maximum capacity at trump rally

I don't have my head in my ass.
Yes you do. Currently, right now, Biden would win against Trump. In order to change that, something has to change, either on the Biden side or the Trump side, or both. But, when you have your head up you ass, you have no incentive to change what needs changing in order to win. Partisan blindness only hurts your cause. If you fail to open your eyes to the facts and the truth, you will suffer the same fate as before.
Yes you do. Currently, right now, Biden would win against Trump. In order to change that, something has to change, either on the Biden side or the Trump side, or both. But, when you have your head up you ass, you have no incentive to change what needs changing in order to win. Partisan blindness only hurts your cause. If you fail to open your eyes to the facts and the truth, you will suffer the same fate as before.
Bidung's approvals are still at the record low levels according to the latest polls:
Biden approval falls, holding near low end of his presidency, Reuters/Ipsos finds

It really doesn't matter at this point, Biden is not on the ballot this Nov., and Democrats that are hiding from him as if he's the plague. That should tell you all that you need to know. Whereas most Trump supported candidates ended up winning, and one after another he's skinned the skull of any republican that voted for his impeachment.

Bottom line is Bidung is an anchor on his party, the country and the entire world. When the republicans take at least one of the houses, and it looks like they're poised to, they'll expose the treasonous enterprise known as the Biden crime family for the corrupt dirtbags that they are. The Democrats will then instruct Biden to announce that he will not be running in 2024.
Bidung's approvals are still at the record low levels according to the latest polls:
Biden approval falls, holding near low end of his presidency, Reuters/Ipsos finds

It really doesn't matter at this point, Biden is not on the ballot this Nov., and Democrats that are hiding from him as if he's the plague. That should tell you all that you need to know. Whereas most Trump supported candidates ended up winning, and one after another he's skinned the skull of any republican that voted for his impeachment.

Bottom line is Bidung is an anchor on his party, the country and the entire world. When the republicans take at least one of the houses, and it looks like they're poised to, they'll expose the treasonous enterprise known as the Biden crime family for the corrupt dirtbags that they are. The Democrats will then instruct Biden to announce that he will not be running in 2024.
Trump supported candidates won primaries. The general election is a different ballgame. Again, I am on your side but, if you really want to win, you can't be partisanly blind. It only hurts your cause, It does not help it.
Bidung's approvals are still at the record low levels according to the latest polls:
Biden approval falls, holding near low end of his presidency, Reuters/Ipsos finds

It really doesn't matter at this point, Biden is not on the ballot this Nov., and Democrats that are hiding from him as if he's the plague. That should tell you all that you need to know. Whereas most Trump supported candidates ended up winning, and one after another he's skinned the skull of any republican that voted for his impeachment.

Bottom line is Bidung is an anchor on his party, the country and the entire world. When the republicans take at least one of the houses, and it looks like they're poised to, they'll expose the treasonous enterprise known as the Biden crime family for the corrupt dirtbags that they are. The Democrats will then instruct Biden to announce that he will not be running in 2024.

How can Biden's approval rating be at record low levels when Trump was lower at this same point in his presidency?
Trump supported candidates won primaries. The general election is a different ballgame. Again, I am on your side but, if you really want to win, you can't be partisanly blind. It only hurts your cause, It does not help it.
Trump is in the rear view mirror, he hasn’t been president for two years. Biden is far more relevant and at this point he’s like a bacteria eating away at the party. His job approval is so bad, even Democrats don’t want him running again. The Left keeps mentioning Trump because he serves as a good distraction from how bad Biden and the Dems have been. But people just don’t vote for how they feel about an ex president from two years ago, all that this does is to remind people that things were good under Trump.
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Trump is in the rear view mirror, he hasn’t been president for two years. Biden is far more relevant and at this point he’s like a bacteria eating away at the party. His job approval is so bad, even Democrats don’t want him running again. The Left keeps mentioning Trump because he serves as a good distraction from how bad Biden and the Dems have been. But people just don’t vote for how they feel about an ex president from two years ago, all that this does is to remind people that things were good under Trump.
Biden's job approval has been rising as of late, whether you want to believe it or not. Yes, it is still underwater but it is rising and he now currently leads Trump by 6 points in a hypo rematch in 2024. Republicans will lose if they nominate a full on MAGA person such as Trump or Desantis.
Biden's job approval has been rising as of late, whether you want to believe it or not. Yes, it is still underwater but it is rising and he now currently leads Trump by 6 points in a hypo rematch in 2024. Republicans will lose if they nominate a full on MAGA person such as Trump or Desantis.
Again, this isn’t about Trump vs Biden, but Democrats would like to make it so, because Biden is sinking them. Desantis if nominated for 2024 will destroy whoever he runs against.
Nope, not wrong. Speaking of being a hack, the article you posted is from July. Earth to roudy... this is September.

9.9.22: 42.6%

View attachment 693923

9.9.18: 41.9%

View attachment 693924
Trump had the corrupted media, FBI, CIA and deep state after him 24 hours a day, but Biden has them covering up His crimes and failures. They’re still obsessed and whining about Trump. Despite all that, your hero Biden is still badly under water and his party thinks he’s done. Wait and see what happens in November, the Democrat shit will hit the fan and Biden will summarily be thrown under the bus by his own party. They’re good at eating their own.
Again, this isn’t about Trump vs Biden, but Democrats would like to make it so, because Biden is sinking them. Desantis if nominated for 2024 will destroy whoever he runs against.
Both sides make the mistake in thinking that the key to winning elections is to get their side out to vote. In reality, it is Independents who decide elections. So, you have to make sure that your side appeals to independents more than the other side and you have to look at this question with an open mind, not a partisan mind.
Both sides make the mistake in thinking that the key to winning elections is to get their side out to vote. In reality, it is Independents who decide elections. So, you have to make sure that your side appeals to independents more than the other side and you have to look at this question with an open mind, not a partisan mind.
Correct, and Biden and the Dems have lost the independents. You still gotta get the base out though.
Trump had the corrupted media, FBI, CIA and deep state after him 24 hours a day, but Biden has them covering up His crimes and failures. They’re still obsessed and whining about Trump. Despite all that, your hero Biden is still badly under water and his party thinks he’s done. Wait and see what happens in November, the Democrat shit will hit the fan and Biden will summarily be thrown under the bus by his own party. They’re good at eating their own.


Cracks me how you switch from, Trump has a higher job approval rating ... to ... deep state! Corrupt media! When learning you're wrong about their approval ratings.

You poor thing, reality is so mean to you.

Correct, and Biden and the Dems have lost the independents. You still gotta get the base out though.
There's a long way to go til 24. By then inflation will be better and we will be out of the recession we are currently in. However, since we probably aren't going to get back the Senate this time around, we have an excellent chance at that in 2024.

stop using antifa and blm pics.

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