Mass graves of Palestinians discovered

P F Tinmore, Hossfly, et al,

Let's wait until the forensic evidence and investigation is complete.

Good point.

He is not a terrorist in Palestine and he was appointed in Palestine.

To say that Abbas appointed a terrorist is just not true.
I done told you Tinmore, smoking that mixture of bellybutton lint and toenail clippings will mess up your head. Not a terrorist? Bwahahaha!

The Palestinians should base their appointments on the name calling of foreigners?:cuckoo:

In war and chaos, it is not uncommon for the victory to bury the dead in mass graves.

But, it is a little early to start the propaganda.

“The (Al-Aqsa) foundation will continue to conduct research and scientifically test the remains…to send media messages to the whole world that Israel is built on the skulls of the Palestinian people,” Abed al-Majid Ighbariya, the head of the files on holy sites of the foundation, said.

SOURCE: Mass Graves of Palestinians killed in 1948 Nakba Discovered in Jaffa*|*Intifada Palestine

Most Respectfully,
The first election held in Israel was after hundreds of thousands of people were removed from the voter rolls at the point of a gun.

Some democracy!???

You're forgetting to mention that the exact same thing occurred in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and a few other nations - as the result of an Arab League conspiracy to strip their Jewish citizens of every right and possession. Anyone who doesn't bother to notice the 950,000 penniless, landless refugees so abused at gunpoint by so many Arab League nations cannot be described as 'fair' or 'impartial' or 'objective' - or 'realistic'.

Palestine had nothing to do with that. Why do you bring it up?

Because the hypocrisy of ignoring the 950,000 refugees makes so much noise I can't hear anything else the people who refuse to acknowledge their situation try to say - especially when they start making noise about certain UNSC Resolutions. After all, those resolutions NEVER limited the 'refugees' under discussion to 'Palestinians'.

Because if anyone is honest in stating they want 'justice', the 'other' refugees need to be compensated for what was taken from them. All the Arab nations which call on Israel to give the Palestinians 'right of return' also need to support the rights of the 950,000 - and their descendants! - to be compensated for what was stolen from them.

Because of the time which has passed AND other factors, it is simply not feasible to just let everyone go back to their 'pre-refugee' locations. I am personally in favor of 'group' compensation - though given the heinously corrupt history of Palestinian "leadership" I can well understand why individual Palestinians would be very hesitant to rely on that!
"The Palestinians should base their appointments on the name calling of foreigners? "

Tinny, why the bleep not? Haven't people suggested the US should base our foreign policy on what other nations might think of us?
You're forgetting to mention that the exact same thing occurred in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and a few other nations - as the result of an Arab League conspiracy to strip their Jewish citizens of every right and possession. Anyone who doesn't bother to notice the 950,000 penniless, landless refugees so abused at gunpoint by so many Arab League nations cannot be described as 'fair' or 'impartial' or 'objective' - or 'realistic'.

Palestine had nothing to do with that. Why do you bring it up?

Because the hypocrisy of ignoring the 950,000 refugees makes so much noise I can't hear anything else the people who refuse to acknowledge their situation try to say - especially when they start making noise about certain UNSC Resolutions. After all, those resolutions NEVER limited the 'refugees' under discussion to 'Palestinians'.

Because if anyone is honest in stating they want 'justice', the 'other' refugees need to be compensated for what was taken from them. All the Arab nations which call on Israel to give the Palestinians 'right of return' also need to support the rights of the 950,000 - and their descendants! - to be compensated for what was stolen from them.

Because of the time which has passed AND other factors, it is simply not feasible to just let everyone go back to their 'pre-refugee' locations. I am personally in favor of 'group' compensation - though given the heinously corrupt history of Palestinian "leadership" I can well understand why individual Palestinians would be very hesitant to rely on that!

If you are saying that the Jewish refugees have the right to return, I agree with you.

It is just that the Palestinians had nothing to do with the Jewish refugee problem and they are unrelated issues.
"The Palestinians should base their appointments on the name calling of foreigners? "

Tinny, why the bleep not? Haven't people suggested the US should base our foreign policy on what other nations might think of us?

Just because some foreigners do the terrorist name calling crap does not mean that the Palestinians have to buy into it.
You're forgetting to mention that the exact same thing occurred in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and a few other nations - as the result of an Arab League conspiracy to strip their Jewish citizens of every right and possession. Anyone who doesn't bother to notice the 950,000 penniless, landless refugees so abused at gunpoint by so many Arab League nations cannot be described as 'fair' or 'impartial' or 'objective' - or 'realistic'.

Palestine had nothing to do with that. Why do you bring it up?

Because the hypocrisy of ignoring the 950,000 refugees makes so much noise I can't hear anything else the people who refuse to acknowledge their situation try to say - especially when they start making noise about certain UNSC Resolutions. After all, those resolutions NEVER limited the 'refugees' under discussion to 'Palestinians'.

Because if anyone is honest in stating they want 'justice', the 'other' refugees need to be compensated for what was taken from them. All the Arab nations which call on Israel to give the Palestinians 'right of return' also need to support the rights of the 950,000 - and their descendants! - to be compensated for what was stolen from them.

Because of the time which has passed AND other factors, it is simply not feasible to just let everyone go back to their 'pre-refugee' locations. I am personally in favor of 'group' compensation - though given the heinously corrupt history of Palestinian "leadership" I can well understand why individual Palestinians would be very hesitant to rely on that!

they (jews) are not and were not legal refugees for the most part, but there is an easy solution...let the palestinians return and let the jews go back to where they come from...or put them in refugee camps once the land is returned to her rightful palestinian owners.

even though time has passed and other factors i don't think will deter the feasability of the palestinian right of return, at least on their endd.

i suppose we could prioritise admitting palestinian refugees as immigrants to our country. hey, we could encourage jews to immigrate to their national homeland and the palestinians could live in their

corrupt palestinian anything about israeli leasership lately.
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1948 Mandate Palestine and 650,000 (mostly European) greedy Jews inflict their nation on 1.2 million peace loving Palestinians. Ancient Jewish mythology carries no legal authority today. One person; one vote in Palestine or Israel goes the way of White South Africa.

"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.

Only a year? Wow, they were lucky....... some folks I knew were still in tents 5 years later.

I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.
The guy was the commander of a group who killed a busload of people. In my book he's a terrorist. Are you saying he was an innocent, falsely imprisoned citizen?

All of us do not drink the Zionist Koolaid those who make comments like that do. I just laugh at Hasbara claims like that. I think of such claims as in the nature of tall tales/mythology. I think about Paul Bunyon. The word terrorist when used by Zionists is nothing but a word to demonize the enemy, name calling to divert attn from Israels war crimes.
"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.

Only a year? Wow, they were lucky....... some folks I knew were still in tents 5 years later.

I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.

Well, you should thank G-d that you were never a war refugee, almost dying from the cold in Siberia, returning to a Poland beset by pogroms, being denied visas to America, and finally getting to the only Jewish country in the world. Jews need at least one country in the world where they can go to freely, which also happens to be their ancestral homeland. Like Netanyahu said, "Israel was not created because of the Holocaust, but there would have been no Holocaust if Israel had been around at that time." Besides being very cold, you also aren't very smart for your own cause. If your aim is ending the occupation on the West Bank, dredging up what happened in Israel proper in 1950, only clouds the issue.
"they (jews) are not and were not legal refugees "

So it was 'legal' to strip entire communities of their citizenship and property and possessions and kick them out of the lands where they'd lived for millennia just because of *religion*, seal?

Because that is what you just said - that the ethnic cleansing by the AL nations was OK, but doing it to the Pals (by Israel - which I dispute occurred to the extent you've asserted) was 'a crime'?

The Jewish communities in AL nations were not *doing* nor even *saying* anything to those governments about attacking Israel - they were no different than they had been for centuries.

And for Tinny: Of course the Palestinians were not responsible for the ethnic cleansing by other AL nations (which also engaged in same against Pals!). Nor is there any thought by me of 'punishing' the Pals by 'denying' their 'right to return'. I truly believe there are many who would never be willing to be a part of a State of any size shape or form which included Israelis.

Since it isn't practical to simply return the lands and property and possessions the AL nations stole from their Jewish citizenry without creating a whole new group of 'refugees' - the only practical way to repair that crime against humanity is for the governments to offer monetary compensation. Now I haven't spoken to every one of those 950,000 and descendants, but the ones I have contact with have indicted they would accept a 'group' settlement to be given to the Israeli government (or parceled out to individual governments as something like 10% did not wind up in Israel).

The Israelis are going to have to compensate the Palestinians who were made refugees, too. I figure it could all be done rather like settling up a restaurant check for a large party: everyone pay what they owe and call it done.

I suppose it could be handled rather like any 'class action' settlement: vote to be included (and your comp goes to the treasury), or vote to be excluded and get your own lawyer for a settlement (file your individual claim).

And then everyone - as communities and individuals! - could be free to get on with their own lives and States and pursue their own dreams.

There is no reason to allow ANY nation to get away with not paying the refugees - ANY of them.

The main reason I suggested a 'group' settlement for the Pals, is that they will need a bankroll to set up their State, to establish modern infrastructure and services. Such a bankroll - which being their own property would not have strings attached! - would allow them to do what's necessary right away AND without having to ask anyone else's help. Haven't they been beggars long enough?

While there is not a 'one-to-one' correspondence between different refugee situations - "settling up" ONLY between Israel and Palestine will not be enough to bring peace to the region. For that, it will be necessary for ALL the ME nations to 'settle up' with one another.
The guy was the commander of a group who killed a busload of people. In my book he's a terrorist. Are you saying he was an innocent, falsely imprisoned citizen?

All of us do not drink the Zionist Koolaid those who make comments like that do. I just laugh at Hasbara claims like that. I think of such claims as in the nature of tall tales/mythology. I think about Paul Bunyon. The word terrorist when used by Zionists is nothing but a word to demonize the enemy, name calling to divert attn from Israels war crimes.

I'd like to thank you for a most salient and sagacious comment upon the situation, but..........
"Peace-loving" must be kidding! My mom and her family were some of those "greedy" Jews from Europe. They were refugees from Poland after the War, and they lived in tents for at least a year.

Only a year? Wow, they were lucky....... some folks I knew were still in tents 5 years later.

I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.

Spoken like one who's OD'd on Koolaid. Such language is used by those who attempt to denigrate and demonize those with whom they do not agree.....
Only a year? Wow, they were lucky....... some folks I knew were still in tents 5 years later.

I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.

Well, you should thank G-d that you were never a war refugee, almost dying from the cold in Siberia, returning to a Poland beset by pogroms, being denied visas to America, and finally getting to the only Jewish country in the world. Jews need at least one country in the world where they can go to freely, which also happens to be their ancestral homeland. Like Netanyahu said, "Israel was not created because of the Holocaust, but there would have been no Holocaust if Israel had been around at that time." Besides being very cold, you also aren't very smart for your own cause. If your aim is ending the occupation on the West Bank, dredging up what happened in Israel proper in 1950, only clouds the issue.

no more so than the moonies or mormons.

try to imagine the UN declaring the state of utah a nation and the chinese began supplying them with sophisticated weaponry. same deal. utah is their ancestral homeland now, isn't it?

there is no ancestral homelands. you left 2000 years ago. and some 3000 or 4000 years before that, you left what is now the iraq/iran region. it sounds like you are advocating that any group of people, based upon their religion, can pick an arbitrary point in time where they once lived and expel the current residents and set up a homeland. is that what you believe?

the seeds roman catholic church began with jesus of nazerth and his followers. israel is my ancestral homeland.

netanyahu is full of shite. why don't you tell me the jews of europe would have moved to israel. why aren't they doing so know, what with all the alleged "anti-semitism" being reported everywhere. there were a lot of other people killed by hitler during the holocaust and no matter what you think, that word is not the exclusive of jews.

why should the palestinian people be made to pay the price for what the russians aand germans did.
"corrupt palestinian anything about israeli leasership lately."

Seal, as you know the shortcomings of Israeli politicians do nothing to diminish the kleptocratic nature of past and present Pal 'leadership'. The thieving and nepotism and corruption within the PLO/PA and HAMAS is very well documented and widely known among the Palestinian people. I mentioned it because it is such a well-known problem and has been for decades.

It does those Palestinian people no good whatsoever for one of their erstwhile 'advocates' to play such semantic games as that while denying the facts.
Only a year? Wow, they were lucky....... some folks I knew were still in tents 5 years later.

I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.

Spoken like one who's OD'd on Koolaid. Such language is used by those who attempt to denigrate and demonize those with whom they do not agree.....

LOL...i remember a similar conversation i had with a yankee fan about an upcoming series with the red sox...i said...

"I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from"

he replied...l

"Spoken like one who's OD'd on Koolaid. Such language is used by those who attempt to denigrate and demonize those with whom they do not agree"

what there hell do you mean...are we supposed to agree with those who defend ethnic cleansing and the displacement of the native indigenous population?

your response is ridiculous and says absolutely nothing.
I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.

Well, you should thank G-d that you were never a war refugee, almost dying from the cold in Siberia, returning to a Poland beset by pogroms, being denied visas to America, and finally getting to the only Jewish country in the world. Jews need at least one country in the world where they can go to freely, which also happens to be their ancestral homeland. Like Netanyahu said, "Israel was not created because of the Holocaust, but there would have been no Holocaust if Israel had been around at that time." Besides being very cold, you also aren't very smart for your own cause. If your aim is ending the occupation on the West Bank, dredging up what happened in Israel proper in 1950, only clouds the issue.

no more so than the moonies or mormons.

try to imagine the UN declaring the state of utah a nation and the chinese began supplying them with sophisticated weaponry. same deal. utah is their ancestral homeland now, isn't it?

there is no ancestral homelands. you left 2000 years ago. and some 3000 or 4000 years before that, you left what is now the iraq/iran region. it sounds like you are advocating that any group of people, based upon their religion, can pick an arbitrary point in time where they once lived and expel the current residents and set up a homeland. is that what you believe?

the seeds roman catholic church began with jesus of nazerth and his followers. israel is my ancestral homeland.

netanyahu is full of shite. why don't you tell me the jews of europe would have moved to israel. why aren't they doing so know, what with all the alleged "anti-semitism" being reported everywhere. there were a lot of other people killed by hitler during the holocaust and no matter what you think, that word is not the exclusive of jews.

why should the palestinian people be made to pay the price for what the russians aand germans did.

I can't comment on ant-Semitism in Europe right now, because the only European country I've ever been to is Amsterdam (in Holland), where ppl were lining up to see the Anne Frank Museum. I do know that my mom said that Poland was rife with anti-Semitism after the War, perhaps because the Poles blamed the Jews for what happened to them. My mom said she remembers that the Poles set their synagogue on fire. Her family applied for visas to America, but they couldn't get them. They really had no choice but to go to Israel. My dad later brought my mom here.
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I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.

Well, you should thank G-d that you were never a war refugee, almost dying from the cold in Siberia, returning to a Poland beset by pogroms, being denied visas to America, and finally getting to the only Jewish country in the world. Jews need at least one country in the world where they can go to freely, which also happens to be their ancestral homeland. Like Netanyahu said, "Israel was not created because of the Holocaust, but there would have been no Holocaust if Israel had been around at that time." Besides being very cold, you also aren't very smart for your own cause. If your aim is ending the occupation on the West Bank, dredging up what happened in Israel proper in 1950, only clouds the issue.

no more so than the moonies or mormons.

try to imagine the UN declaring the state of utah a nation and the chinese began supplying them with sophisticated weaponry. same deal. utah is their ancestral homeland now, isn't it?

there is no ancestral homelands. you left 2000 years ago. and some 3000 or 4000 years before that, you left what is now the iraq/iran region. it sounds like you are advocating that any group of people, based upon their religion, can pick an arbitrary point in time where they once lived and expel the current residents and set up a homeland. is that what you believe?

the seeds roman catholic church began with jesus of nazerth and his followers. israel is my ancestral homeland.

netanyahu is full of shite. why don't you tell me the jews of europe would have moved to israel. why aren't they doing so know, what with all the alleged "anti-semitism" being reported everywhere. there were a lot of other people killed by hitler during the holocaust and no matter what you think, that word is not the exclusive of jews.

why should the palestinian people be made to pay the price for what the russians aand germans did.

If there is no ancestral homelands than the whole Palestinian/Israeli issue is moot right?
I have no sympathy for those foreign occupiers squatting on land the indigenous population was ethnically cleansed from.

Well, you should thank G-d that you were never a war refugee, almost dying from the cold in Siberia, returning to a Poland beset by pogroms, being denied visas to America, and finally getting to the only Jewish country in the world. Jews need at least one country in the world where they can go to freely, which also happens to be their ancestral homeland. Like Netanyahu said, "Israel was not created because of the Holocaust, but there would have been no Holocaust if Israel had been around at that time." Besides being very cold, you also aren't very smart for your own cause. If your aim is ending the occupation on the West Bank, dredging up what happened in Israel proper in 1950, only clouds the issue.

no more so than the moonies or mormons.

try to imagine the UN declaring the state of utah a nation and the chinese began supplying them with sophisticated weaponry. same deal. utah is their ancestral homeland now, isn't it?

there is no ancestral homelands. you left 2000 years ago. and some 3000 or 4000 years before that, you left what is now the iraq/iran region. it sounds like you are advocating that any group of people, based upon their religion, can pick an arbitrary point in time where they once lived and expel the current residents and set up a homeland. is that what you believe?

the seeds roman catholic church began with jesus of nazerth and his followers. israel is my ancestral homeland.

netanyahu is full of shite. why don't you tell me the jews of europe would have moved to israel. why aren't they doing so know, what with all the alleged "anti-semitism" being reported everywhere. there were a lot of other people killed by hitler during the holocaust and no matter what you think, that word is not the exclusive of jews.

why should the palestinian people be made to pay the price for what the russians aand germans did.

Actually, the Crusader Christians did try to get back Jerusalem a few centuries ago.
]"they (jews) are not and were not legal refugees "

So it was 'legal' to strip entire communities of their citizenship and property and possessions and kick them out of the lands where they'd lived for millennia just because of *religion*, seal?

Because that is what you just said - that the ethnic cleansing by the AL nations was OK, but doing it to the Pals (by Israel - which I dispute occurred to the extent you've asserted) was 'a crime'?[/B]
The Jewish communities in AL nations were not *doing* nor even *saying* anything to those governments about attacking Israel - they were no different than they had been for centuries.

And for Tinny: Of course the Palestinians were not responsible for the ethnic cleansing by other AL nations (which also engaged in same against Pals!). Nor is there any thought by me of 'punishing' the Pals by 'denying' their 'right to return'. I truly believe there are many who would never be willing to be a part of a State of any size shape or form which included Israelis.

Since it isn't practical to simply return the lands and property and possessions the AL nations stole from their Jewish citizenry without creating a whole new group of 'refugees' - the only practical way to repair that crime against humanity is for the governments to offer monetary compensation. Now I haven't spoken to every one of those 950,000 and descendants, but the ones I have contact with have indicted they would accept a 'group' settlement to be given to the Israeli government (or parceled out to individual governments as something like 10% did not wind up in Israel).

The Israelis are going to have to compensate the Palestinians who were made refugees, too. I figure it could all be done rather like settling up a restaurant check for a large party: everyone pay what they owe and call it done.

I suppose it could be handled rather like any 'class action' settlement: vote to be included (and your comp goes to the treasury), or vote to be excluded and get your own lawyer for a settlement (file your individual claim).

And then everyone - as communities and individuals! - could be free to get on with their own lives and States and pursue their own dreams.

There is no reason to allow ANY nation to get away with not paying the refugees - ANY of them.

The main reason I suggested a 'group' settlement for the Pals, is that they will need a bankroll to set up their State, to establish modern infrastructure and services. Such a bankroll - which being their own property would not have strings attached! - would allow them to do what's necessary right away AND without having to ask anyone else's help. Haven't they been beggars long enough?

While there is not a 'one-to-one' correspondence between different refugee situations - "settling up" ONLY between Israel and Palestine will not be enough to bring peace to the region. For that, it will be necessary for ALL the ME nations to 'settle up' with one another.

what i "just said" was that many of the jews did not fit the status of "refugee" according to the UN legal definition, which is the one that counts.

also, it would need to be decided on a case by case basis. jewish people since before 1948have been encouraged to emmigrate to israel. one notable incident was a short while back when ariel sharon visited france and told the french jews thay should leave because of alleged anti-semitic incidents. the french jews wisely told him "no thanks. french is our home."

the palestinians should be compensated by israel and israel alone although i suppose some argumenrt could be made that at the time of al-nakba. the 58 member states were responsible.

like i said, open our borders to them. make adjustments to the immigration laws. have israel compensate us for their care.

nothing will bring peace to the region until israel no longer exists. they are the sliver in that festering sore. israel is one of the most stupid mistakes the world has made.

that is just the way it is.

(also, i don't normally mention this to people but i think you deserve it. calling them "pals" is an ethnic and racial slur. it is common and most people don't know it but you do as i have mentioned it to you before.)
Well, you should thank G-d that you were never a war refugee, almost dying from the cold in Siberia, returning to a Poland beset by pogroms, being denied visas to America, and finally getting to the only Jewish country in the world. Jews need at least one country in the world where they can go to freely, which also happens to be their ancestral homeland. Like Netanyahu said, "Israel was not created because of the Holocaust, but there would have been no Holocaust if Israel had been around at that time." Besides being very cold, you also aren't very smart for your own cause. If your aim is ending the occupation on the West Bank, dredging up what happened in Israel proper in 1950, only clouds the issue.

no more so than the moonies or mormons.

try to imagine the UN declaring the state of utah a nation and the chinese began supplying them with sophisticated weaponry. same deal. utah is their ancestral homeland now, isn't it?

there is no ancestral homelands. you left 2000 years ago. and some 3000 or 4000 years before that, you left what is now the iraq/iran region. it sounds like you are advocating that any group of people, based upon their religion, can pick an arbitrary point in time where they once lived and expel the current residents and set up a homeland. is that what you believe?

the seeds roman catholic church began with jesus of nazerth and his followers. israel is my ancestral homeland.

netanyahu is full of shite. why don't you tell me the jews of europe would have moved to israel. why aren't they doing so know, what with all the alleged "anti-semitism" being reported everywhere. there were a lot of other people killed by hitler during the holocaust and no matter what you think, that word is not the exclusive of jews.

why should the palestinian people be made to pay the price for what the russians aand germans did.

Actually, the Crusader Christians did try to get back Jerusalem a few centuries ago.

well, you could call it crusader europeans as welol. it was a complex relationship between the church and states in medieval times.

i have always condemned the crusades and cringed when president bush invoked the word after 9/11. i do not deny the legitimate claims of the familires of indigenous jewish people to the parts of jerusalem they inhabited before the advent of zionism and where they once thrived as a community.

is that your answer to my questions. LOL.

i do find it starnge to see a jewish person "advocaate" the crusades.

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