maximum capacity at trump rally

only about 1000 people (so called) voted for bidum

the rest were fake ballots, maybe even ballots supplied by the lovely nation of China who wanted a weak president
The Democrat Dirty Tricks Department knew how many votes they needed to create in their swing districts in order to carry the state. In total it was probably only a few tens of thousands spread out over several states.

Then you had the filthy Democrat controlled states where there are not any voter ID requirements and there are millions of Illegals voting and untold number of fraudulent ballots.
"...the overthrow of the election process as we saw in 2020"
What "overthrow"?
Can you explain yourself?
If so, do so.

"only about 1000 people (so called) voted for bidum......the rest were fake ballots, maybe even ballots supplied by the lovely nation of China....."
Prove it.
Or go.
Nobody wants you, poster 'schmuck', to be an ineffective dilettante complainer on social media.
Go to Facebook if that is your ambition. can save your avatar's reputation by proving your assertion above
Whatcha got?

"... Democrat controlled states where there are not any voter ID requirements and there are millions of Illegals voting and untold number of fraudulent ballots."

Prove it.
Or go.
Nobody wants you, Flash, to be a silly ineffective poster who rarely posts insightful or perceptive commentary that informs the forum.
If you can though, please do.
It would add gravitas to your avatar.
Trust me.
And good luck. ;)

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