Massachusetts Judge Orders Justina Pelletier To Be Returned Home

Oh brother. Your sucking up knows no bounds ^^^

Not sucking up.

Just bored with you clowns who are so paranoid the "gummit" is going to get you that you sign on to any whack who has an issue with them.

I'll actually go by what was in the Judge's ruling.

In a two-page order issued Tuesday, Judge Joseph Johnston dismissed the child-protection case against Justina’s parents, Linda and Lou Pelletier, arguing that they and others had shown “credible evidence that circumstances have changed” since his decision to place Justina in the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. He also wrote that in the month since Justina was moved to a residential facility in Thompson, Conn., her parents “have been cooperative and engaged in services,” including individual therapy for Justina and family therapy.

It was a remarkable change in tone from the judge’s ruling just three months earlier, when he determined the parents were unfit and awarded permanent custody to the state. At that time, he blasted the Pelletiers for behavior he contended was erratic and had doomed numerous attempts at compromise.
I'm sure when her insurance runs out, the folks at Tufts' will declare her 'Cured".

This was a problem of hypochondriac parents subjecting a child to unnecessary treatments.

"I don't want no gummit telling me I can't abuse my child!"
This was a problem of a child with a medical problem, being misdiagnosed as being mentally ill and illegally detained by some quacks an Mass.

I am beginning to wonder if you get off on being a loutish ignoramus.

Really? You've seen her chart?

Hey, here's the thing. She's been in the custody of the state not getting treatment for her imaginary malady for over a year, and she didn't get worse.


What do you mean she didn't get worse? She's in a wheelchair now. She used to be a competitive ice skater. How is this not getting worse?
Really? You've seen her chart?

Hey, here's the thing. She's been in the custody of the state not getting treatment for her imaginary malady for over a year, and she didn't get worse.


Really? You've seen her chart :rolleyes:

Even Mass DCF agreed she should go home. They effed up, doubled down for months and finally gave up.

Or they got her parents to agree to stop taking her to quacks trying to sell them snake oil.

You keep trying to call Tufts "a bunch of Quacks" when its one of the top teaching hospitals in the country.
Joe, you just proved how heartless you can be. You have zero empathy for those who are suffering. Put yourself in her parent's shoes. Well no... they would engulf you.
I'm sure when her insurance runs out, the folks at Tufts' will declare her 'Cured".

This was a problem of hypochondriac parents subjecting a child to unnecessary treatments.

"I don't want no gummit telling me I can't abuse my child!"
This was a problem of a child with a medical problem, being misdiagnosed as being mentally ill and illegally detained by some quacks an Mass.

I am beginning to wonder if you get off on being a loutish ignoramus.

Really? You've seen her chart?

Hey, here's the thing. She's been in the custody of the state not getting treatment for her imaginary malady for over a year, and she didn't get worse.

Her parents were on the air with Howie Carr for nearly an hour yesterday afternoon explaining the situation, you heartless pig.
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Joe, you just proved how heartless you can be. You have zero empathy for those who are suffering. Put yourself in her parent's shoes. Well no... they would engulf you.

You know what, no excuse for bad parenting would get my sympathy.

Doctor's told them all this shit was in her head. Turns out it was.
Her parents were on the air with Howie Carr for nearly an hour yesterday afternoon explaining the situation, you heartless pig.

Yup, that's what good parents do, enjoy their 15 minutes of fame on the Hate Radio circuit.
I'm sure when her insurance runs out, the folks at Tufts' will declare her 'Cured".

This was a problem of hypochondriac parents subjecting a child to unnecessary treatments.

"I don't want no gummit telling me I can't abuse my child!"
This was a problem of a child with a medical problem, being misdiagnosed as being mentally ill and illegally detained by some quacks an Mass.

I am beginning to wonder if you get off on being a loutish ignoramus.

Really? You've seen her chart?

Apparently you have....

Hey, here's the thing. She's been in the custody of the state not getting treatment for her imaginary malady for over a year, and she didn't get worse.


She got considerably worse, you dumb fuck. Don't you read?

Seriously, Joe, just shut up.
Yeah Tufts Medical Center is known for having quack doctors.
Joe, isnt it early to be hitting the MD20-20?

I'm sure when her insurance runs out, the folks at Tufts' will declare her 'Cured".

This was a problem of hypochondriac parents subjecting a child to unnecessary treatments.

"I don't want no gummit telling me I can't abuse my child!"
This was a problem of a child with a medical problem, being misdiagnosed as being mentally ill and illegally detained by some quacks an Mass.

I am beginning to wonder if you get off on being a loutish ignoramus.

It's simpler-and scarier-than that: to him, ANYTHING the government does, no matter how egregious, MUST be correct. Basically: he is a fully-brainwashed (well, more of a light rinse...) member of the Cult of Big Government.
Really? You've seen her chart?

Hey, here's the thing. She's been in the custody of the state not getting treatment for her imaginary malady for over a year, and she didn't get worse.


Really? You've seen her chart :rolleyes:

Even Mass DCF agreed she should go home. They effed up, doubled down for months and finally gave up.

Or they got her parents to agree to stop taking her to quacks trying to sell them snake oil.

She is going to return to Tufts, for EXACTLY THE SAME treatment as before she was kidnapped. Are you fuckin' stupid, boy?!
This family needs to bring a mega lawsuit against Massachusetts. I mean like eight figures.

No, they need to bring DOZENS of gargantuan lawsuits, against EVERYONE INVOLVED, from the first rent-a-cop at BCH to the head of DCF. The final payout should be in the BILLIONS.

After collecting, they need to put $1 million open contracts on everyone involved 5 minutes after their chartered private jet leaves US airspace bound for Costa Rica.
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Her parents were on the air with Howie Carr for nearly an hour yesterday afternoon explaining the situation, you heartless pig.

Yup, that's what good parents do, enjoy their 15 minutes of fame on the Hate Radio circuit.
IOW, you have no idea at all what you are blabbering about, you heartless pig.

I know that when someone's parenting level is so bad doctors, bureaucrats and judges feel a need to step in and the parent's response is to go on Hate Radio and whine about how the 'gummit' is oppressing them, then they probably weren't very good parents.
Joe, you just proved how heartless you can be. You have zero empathy for those who are suffering. Put yourself in her parent's shoes. Well no... they would engulf you.

You know what, no excuse for bad parenting would get my sympathy.

Doctor's told them all this shit was in her head. Turns out it was.

How can you explain how that was "all in her head"? You don't simply wake up one morning and say "Mom, Dad, I don't feel well, I have mitochondrial disease, can I stay home from school today?"

Perhaps if you were afflicted with the disease she had, and left to its mercies, perhaps you would feel a little bit of empathy. But I am surely convinced you are evil to the core, you lack compassion for anyone or anything.

You would probably let a cancer patient die at your feet with you holding the cure. People like you sicken me. No compassion or care for your fellow men. What a sad existence you must lead.
Joe, you just proved how heartless you can be. You have zero empathy for those who are suffering. Put yourself in her parent's shoes. Well no... they would engulf you.

You know what, no excuse for bad parenting would get my sympathy.

Doctor's told them all this shit was in her head. Turns out it was.

How can you explain how that was "all in her head"? You don't simply wake up one morning and say "Mom, Dad, I don't feel well, I have mitochondrial disease, can I stay home from school today?"

Perhaps if you were afflicted with the disease she had, and left to its mercies, perhaps you would feel a little bit of empathy. But I am surely convinced you are evil to the core, you lack compassion for anyone or anything.

You would probably let a cancer patient die at your feet with you holding the cure. People like you sicken me. No compassion or care for your fellow men. What a sad existence you must lead.

I had the exact opposite problem when I was a kid. I had some quack doctors who absolutely had my parents convinced I had a neuromuscular disease when I was a child.

You see, the real condition was that my Dad had a really awesome Union Insurance Plan, and there was money to be extracted. So after spending years with pointless, painful tests at Catholic Hospitals (reason #59 why I fucking hate religion with a passion) they finally figured out. Nope. The kid's just a bit clumsy.

Here's the thing. A team of Doctors at the other hospital concluded that this doctor at Tuft's was full of shit. When the parents wouldn't listen, they took their concerns to a state agency. The state agency pulled the kid out of that situation. They went to a judge, and the judge was so appalled by their conduct he revoked their parental rights until they went to consouling.

BUt all those people are wrong and Glenn Beck is right.
You know what, no excuse for bad parenting would get my sympathy.

Doctor's told them all this shit was in her head. Turns out it was.

How can you explain how that was "all in her head"? You don't simply wake up one morning and say "Mom, Dad, I don't feel well, I have mitochondrial disease, can I stay home from school today?"

Perhaps if you were afflicted with the disease she had, and left to its mercies, perhaps you would feel a little bit of empathy. But I am surely convinced you are evil to the core, you lack compassion for anyone or anything.

You would probably let a cancer patient die at your feet with you holding the cure. People like you sicken me. No compassion or care for your fellow men. What a sad existence you must lead.

I had the exact opposite problem when I was a kid. I had some quack doctors who absolutely had my parents convinced I had a neuromuscular disease when I was a child.

You see, the real condition was that my Dad had a really awesome Union Insurance Plan, and there was money to be extracted. So after spending years with pointless, painful tests at Catholic Hospitals (reason #59 why I fucking hate religion with a passion) they finally figured out. Nope. The kid's just a bit clumsy.

Here's the thing. A team of Doctors at the other hospital concluded that this doctor at Tuft's was full of shit. When the parents wouldn't listen, they took their concerns to a state agency. The state agency pulled the kid out of that situation. They went to a judge, and the judge was so appalled by their conduct he revoked their parental rights until they went to counseling.

But all those people are wrong and Glenn Beck is right.

And so, you are judging them now for what they did to you then? Sure, but that doesn't explain why you think you know more than her parents do. I mean, you have a bad habit of judging people without the slightest inkling of the facts.

Hey Sherlock, we have medical ethics laws in place for a reason, you should have taken your case up in the court of law. I'm really sorry for what those doctors did to you, but in the end, it does not excuse the rank insensitivity you've displayed here. You've let all of your life experiences paint a picture of reality that isn't there.
Moreover, the Massachusetts DCF screwed this one up big time. They lacked the medical expertise to handle this case properly. Apparently they didn't know anything about Justina's condition, and thought her parents were making stuff up. They were ill suited to referee her case.

Even the Massachusetts Legislature 7 years prior had suggested that the DCF add a medical director to help with these sorts of cases. But it has yet to do this. They were the root of the problem.

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