Massive Militia rally in Virginia, this month! WOW

View attachment 297815 Massive Militia/2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th – Investment Watch
ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this might be the first clash between American power! Vs left wing beta using police force even to implement Soviet Union type tactics.

They better be careful. Barack might sick his secret civilian police force on them made up of college kids he recruited in lieu of college tuition! :eek:

ANTIFA? They were already addressed.
Ok, so there will be a militia rally. No harm no foul.

I see so many talking revolution or civil war. But to what end?

Yeah, they are mad at the democrats. But I don't see anyone rational killing people over party affiliation.

So what will be changed by a civil war? What changes should be put in place?
Didn't Catholics and Protestants fight somewhat of a civil war in England? Religion and politics do start wars. Throw in taking rights away and that is what you will have.
All of them

Oh? I haven't seen him advocating that.

Can you point to his posts where he wants to strip all rights from everyone?
I’m pretty sure his post speaks for them selves.. stop your dishonesty you anti trumper

I am not the compulsive liar in this dialogue.

As for Crepitus, all I saw him say was that the FBI will be out taking pictures. Which they likely will be.

They maintain files on thousands of people. There is no expectation of privacy at an open rally.
So we have no privacy? Interesting,, I normally don’t debate people with mental illness

You don't debate anyway. You make shit up and you lie.

Did I say you have no privacy? No, I did not.

I simply said there is no expectation of privacy at an open rally. And there is no expectation of privacy at an open rally, especially one held on public streets.
We aren’t allowed to protest with out government tracking us? Dude Soviet Union is over never coming back
I do hope the FBI and NG are on this, there is no need for militias anymore.
That's what Russia, Iran, and China says.

Russia, Iran & China want American Repubs & Dems to kill each other.
America's enemies want a disarm public

When the Ruskies invade as Dems & Repubs kill each other.

Chinese, moron.

The Stalinist democrats have started this civil war on behalf of China. Nancy Pelosi through her Husband Paul has taken over $200 million from the Chines. Dianne Feinstein is an open and outright Chineses spy.

Oh, and then there are the Clintons;

~ Clinton friend Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie pleaded guilty to charges of violating campaign finance rules in exchange for having pending indictments dropped against him in Washington and Arkansas.

~ According to news reports in 1997, Democratic donor Johnny Chung received a $150,000 transfer from the Bank of China three days before he handed then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff a $50,000 check.

~ Johnny Chung first met the Clintons in 1992. From 1994 to 1996, Chung visited the White House 49 times. Nearly half of those visits were authorized by the office of the First Lady. In one visit, Hillary met with Chung and his visiting delegation of Chinese businessmen from state-run companies.

~ Liu Chaoying was the daughter of General Liu Huaqing (1916-2011) who arranged to give businessman and ally of the Clintons, Johnny Chung, $300,000 which was then donated to the DNC. The DNC was later forced to return the money.

~ Then-Vice President Al Gore received political donations from Buddhist nuns who had taken a vow of poverty.

~ President Clinton admitted in 1997 that he invited major campaign donors to spend the night in the White House. The Clintons hosted 404 overnight guests.

~ During the investigation by the Department of Justice, about 120 people connected to “Chinagate” either fled the country or pleaded the Fifth Amendment to prevent testifying.}

Lest We Forget Chinagate, The Most Serious Scandal in US History -

The plan might be China.
Thus far Russiia seems stronger than China.

Hence, the Globalist media Chimping out Russia, Russia, Russia.

Either way the USA existence seems to be a torn thread.

Globalists & Capitalists destroyed the USA.
View attachment 297815 Massive Militia/2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th – Investment Watch

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this might be the first clash between American power! Vs left wing beta using police force even to implement Soviet Union type tactics.

Let me get this straight, as we speak we have our brave brothers and sisters, our children fighting in the middle east for this country and our sovereignty....and back home, we have a bunch of redneck cowards, playing soldier be bad....LOLOLOL Why aren't these red white and vomit bastards in uniform fighting for their country? Cowardly bitches!!

You sound nervous.....
The plan might be China.
Thus far Russiia seems stronger than China.

Hence, the Globalist media Chimping out Russia, Rusdia, Russia.

Russia remains a threat, which is why the Trump administration has allied with Ukraine - unlike the Mugabe administration sending blankets. But China has been buying democrats for 20 years, and the filthy traitor party is now securely in the pocket of Beijing. Russia controls the Clintons and the Clinton machine. but the shift to the more radical left shows that China are the ones in control.
View attachment 297815 Massive Militia/2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th – Investment Watch

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this might be the first clash between American power! Vs left wing beta using police force even to implement Soviet Union type tactics.

Let me get this straight, as we speak we have our brave brothers and sisters, our children fighting in the middle east for this country and our sovereignty....and back home, we have a bunch of redneck cowards, playing soldier be bad....LOLOLOL Why aren't these red white and vomit bastards in uniform fighting for their country? Cowardly bitches!!

You sound nervous.....

The crack does that to her....
The plan might be China.
Thus far Russiia seems stronger than China.

Hence, the Globalist media Chimping out Russia, Rusdia, Russia.

Russia remains a threat, which is why the Trump administration has allied with Ukraine - unlike the Mugabe administration sending blankets. But China has been buying democrats for 20 years, and the filthy traitor party is now securely in the pocket of Beijing. Russia controls the Clintons and the Clinton machine. but the shift to the more radical left shows that China are the ones in control.

Yet, you don't recognize the real enemy the Chosen.

Soros is a rat.
He talked about creating a NWO with China.

Just the plan to destroy Whites & disarm us by you know who.
View attachment 297815 Massive Militia/2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th – Investment Watch

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this might be the first clash between American power! Vs left wing beta using police force even to implement Soviet Union type tactics.

First place I'd start....KKK family reunion!!


Did someone say Former President OBAMA?
View attachment 297815 Massive Militia/2nd Amendment Rally To Take Place At Virginia Capitol On January 20th – Investment Watch

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this might be the first clash between American power! Vs left wing beta using police force even to implement Soviet Union type tactics.

FBI will be there, taking pics and names.

And trump will fire all fbi that infringe on our rights.. snap away lefties and try to get a job after lol

They aren't infringing anything. They are doing their jobs, keeping track of potential threats.

All the violence in America are coming from militia and gun free zones.. I think wanting to expand your policy will only cause more chaos

Oh? Texas is a gun free zone now?
I do hope the FBI and NG are on this, there is no need for militias anymore.
How wrong you are! Militias are needed now more than ever
Yeah, just what we need a bunch of fat, delusional , angry, apocalyptic gun toting lunatics going around threatening to kill there neighbors if they don't agree with them because these nutjobs believe they are good god-fearing patriotic Christians when they are neither good, god-fearing, patriotic or Christian in belief or fact.
Why do you democrats always attack how people look and skin color you disagree with?
Why do Trumpers always have to threaten people with violence who disagree with them by having armed self-proclaimed militias march in peaceful neighborhoods?

you idiots are so good are reflecting who and what you are upon others that nobody believes it anymore when you cheap whores scream...
" your violent" you started" dude you fkrs are so stupid everybody sees your bs screams " fire in the theater" stfup.

After all, isn't ANTIFA your running front heroes leading the charge lmfao..
We know you hate anti-fascists. We know it well.
Listen rightwinger Crepitus
I understand your want to strip America of our rights.. that’s great.. why don’t we move you to a island give you a few Bucks and you can create your own no rights island.. see how it works and if it does you can come back here deal?

What rights does Crepitus want to strip away?
All of them

Oh? I haven't seen him advocating that.

Can you point to his posts where he wants to strip all rights from everyone?
I’m pretty sure his post speaks for them selves.. stop your dishonesty you anti trumper
You've got nothing, little boy. And you've been called on it.
I do hope the FBI and NG are on this, there is no need for militias anymore.

Little doubt the FBI has infiltrated the group and is trying to incite violence as they did in Waco, but also note that the FBI has FAILED to spur violence since Waco, despite many attempts to do so,
The cop killers in Waco barbequed themselves and the FBI didn`t tell them to ambush the police. It was the best thing that`s happened in Texas since the Alamo. Thanks for reminding us.

And who won in the end in Texas....
One battle doesnt make a war.
I live in Virginia. It is frightening to see that a massive rally of gangs of thugs in cammies is going to come to this beautiful state to start trouble. This scum should, and must be treated in the same manner as if they were members of the Crips or Bloods or MS 13. Just because they stupidly call themselves "militia" and yap about being "patriots," although they are the exact opposite, does not hide the fact that they are gangsters. They are not welcome.

Wait until that CONSPIRACY of they are coming for your guns is a REALITY SO MUCH FOR A FKN CONSPIRACY !!! you ah always nail me on it....go back in time my ARTICLES PROVE EVERY STEP WE posted happened it's explained why it's happening but you see your dumb fk MSM wants you to pay attention to them.

This is what you begged for " TAKW THE GUNS" . and they are going to try it we told you really dumb fkrs what happens when you try to take the guns of AMERICANS


( SAID TO ME EACH POST IN YEARS PAST) . ' THAT'S A CONSPIRACY" and still you all can't see the past articles prove TRUTH!! are going to be at the militia rally, right? Or are you just foaming at your mouth?
Yet, you don't recognize the real enemy the Chosen.

Soros is a rat.
He talked about creating a NWO with China.

Just the plan to destroy Whites & disarm us by you know who.

Soros is a scumbag, to be sure, a Nazi collaborator. He is just a figurehead of the International Communist front.

Democrats receive 1/2 of their funding from you know who.

They are the problem of disarming us of guns & supporting immigrants to divide & destroy us.

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