Mass Shooting in Tulsa.

Honestly? No, I don't. All rhetoric aside, I've been purchasing pistols and long guns, bolt action and semi-autos for most of my adult life and I've NEVER bought a single weapon from a licensed dealer where I wasn't already required to submit to a NICS background check and to sign a legal document that carries a warning of federal conviction for falsifying or lying about the conditions I was attesting to.

Is it possible that a person with a mental problem can purchase a weapon and not be caught in that screening? ABSOLUTELY. What changes would you suggest that would stop such a situation? It is near impossible to handle as many transactions per day as the system requires and to dig any deeper into each individual. Changing the legal age for purchase might catch a few but the last two slaughters by 18-year-olds are an extreme rarity. The truth is that only a minuscule number of killings occur each year with long guns of any description. Handguns, by far and away account for the majority of deaths and injuries.

The idea of banning semi-auto rifles with large capacity magazines is impractical to the point of lunacy. I'll use the typical ownership as an example. Let's say I own an AR-style and an AK-style semi-auto with multiple 30 rd magazines. New regulations on sales would not affect me at all unless the law was also written such that I couldn't ever sell my own property. How would that be regulated? How would anyone ever know? Registration is an absolute non-starter. It will set fire to the country.

The truth remains that only an extremely small number of gun owners go off and kill strangers and it is almost always a result of organic mental illness. How can the system adequately screen for that?

I have a question for you. Since I believe the most likely option for changing the laws will come with 10 Republicans who are willing to buy into a "red flag" statute, how would YOU write it? Who would be allowed to report the "dangerous person"? What requirements would there be to report the person? Can you report a stranger who you interact with online - like in a forum such as this? If so, where would the line be drawn so that false accusations could be screened out prior to the cops showing up at a person's door, demanding entry?

well.......we need to do public service announcements...for the friends, family and local authorities that make it clear that if they see the same dangerous behaviors from people they threatening to rape girls, starting fights in school, mutilating their faces, domestic violence at home.....and walking around with a bag of dead and tortured cats....that they can't just let these signs go without action, and without definitive action......

That is how you address actual mass public shooters....

Both the Texas shooter and the Buffalo shooter made themselves known to authorities with bizarre and violent behavior...beyond the normal problems that teenagers have....
Using them to lie about two different crimes is typical of left wing anti-gun extremists…reality doesn’t support your beliefs…so up you lie.
Mass shootings in America as opposed to something else that doesn't fit the description?

I couldn't care less how you want to counterspin that.
Oh so you are basically saying that this is a pay back thing caused by the blacks eh ? Bull crap...
No, I'm not saying it's payback, I'm saying that it's the consequences of Americans not coming to accept the loss of the slaves and the resultant fould treatment of the black population.
That's what makes America's problem so much worse than in other modern countries that gave up slavery.

And still, as you indicate, there's no will to change it other than deadly force.
Black's are as capable as anyone to make good with their lives or not. The white's have payed their dues and sacrificed over many years in order to see to it that black's got a fair shake in life. They've taken that and done damned well with it over the year's now. Black's in a majority don't want white sympathy or hand outs or coddling from white's anymore. They want the same respect any American citizen gets when they apply themselves, and they don't want to be held responsible for the bad amongst them the same as anyone else.

Stop race baiting.
Mass shootings in America as opposed to something else that doesn't fit the description?

I couldn't care less how you want to counterspin that.
Hardware issue or cultural?
A dry fire photo shoot that shouldn't be repeated with live ammunition. For obvious reasons.
Back in the day when kids were taught about guns all this mass shootings didnt happen. Maybe you leftust should stop drinking koolaid
Back in the day when kids were taught about guns all this mass shootings didnt happen. Maybe you leftust should stop drinking koolaid
Maybe it would be best to teach all kids about guns and teach them how to shoot a gun earlier?
Why the fk would you want to tell me? I'm a Canadian and can't do anything to help.
Maybe it would be best to teach all kids about guns and teach them how to shoot a gun earlier?
Why the fk would you want to tell me? I'm a Canadian and can't do anything to help.
NRA has been teaching gun safety and education my entire life Duck. As a child I went to hunter safety classes spinsored by the NRA
Do they have the Eddie Eagle program anymore? It taught gun safety in schools.
I dont know. Was a long time ago for me. Hunter safety is rrquired in Alabama for a hunting license unless you are grad fathered in
No, proving that when the uvalde shooting was aided and abetted by the "authorities" the MSM stopped talking about it in a beneficial way.

So, trot out the next one.

Expect a rash of these.

It is terrorism 101. Only now it's government types doing it.
More guns *mouth froth* shoot first *mouth froth*

I was expecting a month or two to the next shooting, not minutes. You guys have got the 2nd Amendment to a tee.
My dad used to routinely take his rifle to school to go rabbit hunting afterwards. As many did. If you read history, Ted Williams did too while growing up in San Diego.

Zero mass school shootings.
That was still possible in Canada not so long ago, at least in rural areas. America lost that privilege long ago and most likely long before other countries.

The mass shootings in America are running at close to two a day. That had to cause a negative reaction for gun lovers.
That was still possible in Canada not so long ago, at least in rural areas. America lost that privilege long ago and most likely long before other countries.

The mass shootings in America are running at close to two a day. That had to cause a negative reaction for gun lovers.
You just validated it’s a cultural issue. So stop with the gun crap and focus on the root cause.
More guns *mouth froth* shoot first *mouth froth*

I was expecting a month or two to the next shooting, not minutes. You guys have got the 2nd Amendment to a tee.
Two bipartisan Bills that would truly work against gun violence are being held up by Democrats.

More dead kids needed?
Thread 'My Moral and Intellectual Superiors Say Conservatives Want to Do Nothing About Gun Violence'
My Moral and Intellectual Superiors Say Conservatives Want to Do Nothing About Gun Violence
More guns *mouth froth* shoot first *mouth froth*

I was expecting a month or two to the next shooting, not minutes. You guys have got the 2nd Amendment to a tee.

Progressives loons are progressive loons.

We kill them, you let them out of prison.

I'm including gang shootings.

They're shootings

They're American.

They're mass.

They're fact, and not lies.

And they and other shooting are happening more than twice a day on average.
Yes they are shootings and the black community has asked for something to be done about guns for almost 30 years in order to stop the killing. We have been ignored but the racists want to pretend that blacks do nothing and don't care unless its a white cop shooting an unarmed black. I say this because I've worked in the black community and have stood before city councils fighting to get thiss done.

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