Mass graves of Palestinians discovered

1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.
Were those tents pitched on Arab land?

Where were they supposed to go? They were denied visas to America. This is exactly why Jews need one place in the world where they can go to freely.
Good one Georgie. "Peace loving Palestinians." Now THAT"S funny!

1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???

No different than any other "democracy" in the Middle East.

The last election in Palestine was judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the "wrong" people got elected. We will not let that happen again.
Mark Twain said in his book that Israel looked like a ghost town prior to 1948. Were those 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians all living underground? Where were they when Twain visited?
The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???

No different than any other "democracy" in the Middle East.

The last election in Palestine was judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the "wrong" people got elected. We will not let that happen again.

So that is why Abbas just appointed a Muslim Terrorist as Advisor? Interesting response, George.
What you got against Hamas? At least Hamas gets Palestinians killed. Consider the alternative. If Abbas & the P.A. were elected, Palestinians would now be living in Israel in their own Palestinian State with self determination.

The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???

No different than any other "democracy" in the Middle East.

The last election in Palestine was judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the "wrong" people got elected. We will not let that happen again.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???
And the Arabs who weren't ethnically cleansed from Palestine prior to that first "election" lived like refugees in concentration camps, or worse.

"The 1949–1956 Palestinian exodus was the continuation of the 1947-1949 exodus of Palestinian Arabs from Israeli controlled territory after the signing of the Cease fire agreements.[1][2][3][4]

"This period of the Exodus[5] was characterised predominantly by forced expulsion during the consolidation of the state of Israel and ever increasing tension along the cease fire lines ultimately leading to the Suez crisis."

So began the Only Democracy in the Middle East.
"The last election in Palestine was judged free and fair by all international observers. That is why the "wrong" people got elected. We will not let that happen again."

"WE" as in you and them ? so, you VOTED in the last palestinian election ?

.....also, did you just blame "OUTSIDERS" ("Int'l Observers") for.........."the wrong people being elected" can you help me out here.......? who are you talking about, abbass or, hamass ? the palestinians voted for hamass to be their leaders/the gov't. yeah, don't know which one you're referring to --- 2 completely different entities running things over there. the one that gets the 500 million from the U.S and the other:

who the U.S. didn't give the 500 mil to because they're a terrorist organization.

"'Terrorist' is an Israeli propaganda ("made-up") campaign."

oh really ?

who's that then ?

miss crabtree........

what kind of a disgusting, sniveling little man are you ?
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.

Only a year? Wow, they were lucky....... some folks I knew were still in tents 5 years later.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

The fact that you can't manage to refer to past history without inserting such blatantly unsupportable descriptors has convinced me that you are incapable of discussing the topic without an extreme bias.

Not to mention that the behavior of far too many Palestinian individuals, organizations and groups from well before 1948 into the present belies the ludicrous description of them as 'peace-loving' !
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???

You're forgetting to mention that the exact same thing occurred in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and a few other nations - as the result of an Arab League conspiracy to strip their Jewish citizens of every right and possession. Anyone who doesn't bother to notice the 950,000 penniless, landless refugees so abused at gunpoint by so many Arab League nations cannot be described as 'fair' or 'impartial' or 'objective' - or 'realistic'.
1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???

You're forgetting to mention that the exact same thing occurred in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and a few other nations - as the result of an Arab League conspiracy to strip their Jewish citizens of every right and possession. Anyone who doesn't bother to notice the 950,000 penniless, landless refugees so abused at gunpoint by so many Arab League nations cannot be described as 'fair' or 'impartial' or 'objective' - or 'realistic'.

Palestine had nothing to do with that. Why do you bring it up?
No different than any other "democracy" in the Middle East.

The last election in Palestine was judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the "wrong" people got elected. We will not let that happen again.

So that is why Abbas just appointed a Muslim Terrorist as Advisor? Interesting response, George.

I do not buy that lie. One sides terrorist is the other sides freedom fighter.
The last election in Palestine was judged free and fair by all international observers.

That is why the "wrong" people got elected. We will not let that happen again.

So that is why Abbas just appointed a Muslim Terrorist as Advisor? Interesting response, George.

I do not buy that lie. One sides terrorist is the other sides freedom fighter.

Good point.

He is not a terrorist in Palestine and he was appointed in Palestine.

To say that Abbas appointed a terrorist is just not true.
So that is why Abbas just appointed a Muslim Terrorist as Advisor? Interesting response, George.

I do not buy that lie. One sides terrorist is the other sides freedom fighter.

Good point.

He is not a terrorist in Palestine and he was appointed in Palestine.

To say that Abbas appointed a terrorist is just not true.
I done told you Tinmore, smoking that mixture of bellybutton lint and toenail clippings will mess up your head. Not a terrorist? Bwahahaha!
I do not buy that lie. One sides terrorist is the other sides freedom fighter.

Good point.

He is not a terrorist in Palestine and he was appointed in Palestine.

To say that Abbas appointed a terrorist is just not true.
I done told you Tinmore, smoking that mixture of bellybutton lint and toenail clippings will mess up your head. Not a terrorist? Bwahahaha!

The Palestinians should base their appointments on the name calling of foreigners?:cuckoo:
The guy was the commander of a group who killed a busload of people. In my book he's a terrorist. Are you saying he was an innocent, falsely imprisoned citizen?

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