Matt Bevin Becomes Latest Red State Republican To Find Out You Don't Mess With Teachers

One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately blame the teachers for” went semi-viral.

Kentucky was one of several states where teachers organized against Republican attacks and inadequate education funding. But have other Republicans (and other opponents of public education) been punished for their attacks on teachers and education? Not in every case—but often enough you’d think they’d start paying attention.

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don't mess with teachers

You mess with funding for public schools. You die.

You mess with Medicaid. You die.

You mess with Obamacare. You die.

But hey, you guys keep on doing what you're doing.

So you are supporting all those things, even though they are going to bankrupt the entire country? Did you learn nothing from Greece?

The bottom line is, we spend way way too much on education, and have poor results for it. We need to mess with education. And for you to support the Teachers unions, when they are way over paid for way under performance, makes you a supporter of unions at the expense of the public, and destruction of the children's future.
The curriculum itself. Not the teachers.

Oh bull crap. I had the high school basket ball coach for math. He didn't 'teach' diddly squat. He would put in a DVD into a DVD player, and hit play. At the end of class he would turn it off. Every Friday, he would give us a quiz, that was 20 questions long, and have a student in the class grade them.

There are many ridiculously terrible Union teachers, with high pay, low-to-no skill, and are failing at doing their job of education.

And further, the teachers unions routinely intervene with curriculum.

Former California School Teacher Says Teachers Unions Are At The Root Of Progressive Sex Education

So if the curriculum itself is bad, then we still can lay most of the blame on the Unions.
DVD's in school. Way after my school days. Oh sure, there is a big difference between instruction and teaching. And thats about curriculum and the executive side of schooling.

Well, I was thinking it was likely a VHS tape. Not a DVD. Regardless, it was the same deal. He never did any 'teaching' ever.

Either way, the Unions have their hands in the curriculum just as much. Bad teachers, or bad Union curriculum. I don't care which is the problem, it's still a Union problem.

We need to either engage in total privatization of the school system, and return the money to the parents.... or we need to open up a total voucher system, where schools compete on many levels with the quality of the education.

Bad curriculum can only exist in a system where people have no other options.
One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately blame the teachers for” went semi-viral.

Kentucky was one of several states where teachers organized against Republican attacks and inadequate education funding. But have other Republicans (and other opponents of public education) been punished for their attacks on teachers and education? Not in every case—but often enough you’d think they’d start paying attention.

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don't mess with teachers

You mess with funding for public schools. You die.

You mess with Medicaid. You die.

You mess with Obamacare. You die.

But hey, you guys keep on doing what you're doing.
What happens when you threaten the century-old antiquated business model of monopolists who have their thumbs in the public till....They shit their pants and accuse everyone of "hating education" and/or "hating the cheeeelllldreennnnnnn".

Bookmark this shit for the next time liberoidals accuse you of being afraid of "change".
One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately blame the teachers for” went semi-viral.

Kentucky was one of several states where teachers organized against Republican attacks and inadequate education funding. But have other Republicans (and other opponents of public education) been punished for their attacks on teachers and education? Not in every case—but often enough you’d think they’d start paying attention.

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don't mess with teachers

You mess with funding for public schools. You die.

You mess with Medicaid. You die.

You mess with Obamacare. You die.

But hey, you guys keep on doing what you're doing.

So you are supporting all those things, even though they are going to bankrupt the entire country? Did you learn nothing from Greece?

The bottom line is, we spend way way too much on education, and have poor results for it. We need to mess with education. And for you to support the Teachers unions, when they are way over paid for way under performance, makes you a supporter of unions at the expense of the public, and destruction of the children's future.

We spend way to much for healthcare with poor results.

We spend to much on is corporate profits and tax cuts, at the expense of the people.

That to will be remedied, sooner rather than later.

Have you learned nothing from the failure of trickle down economics over the last 30 years?
One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately blame the teachers for” went semi-viral.

Kentucky was one of several states where teachers organized against Republican attacks and inadequate education funding. But have other Republicans (and other opponents of public education) been punished for their attacks on teachers and education? Not in every case—but often enough you’d think they’d start paying attention.

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don't mess with teachers

You mess with funding for public schools. You die.

You mess with Medicaid. You die.

You mess with Obamacare. You die.

But hey, you guys keep on doing what you're doing.

So you are supporting all those things, even though they are going to bankrupt the entire country? Did you learn nothing from Greece?

The bottom line is, we spend way way too much on education, and have poor results for it. We need to mess with education. And for you to support the Teachers unions, when they are way over paid for way under performance, makes you a supporter of unions at the expense of the public, and destruction of the children's future.

We spend way to much for healthcare with poor results.

We spend to much on is corporate profits and tax cuts, at the expense of the people.

That to will be remedied, sooner rather than later.

Have you learned nothing from the failure of trickle down economics over the last 30 years?
Platitudes aren't arguments.
Good for the teachers!! They are easy scapegoats. Start taking care of education rather than gutting it....and if you don't like it's results, quit your high paying job for a low paying one and everyone how it's done. I am 150 percent in their corner.
Good for the teachers!! They are easy scapegoats. Start taking care of education rather than gutting it....and if you don't like it's results, quit your high paying job for a low paying one and everyone how it's done. I am 150 percent in their corner.
How about if we don't like the results, we abolish and privatize the whole mess?

Oh no, that's not how gubmint monopolies work....If the product sucks, its because they need mo munny!

Bloody parasites.
Bevin was always favored to win. Before Trump had his rally, Bevin was polling ahead by 5. Then Trump arrived, and Bevin lost.

Bevin has one of the worst approval ratings in the country among the governors. Trump had nothing to do with his loss. The Republicans won every other state wide race by a comfortable margin.
Nobody is going to fix anything until the family unit is fixed. That is a guarantee. If a kid flat out refuses to learn what's your plan? What about truant kids? What about violent kids? What about kids whose mom's were on drugs while preggers? The list goes on and on.
They're trying to get us to believe that 14% of KY voters voted for all other races but not for governor.

I could see 0.01% doing that...possibly as high as 0.5%...but 14% give me a fucking break!
This is EXACTLY WHY the DNC called an accurate voter database an "existential threat"!

There are only a few places in the country that they can carry without Voter Fraud
No one liked the guy but still he almost won...boy you dems are in for a beating....
The libertarian candidate took 25,000 votes from the governor...and he still almost won....
A couple of teachers making 50 grand is somehow some kind of bad thing...that's beyond dumb.
One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately blame the teachers for” went semi-viral.

Kentucky was one of several states where teachers organized against Republican attacks and inadequate education funding. But have other Republicans (and other opponents of public education) been punished for their attacks on teachers and education? Not in every case—but often enough you’d think they’d start paying attention.

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don't mess with teachers

You mess with funding for public schools. You die.

You mess with Medicaid. You die.

You mess with Obamacare. You die.

But hey, you guys keep on doing what you're doing.

Did he, I haven't heard the fat lady sing yet.

They're trying to get us to believe that 14% of KY voters voted for all other races but not for governor.

I could see 0.01% doing that...possibly as high as 0.5%...but 14% give me a fucking break!

I am from KY and I can see it very easily. Bevin was Trump's asshole side squared! I like it in Trump. Bevin was another story.

He once blamed teachers, taking a sickout to protest his pension plans, for allowing children to be molested when they were not in school. The man had all the class of pond scum.
One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately blame the teachers for” went semi-viral.

Kentucky was one of several states where teachers organized against Republican attacks and inadequate education funding. But have other Republicans (and other opponents of public education) been punished for their attacks on teachers and education? Not in every case—but often enough you’d think they’d start paying attention.

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don't mess with teachers

You mess with funding for public schools. You die.

You mess with Medicaid. You die.

You mess with Obamacare. You die.

But hey, you guys keep on doing what you're doing.

So you are supporting all those things, even though they are going to bankrupt the entire country? Did you learn nothing from Greece?

The bottom line is, we spend way way too much on education, and have poor results for it. We need to mess with education. And for you to support the Teachers unions, when they are way over paid for way under performance, makes you a supporter of unions at the expense of the public, and destruction of the children's future.

The issue was not school funding! The Democrats had raided the state's pension fund and wanted to restore it it by cutting retirements for the ones whom it was stolen. The Republican solutions was to cut pensions and raise teacher contributions from our paychecks.

I know this topic well. I retired as a teacher to preserve my retirement.
One of the big fights that contributed to the downfall of Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin was with teachers in his state. He insulted them, he went after their pensions, he blamed their activism for the death of a child, and, as he was losing on election night, a tweet saying “Hey @MattBevin, we finally found something you can accurately blame the teachers for” went semi-viral.

Kentucky was one of several states where teachers organized against Republican attacks and inadequate education funding. But have other Republicans (and other opponents of public education) been punished for their attacks on teachers and education? Not in every case—but often enough you’d think they’d start paying attention.

Matt Bevin becomes the latest red state Republican to find out you don't mess with teachers

You mess with funding for public schools. You die.

You mess with Medicaid. You die.

You mess with Obamacare. You die.

But hey, you guys keep on doing what you're doing.

So you are supporting all those things, even though they are going to bankrupt the entire country? Did you learn nothing from Greece?

The bottom line is, we spend way way too much on education, and have poor results for it. We need to mess with education. And for you to support the Teachers unions, when they are way over paid for way under performance, makes you a supporter of unions at the expense of the public, and destruction of the children's future.
The curriculum itself. Not the teachers.

Oh bull crap. I had the high school basket ball coach for math. He didn't 'teach' diddly squat. He would put in a DVD into a DVD player, and hit play. At the end of class he would turn it off. Every Friday, he would give us a quiz, that was 20 questions long, and have a student in the class grade them.

There are many ridiculously terrible Union teachers, with high pay, low-to-no skill, and are failing at doing their job of education.

And further, the teachers unions routinely intervene with curriculum.

Former California School Teacher Says Teachers Unions Are At The Root Of Progressive Sex Education

So if the curriculum itself is bad, then we still can lay most of the blame on the Unions.

How many decades ago did that happen?

Try to keep current.
He'd make sure some corporate head got a perk but not some teacher who is not even middle class is the problem.
They're trying to get us to believe that 14% of KY voters voted for all other races but not for governor.

I could see 0.01% doing that...possibly as high as 0.5%...but 14% give me a fucking break!
This is EXACTLY WHY the DNC called an accurate voter database an "existential threat"!

There are only a few places in the country that they can carry without Voter Fraud

There was no voter fraud. Many on my friends and family voted for all of the "undercard" Republicans but refused to vote for Bevin. Rather than do the lesser of two evils, they just did not vote for anyone for governor.

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