Massive Militia rally in Virginia, this month! WOW

A 2nd Amendment rally is one thing. Someone labeling it a militia rally is just inviting trouble. Was that done by investment watch or someone else? If investment watch I wonder who they really are, then. It’s stupid and dangerous.
Militia is as American as apple pie, ones that are against freedom will be against militia
I totally get the 2nd. I support it and understand the reasons for it. Our Founders were clear on it. But it is still asking for trouble to label a 2nd Amendment rally a militia rally. If you can’t see that, then I question even more who you are.
Men gathering to celebrate our rights bothers you? You seem like you have some personal issues you need to work out
Celebrating rights of the 2nd is all fine and good. But anyone with a lick of sense sees labeling it a militia rally is simply asking for bad publicity of that rally and encouraging negative attention.
What’s negative about a militia?
The very idea that the citizenry is armed.
A little late. They should have rallied before Va. elected a democrat majority in both houses not to mention a nut case democrat governor. Something ain't right about the Va. republican leadership in Va.. It wouldn't surprise me if dirty tricks democrats bused in thugs to disrupt the rally like they did in Charlottesville.

Remember, the scumbag who organized the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville was a Soros/OWS thug deliberately staging a violent confrontation, with the full knowledge and cooperation of CNN.

Reports: Man Behind 'Unite The Right' Was Occupy Wall Street Member, Obama Supporter

The SINGLE Nazi Flag was brought and carried by OWS thugs.

Remember, Lenin had his Bolsheviks dress up like Republicans and ride down his own people protesting in 1917 to create the illusion that the Republicans were just like the Czar.

Subterfuge is a well honed weapon of the left.
I live in Virginia. It is frightening to see that a massive rally of gangs of thugs in cammies is going to come to this beautiful state to start trouble. This scum should, and must be treated in the same manner as if they were members of the Crips or Bloods or MS 13. Just because they stupidly call themselves "militia" and yap about being "patriots," although they are the exact opposite, does not hide the fact that they are gangsters. They are not welcome.

I also live in Virginia, in one of the bluest zones. I think it's refreshing to see 95% of the Commonwealth tell Northam and his incoming band of morons to pound sand.

Under such circumstances, they are rendered powerless.

So you don't want the governor to act to protect us?

I want the governor to stand down from his nonsense before he bites off more than he capable of chewing, and causing real damage.

Would you like to see these thugs in your neighborhood in NOVA?

There are already thugs in my neighborhood, and it ain't them.

I'm so glad that we have Northam and not that bitch gillespie.

Gillespie was a weak candidate, but at least no Democrat.
Do you think these guys know their shields won't stop 5.56?
View attachment 297815 Massive Militia/2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th – Investment Watch
ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this might be the first clash between American power! Vs left wing beta using police force even to implement Soviet Union type tactics.

They better be careful. Barack might sick his secret civilian police force on them made up of college kids he recruited in lieu of college tuition! :eek:
What rights does Crepitus want to strip away?
All of them

Oh? I haven't seen him advocating that.

Can you point to his posts where he wants to strip all rights from everyone?
I’m pretty sure his post speaks for them selves.. stop your dishonesty you anti trumper

I am not the compulsive liar in this dialogue.

As for Crepitus, all I saw him say was that the FBI will be out taking pictures. Which they likely will be.

They maintain files on thousands of people. There is no expectation of privacy at an open rally.
So we have no privacy? Interesting,, I normally don’t debate people with mental illness

You don't debate anyway. You make shit up and you lie.

Did I say you have no privacy? No, I did not.

I simply said there is no expectation of privacy at an open rally. And there is no expectation of privacy at an open rally, especially one held on public streets.
The right-wingers have maintained that there is no right to privacy, not only in public settings, but in private settings, as well. Moreover, there never has been an expectation of private when one is out in public. People are photographed on CCTV all the time. People have been photographed going in and out of stores, medical clinics, banks, office buildings, gas stations, everywhere, and not always by law enforcement. Your photo is required for drivers' licenses, passports, work ID's, etc.

What? :dunno:

If you're going to lie stupid, at least try to make it somewhere in the realm of possibilities.

{The U.S. House of Representatives voted 256-164 to renew the controversial Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). This section of the Act allows U.S. intelligence agencies to listen in on phone calls, to read emails and more of non-U.S. citizens. It’s controversial because the National Security Agency (NSA) and other agencies also listen in on an unknown number of communications from American citizens—something the Fourth Amendment was written to keep the government from doing unless it first obtains a warrant from a court.}

Congress Decides Fourth Amendment Is Outdated 256-164

Now Hysteria, you're a fucking liar, everyone here knows it, but taking something YOU COMMUNIST just did and blaming the Americans is just stupid.
How wrong you are! Militias are needed now more than ever
Yeah, just what we need a bunch of fat, delusional , angry, apocalyptic gun toting lunatics going around threatening to kill there neighbors if they don't agree with them because these nutjobs believe they are good god-fearing patriotic Christians when they are neither good, god-fearing, patriotic or Christian in belief or fact.
You sound deranged
Is that the best reply you have. There is nothing I said in my statement that is untrue.
I believe in minimum force necessary to make a response and and that was all I need to say is that you're deranged
You Trumpers love projection. You have absolutely no answer to any remark except the idiocy of the personal attack.
When you're arguing with an idiot personal attacks are fair game fucking idiot
Yeah, just what we need a bunch of fat, delusional , angry, apocalyptic gun toting lunatics going around threatening to kill there neighbors if they don't agree with them because these nutjobs believe they are good god-fearing patriotic Christians when they are neither good, god-fearing, patriotic or Christian in belief or fact.
You sound deranged
Is that the best reply you have. There is nothing I said in my statement that is untrue.
I believe in minimum force necessary to make a response and and that was all I need to say is that you're deranged
You Trumpers love projection. You have absolutely no answer to any remark except the idiocy of the personal attack.
When you're arguing with an idiot personal attacks are fair game fucking idiot
Thanks for proving my point!

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