maximum capacity at trump rally

You are confused Moon Bat.

Because there was not an audit of the disputed Democrat controlled swing districts where the fraud took place the election will never be legitimate. It may have been certified because of the chickenshits in the Swamp but it is a fact that it was stolen.
Your article of blind faith is dependent upon fraud having taken place, dogma for which there is no credible evidence.

If you need to pretend that Republican politicians and election officials aided and abetted your imaginary "fraud" by somehow having neglected to audit your "swing districts" - while demanding copious recounts, audits, investigations, and court appeals that all confirmed the President's 306-232 victory - who are they, and why did they decide to respect the will of the electorate?
Too bad they didn't show up at the polls like they do his rallies.
The Cry Baby Loser's whiny Grievance Jamborees are wonderful primal scream therapy sessions for losers everywhere, as he flails his self-pitying victim cards in a seductive fan dance that gets his fans aroused.

They are so captivating for the disgruntled, that authoritarians like Bolsonaro are opening franchises:

Bolsonaro Follows Trump's Script

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Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 8.27.22 AM.png

What "overthrow"?
Can you explain yourself?
If so, do so.


Prove it.
Or go.
Nobody wants you, poster 'schmuck', to be an ineffective dilettante complainer on social media.
Go to Facebook if that is your ambition. can save your avatar's reputation by proving your assertion above
Whatcha got?


Prove it.
Or go.
Nobody wants you, Flash, to be a silly ineffective poster who rarely posts insightful or perceptive commentary that informs the forum.
If you can though, please do.
It would add gravitas to your avatar.
Trust me.
And good luck. ;)
Look at this one thinking he can tell other posters what to do....What a loser.

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