Mass Shootings. Inconvenient Facts

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The FACT is if you could wave your rainbow colored magic wand and end all mass shootings there would be no real reduction in murder rates.
The FACT is if you could wave your rainbow colored magic wand and end all mass shootings there would be no real reduction in murder rates.
So other people's children laying down their lives whilst you pluck assertions from your arse is a bargain price to maintain easy access to firearms?
So other people's children laying down their lives whilst you pluck assertions from your arse is a bargain price to maintain easy access to firearms?
Actually the data cited in the video was compiled from several studies.

And people die every second of every day but you don't whine incessantly about all those people
Actually the data cited in the video was compiled from several studies.
So what? You still consider other people's children a reasonable price to pay for easy access to firearms.

You actually make that argument with your 'It'll happen anyway' position.

Whereas none of the other developed countries have the human heart problem. Are Americans heartless?
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Another fact is that around 50% of homicides in the US are committed with handguns.

Severely restricting handguns so they were less available in the community would reduce both the firearm homicide rate and the overall homicide rate.

Yes they are as are most mass shootings. And the thing is that the powers that be know where the most murders occur and they don't care because these murders are young urban minority males killing other young urban minority males.

And restricting handguns only works on people who will obey the law.
Yes they are as are most mass shootings. And the thing is that the powers that be know where the most murders occur and they don't care because these murders are young urban minority males killing other young urban minority males.
The powers that be know they'll lose your vote if they do anything constructive about it, because you want to pretend the problem is other people rather than easy access to firearms, which you don't want to lose.

The funny thing is that all the developed nations have other people. Only one has an egregious rate of firearm homicides and mass shootings.

What on earth could be the deciding factor?
The powers that be know they'll lose your vote if they do anything constructive about it, because you want to pretend the problem is other people rather than easy access to firearms, which you don't want to lose.

The funny thing is that all the developed nations have other people. Only one has an egregious rate of firearm homicides and mass shootings.

What on earth could be the deciding factor?

Every responsible gun owner wants gun the gun laws we have to be enforced.

Every single incidence of a prohibited person possessing a gun or anu person using a gun in a crime is actually a state and a federal offence in this country BUT the powers that be ( the fucking government) almost always drop the gun charges in plea deals.

All these crimes carry a minimum 5 year sentence in a federal prison as well as time in state prisons. If the fucking government and law enforcement actually did their fucking jobs you foreigners wouldn't be whining about Americans and guns but as usual you don't know shit about why we have the crime we have because you really don't give a shit about the facts.
Well, the US is, all right, with its 2A arseholes.

Not really. Like I said most murders take place in very small very well defined areas in the country and everyone but you knows where those places are
The FACT is if you could wave your rainbow colored magic wand and end all mass shootings there would be no real reduction in murder rates.


Thoughts and Prayers do nothing to stop mass killings
Every responsible gun owner wants gun the gun laws we have to be enforced.
They are useless, as shown by comparing them with the laws of other developed nations without the US firearm homicide problem.

Stop moaning. It's only other people's kids after all.

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