a risk they avoided, that would be one thing.,
But most likely there not only is almost no risk, but the masks likely not only do not help, but instead do great harm by "flattening the curve" and making the epidemic last far longer than it normally would have otherwise.
Haha, so all these nurses and doctors who wear masks everyday as part of their job are doing so knowingly damaging their own health? Your logic is brilliant!

Doctors and nurses normally do not wear masks except for surgery.
When they do wear masks, they are not to hold back viruses, but large spit droplets containing large bacteria, so they are VERY porous.
When they are working in an infectious ward, they wear shield and have full body covering that often also include fans. But they also are not exerting themselves in these personal protection equipment suits, (PPEs). And they normally do not spend much time wearing protection, because it is not healthy.

You should talk to an emergency room doctor or two. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.

You are just totally wrong.
I have been in emergency rooms dozens of times for things like stitches, etc., and they NEVER wear masks.
If they do now, it is due to the silly CDC regulations, which are coming from politicals, not medicals.

I don't spend much time in the emergency room, but my daughter has worked in them for 12 years. First as as a nurse, then as a Nurse Practitioner, and now as a Doctor. I'll have to go with what she tells me over some nutbag on the internet.
Are people following the mitigation regulations?

They are around here. People are almost universally wearing masks in Walmart, and bars,taverns and cocktail lounges are shuttered.
Nice. Keep up the good work!

It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
I don’t think that disproves anything. We know this virus spreads through human contact so if people aren’t distancing, washing and properly masking then it is going to spread. The fact that it’s spiking just tells that people aren’t acting safely. You can have all the laws and restrictions you want but if people don’t follow then it’s not going to be effective
Here, drink some more koolaid.
That’s all you got?! Haha
Simple logic dictates that if you are trying to stop the spread and the procedures that you are using are ineffective, you try something else. You don't try to convince everyone that you have a new set of clothes while you walk around naked. That would be insanity and you and your communist cohorts are insane if you think you are going to force your un American BS on me. Keep your nose right up that lemming's ass in front of you.
The reason why we’ve been so bad at stopping the spread is because of dipshits like yourself and Trump drones fighting tooth and nail against a United effort to practice safety protocols. Yes Dems leaders and liberals also break the rules but at least they are trying to push and support the right kind of messaging and actions. You all that try and push arguments that this thing is a commie hoax or masks don’t work or it’s bio terrorism from China are just straight up retarded
We are not fighting tooth and nail against a united effort to practice safety protocols. We are fighting against a GOVERNMENT OVERREACH to control a free population. If you haven't liked tooth and nail, you're really not going to like the lead injection you'll get if you attempt to infringe on my God-given rights moron. Stay in your own basement and STAY OUT OF MY LIFE.
You’re saying that chicken wire is just as effective as a cloth mask. You’re fighting against the recommended safety practices. That has nothing to do with laws and regulations and government control. You are trying to delegitimize those who are trying to promote safe practices because you’ve made it into a political fight. Had we United with a unified message and effort to distance and wash and mask up and actually followed through with it like a responsible society should be able to do... then there would be no need for lock down and laws and government intervention. But we are a country full of morons as you and you ILK prove on a daily basis

The whole lock down approach does not work, can not work, and has never worked.
What does work is full quarantine with contact tracing, herd immunity, vaccination, variolation, or something like that.
The ONLY time masks are at all useful is for a sneeze or cough because only then is there a projection of virus spores in the saliva droplets of any significant distance.
And that is not only exceedingly rare but I always have seen those wearing masks lifting it for coughs or sneezes.

If you knew anything about epidemiology, you would know that the smallest death toll comes from local burn out of hosts to create local herd immunity, which quickly ends the whole epidemic. So "flattening the curve" to prevent the burn out spike, is murder. It forced the epidemic to become perpetual instead.
That would be like every time Ebola was going to end by host burn out, deliberately providing some new hosts, in order to prevent the Ebola from burning out. It is the stupidest strategy in the world, that can never work.
I actually agree with a good chuck of what you said but fir the sale of debate I’ll address what I disagree with. The flattening of the cube was necessary to avoid hospitals from being overwhelmed. Now the methods of how the flattened are certainly up for discussion as there are certainly ways to do it better. I agree that a stricter approach would have yielded better results. Lock down hard for a month. Quarantine and distance as much as possible and this thing is practically gone. Another method would be to do a hard lockdown in the vulnerable while the less vulnerable conduct business. There were many unknowns at the beginning of COVID. I’m hoping we can learn from both the mistakes and successes and do much better if this kind of thing happens again.
Are people following the mitigation regulations?

They are around here. People are almost universally wearing masks in Walmart, and bars,taverns and cocktail lounges are shuttered.
Nice. Keep up the good work!

It isn't helping, deaths and infections are up- disproving the efficacy of the restrictions.
I don’t think that disproves anything. We know this virus spreads through human contact so if people aren’t distancing, washing and properly masking then it is going to spread. The fact that it’s spiking just tells that people aren’t acting safely. You can have all the laws and restrictions you want but if people don’t follow then it’s not going to be effective
Here, drink some more koolaid.
That’s all you got?! Haha
Simple logic dictates that if you are trying to stop the spread and the procedures that you are using are ineffective, you try something else. You don't try to convince everyone that you have a new set of clothes while you walk around naked. That would be insanity and you and your communist cohorts are insane if you think you are going to force your un American BS on me. Keep your nose right up that lemming's ass in front of you.
The reason why we’ve been so bad at stopping the spread is because of dipshits like yourself and Trump drones fighting tooth and nail against a United effort to practice safety protocols. Yes Dems leaders and liberals also break the rules but at least they are trying to push and support the right kind of messaging and actions. You all that try and push arguments that this thing is a commie hoax or masks don’t work or it’s bio terrorism from China are just straight up retarded
We are not fighting tooth and nail against a united effort to practice safety protocols. We are fighting against a GOVERNMENT OVERREACH to control a free population. If you haven't liked tooth and nail, you're really not going to like the lead injection you'll get if you attempt to infringe on my God-given rights moron. Stay in your own basement and STAY OUT OF MY LIFE.
You’re saying that chicken wire is just as effective as a cloth mask. You’re fighting against the recommended safety practices. That has nothing to do with laws and regulations and government control. You are trying to delegitimize those who are trying to promote safe practices because you’ve made it into a political fight. Had we United with a unified message and effort to distance and wash and mask up and actually followed through with it like a responsible society should be able to do... then there would be no need for lock down and laws and government intervention. But we are a country full of morons as you and you ILK prove on a daily basis

The whole lock down approach does not work, can not work, and has never worked.
What does work is full quarantine with contact tracing, herd immunity, vaccination, variolation, or something like that.
The ONLY time masks are at all useful is for a sneeze or cough because only then is there a projection of virus spores in the saliva droplets of any significant distance.
And that is not only exceedingly rare but I always have seen those wearing masks lifting it for coughs or sneezes.

If you knew anything about epidemiology, you would know that the smallest death toll comes from local burn out of hosts to create local herd immunity, which quickly ends the whole epidemic. So "flattening the curve" to prevent the burn out spike, is murder. It forced the epidemic to become perpetual instead.
That would be like every time Ebola was going to end by host burn out, deliberately providing some new hosts, in order to prevent the Ebola from burning out. It is the stupidest strategy in the world, that can never work.
I disagree with one other thing. Masks aren’t only useful when sneezing and coughing. Normal breathing and speech will project particles. Masks catch some of these particles and limit the distance and amount that are projected. The virus can still be spread but the chances of spread and severity are reduced. That’s a good thing
Once vaccines become common and all the at risk people have the vaccine, I am not wearing one, sorry suckas
Hiding from the air is an effort of futility.
Covid has been good for one thing for sure-it has rendered death from typically fatal illness to negligible
Masks cause reduced Oxygen intake

Reduced Oxygen intake causes gradual brain damage

Brain damage means Morons can't think for themselves

Mission accomplished !

This has literally been disproven countless times, Congratulations for trying to sling more bullshit I guess.

No, it has never been disproven.
Clearly you get less oxygen in the blood when you wear a mask.
They can be very uncomfortable and you feel like you are drowning or going to pass out sometimes.
If they worked it and there was a risk they avoided, that would be one thing.,
But most likely there not only is almost no risk, but the masks likely not only do not help, but instead do great harm by "flattening the curve" and making the epidemic last far longer than it normally would have otherwise.
Haha, so all these nurses and doctors who wear masks everyday as part of their job are doing so knowingly damaging their own health? Your logic is brilliant!

Doctors and nurses normally do not wear masks except for surgery.
When they do wear masks, they are not to hold back viruses, but large spit droplets containing large bacteria, so they are VERY porous.
When they are working in an infectious ward, they wear shield and have full body covering that often also include fans. But they also are not exerting themselves in these personal protection equipment suits, (PPEs). And they normally do not spend much time wearing protection, because it is not healthy.

You should talk to an emergency room doctor or two. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
I talk with them a lot as they have a lot of free time on their hands

With 200 million tests we continue to have a 6% hospitalization rate of all positives (one out of every 10 tests are positive or 20 million) Now I know lib dummies will jump on “but....but...but... that’s 1.2 million hospitalizations, our hospital are or will be (worst case again) overflowing” Well fright freaks they All don’t get admitted at once on one day-more like over a year or on order of 3,300 per day or less than ONE per hospital per day and that is even further mitigated by the number of releases per day. Now we know fright feelings freaks lockdown libbies don’t want to feel comfortable and assured but see how liberating the facts, stats and thinking can be?
Masks cause reduced Oxygen intake

Reduced Oxygen intake causes gradual brain damage

Brain damage means Morons can't think for themselves

Mission accomplished !

This has literally been disproven countless times, Congratulations for trying to sling more bullshit I guess.

No, it has never been disproven.
Clearly you get less oxygen in the blood when you wear a mask.
They can be very uncomfortable and you feel like you are drowning or going to pass out sometimes.
If they worked it and there was a risk they avoided, that would be one thing.,
But most likely there not only is almost no risk, but the masks likely not only do not help, but instead do great harm by "flattening the curve" and making the epidemic last far longer than it normally would have otherwise.
Haha, so all these nurses and doctors who wear masks everyday as part of their job are doing so knowingly damaging their own health? Your logic is brilliant!

Doctors and nurses normally do not wear masks except for surgery.
When they do wear masks, they are not to hold back viruses, but large spit droplets containing large bacteria, so they are VERY porous.
When they are working in an infectious ward, they wear shield and have full body covering that often also include fans. But they also are not exerting themselves in these personal protection equipment suits, (PPEs). And they normally do not spend much time wearing protection, because it is not healthy.

You should talk to an emergency room doctor or two. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.
I talk with them a lot as they have a lot of free time on their hands

With 200 million tests we continue to have a 6% hospitalization rate of all positives (one out of every 10 tests are positive or 20 million) Now I know lib dummies will jump on “but....but...but... that’s 1.2 million hospitalizations, our hospital are or will be (worst case again) overflowing” Well fright freaks they All don’t get admitted at once on one day-more like over a year or on order of 3,300 per day or less than ONE per hospital per day and that is even further mitigated by the number of releases per day. Now we know fright feelings freaks lockdown libbies don’t want to feel comfortable and assured but see how liberating the facts, stats and thinking can be?
Your so called facts are way too generalized. For example my local hospital has 20 ICU beds. 18 of them are COVID patients. That doesn’t leave a lot of room for the high schooler who just got in a car accident or grandpa who just had a heart attack.

Now for areas that reach the kind of capacity issues as my local hospital currently has what would you recommend?
I would no be surprised if many people continue wearing masks in public for years to come.

They probably will. I never did start wearing one. No one says anything down here.

My brother agreed with you. He joked about eating in every Chinese restaurant he could find, just to prove the virus was a hoax. He's in the ICU on a respirator right now.

I hope he has a speedy recovery. It took me 11 days to get over it, but I didn't have it that bad. I was just real fatigued and what I would call a really bad cold.

That doesn't seem to be a possibility. They called in his children. Doctors say they just don't expect his heart to take the strain much longer. He has never had heart problems before. Two weeks ago, we were drinking beer and changing the oil in my mother's car.

Sorry to hear that, I hope the best for him and you as well. I am truly sorry. My mother, 93, lives with us and only I got the virus. I am still surprised considering how contagious it is.

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