Mass Shooting in Tulsa.

Whitey made you into a whiny bitch? Not likely, it's that utter lack of personal responsibility for your own actions that makes you a whiny bitch. Blame it on whitey is a pathetic excuse for continuous failure.
No whining here son. If I have failed, there is no such thing as success. So stop repeating idiocy boy. And stick to the thread topic.
Oh so you are basically saying that this is a pay back thing caused by the blacks eh ? Bull crap...

Black's are as capable as anyone to make good with their lives or not. The white's have payed their dues and sacrificed over many years in order to see to it that black's got a fair shake in life. They've taken that and done damned well with it over the year's now. Black's in a majority don't want white sympathy or hand outs or coddling from white's anymore. They want the same respect any American citizen gets when they apply themselves, and they don't want to be held responsible for the bad amongst them the same as anyone else.

Stop race baiting.
Bullshit. Whites were given things because of legislation. When we talk about handouts, the picture is of a white male. You don't speak for blacks, so don't try.
Oh so you are basically saying that this is a pay back thing caused by the blacks eh ? Bull crap...
No, of course not. You won't be guessing if that starts to happen.
Black's are as capable as anyone to make good with their lives or not.
No, if fact they aren't and you need it explained to you why not.
The white's have payed their dues and sacrificed over many years in order to see to it that black's got a fair shake in life. They've taken that and done damned well with it over the year's now. Black's in a majority don't want white sympathy or hand outs or coddling from white's anymore. They want the same respect any American citizen gets when they apply themselves, and they don't want to be held responsible for the bad amongst them the same as anyone else.
They always did want the same respect as whites but they were held down and now you American whites can live with the consequences.
Stop race baiting.
Stop talking like a racist.
No...the FBI did.........

You are going to include gang shootings because you are a liar.......

Gang shootings are a different crime from mass public shootings....

The problem for you is that if you don't live in a democrat party controlled city, in the tiny areas where the democrats release violent gang have little to fear from shootings...

Mass public shootings get 24/7 media coverage so more uninformed Americans are afraid of them.....

You mix gang shootings into the number to lie to the uninformed, making it seem like mass public shootings happen every day....

I showed you the data base....we had a total of 6 in 2021........

You can't stampede uninformed Americans into giving up a Right based on 6 you lie.
I'm including gang shootings.

They're shootings

They're American.

They're mass.

They're fact, and not lies.

And they and other shooting are happening more than twice a day on average.
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No, of course not. You won't be guessing if that starts to happen.

No, if fact they aren't and you need it explained to you why not.

They always did want the same respect as whites but they were held down and now you American whites can live with the consequences.

Stop talking like a racist.
Stop race baiting leftist..
I'm including gang shootings.

They're shootings

They're American.

They're mass.

They're fact, and not lies.

And they and other shooting are happening more than twice a day on average.

Using them to lie about two different crimes is typical of left wing anti-gun extremists…reality doesn’t support your beliefs…so up you lie.
Yes, insomuch as it being an effort to keep them out of the hands of nutters. Yes, I think it will have an effect on the number of mass murders.

You dont?
Honestly? No, I don't. All rhetoric aside, I've been purchasing pistols and long guns, bolt action and semi-autos for most of my adult life and I've NEVER bought a single weapon from a licensed dealer where I wasn't already required to submit to a NICS background check and to sign a legal document that carries a warning of federal conviction for falsifying or lying about the conditions I was attesting to.

Is it possible that a person with a mental problem can purchase a weapon and not be caught in that screening? ABSOLUTELY. What changes would you suggest that would stop such a situation? It is near impossible to handle as many transactions per day as the system requires and to dig any deeper into each individual. Changing the legal age for purchase might catch a few but the last two slaughters by 18-year-olds are an extreme rarity. The truth is that only a minuscule number of killings occur each year with long guns of any description. Handguns, by far and away account for the majority of deaths and injuries.

The idea of banning semi-auto rifles with large capacity magazines is impractical to the point of lunacy. I'll use the typical ownership as an example. Let's say I own an AR-style and an AK-style semi-auto with multiple 30 rd magazines. New regulations on sales would not affect me at all unless the law was also written such that I couldn't ever sell my own property. How would that be regulated? How would anyone ever know? Registration is an absolute non-starter. It will set fire to the country.

The truth remains that only an extremely small number of gun owners go off and kill strangers and it is almost always a result of organic mental illness. How can the system adequately screen for that?

I have a question for you. Since I believe the most likely option for changing the laws will come with 10 Republicans who are willing to buy into a "red flag" statute, how would YOU write it? Who would be allowed to report the "dangerous person"? What requirements would there be to report the person? Can you report a stranger who you interact with online - like in a forum such as this? If so, where would the line be drawn so that false accusations could be screened out prior to the cops showing up at a person's door, demanding entry?
Not for much longer. We are going to get those weapons of war off our streets.
Volunteering for duty, are ya? Just curious, Lurch... how many Americans who are willing to fight to defend their 2A rights are you willing to see dead to get those "weapons of war" off our streets? 100? 1000? 100,000? At what point would it occur to you that you're a hypocritical political hack?
Bullshit. Whites were given things because of legislation. When we talk about handouts, the picture is of a white male. You don't speak for blacks, so don't try.

We have yet to see your documentation from Biden that you're black.
Honestly? No, I don't. All rhetoric aside, I've been purchasing pistols and long guns, bolt action and semi-autos for most of my adult life and I've NEVER bought a single weapon from a licensed dealer where I wasn't already required to submit to a NICS background check and to sign a legal document that carries a warning of federal conviction for falsifying or lying about the conditions I was attesting to.

Is it possible that a person with a mental problem can purchase a weapon and not be caught in that screening? ABSOLUTELY. What changes would you suggest that would stop such a situation? It is near impossible to handle as many transactions per day as the system requires and to dig any deeper into each individual. Changing the legal age for purchase might catch a few but the last two slaughters by 18-year-olds are an extreme rarity. The truth is that only a minuscule number of killings occur each year with long guns of any description. Handguns, by far and away account for the majority of deaths and injuries.

The idea of banning semi-auto rifles with large capacity magazines is impractical to the point of lunacy. I'll use the typical ownership as an example. Let's say I own an AR-style and an AK-style semi-auto with multiple 30 rd magazines. New regulations on sales would not affect me at all unless the law was also written such that I couldn't ever sell my own property. How would that be regulated? How would anyone ever know? Registration is an absolute non-starter. It will set fire to the country.

The truth remains that only an extremely small number of gun owners go off and kill strangers and it is almost always a result of organic mental illness. How can the system adequately screen for that?

I have a question for you. Since I believe the most likely option for changing the laws will come with 10 Republicans who are willing to buy into a "red flag" statute, how would YOU write it? Who would be allowed to report the "dangerous person"? What requirements would there be to report the person? Can you report a stranger who you interact with online - like in a forum such as this? If so, where would the line be drawn so that false accusations could be screened out prior to the cops showing up at a person's door, demanding entry?
Yes, you are absolutely right..... The falsifying or the weaponizing of "accusations" is a super slippery slope that can be easily abused by political group's and politicians in order to harass and agitate their political enemies (Hillary verses Trump 2016 campaign). It would tie up the system with false "accusations", otherwise in expectation of actions being taken after the false accusations are made (4 long year's, and the false accusations are still flying or rather they are still being promoted).

The only way to stop what is going on today, is to reinstate the hanging judge's of old...... They will contend with the perp in an emergency session that allows for a speedy process in order to hang the killer that week at sun up Friday morning, otherwise if the court session started that Monday morning. No more heinous killer's living on the good citizen's dime/taxpayer money for year's after such a horrendous crime was committed. If was killed during the shootout, and it was a school shooting, then his body will be hoisted up the flag pole by his feet where it will hang there as a warning for anyone who thinks in such a way, otherwise that killing the innocent is ok when it is an extremely bad idea.

The buzzard's should be allowed to pick his body clean as he hangs there for all to see. The buffalo killer should be brought there in a cage to be forced to watch the buzzard's consume their dinner until nothing but the skeleton remained.

After that he is returned for his justice by hanging. The gallows should be built in the town square, and an appointment set for a sunrise execution... The buffalo killer is brought to the gallows where a hood is placed over his head while citizen's look on. He is asked does he have any last words, and then he is hanged by his neck until dead.

This is the only and best solution in order to gain back control over these psycho's.

A strong message of retaliation by our justice system is the only deterrent for criminal's to fear, and it is to be used as a training tool or a way to get out a message to our young.

Want to tame the uncivilized, then meet them on their level except having a righteous justice in mind when doing so.

It is the only solution to winning back our civilization. Gun's are absolutely not the problem, and the Democrat's hiding behind the excuse is doing nothing but kicking the can down the road to the next one.
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Not when the immigrants are treated as new citizens with full rights. America's crime problem is exactly that which you allude to. Blacks were never treated in an acceptable manner after Americans lost their slaves, and now you're paying a heavy price.

And there's no acceptance of the solution of reversing that. There's only more police brutality and other bad treatment of blacks to make it worse.

Did you know that mass shooting are up to about two a day now?
What are you talking about? I’ve got a dozen friends who are first generation immigrants. They were treated as new citizens with full rights.

Oh yeah. They went in the front door. You’re talking about people who violate Federal laws.
Bullshit. Whites were given things because of legislation. When we talk about handouts, the picture is of a white male. You don't speak for blacks, so don't try.
The blacks need a strong supporter of black fathers who need to take care of their own children which does not make the drug lords profit as they kill people with fentanyl.
If you don't like what you see about black children losing out, pay attention to their fathers living with the family they created with a woman they used as a wife who had his children. Until you support your own and encourage your colleagues to do likewise, blacks will continue to get the short end of the stick of fate. You can make a difference if you have the courage to, IM2. Go for it, sir. The world will be a better place for black people if you do and you encourage your colleagues to do likewise. Only best wishes.
The blacks need a strong supporter of black fathers who need to take care of their own children which does not make the drug lords profit as they kill people with fentanyl.
If you don't like what you see about black children losing out, pay attention to their fathers living with the family they created with a woman they used as a wife who had his children. Until you support your own and encourage your colleagues to do likewise, blacks will continue to get the short end of the stick of fate. You can make a difference if you have the courage to, IM2. Go for it, sir. The world will be a better place for black people if you do and you encourage your colleagues to do likewise. Only best wishes.
Yes, he needs to quit blaming other's for what he dam well knows is an actual cultural and brainwashing problem that keeps going on within some black mind sets who are being cultivated and constantly communicated in specific ways for political and societal short lived gains overall (i.e. waving out into the black communities as a form of propaganda used by leftist liberal white's and activist black's), as a deflection from their own schemes and bull crap in life.
The blacks need a strong supporter of black fathers who need to take care of their own children which does not make the drug lords profit as they kill people with fentanyl.
If you don't like what you see about black children losing out, pay attention to their fathers living with the family they created with a woman they used as a wife who had his children. Until you support your own and encourage your colleagues to do likewise, blacks will continue to get the short end of the stick of fate. You can make a difference if you have the courage to, IM2. Go for it, sir. The world will be a better place for black people if you do and you encourage your colleagues to do likewise. Only best wishes.
Exactly. Violence is a cultural issue. Gun free Mexico routinely has mass executions. But nobody wants to address the elephant in the room.
Yes, he needs to quit blaming other's for what he dam well knows is an actual cultural and brainwashing problem that keeps going on within some black mind sets who are being cultivated and constantly communicated in specific ways for political and societal short lived gains overall (i.e. waving out into the black communities as a form of propaganda used by leftist liberal white's and activist black's), as a deflection from their own schemes and bull crap in life.
Beale, you are closing in on the truth, and I hope IM2 and his colleagues set the world on fire with children who have daddies at home, and hear them cheering them on when they pitch a homer. It's a vision I've heard repeatedly, but is not taken to heart by all black men who could be the future of our nation if they decided to give their children's lives their best shots.

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