Maxine Waters responds to death threats: 'You better shoot straight'

This woman is a total dumbass.
I feel bad for Maxine, but it was stupid of her to get people to shame anybody working for what fuckin planet has this chic been on? People that work for Trump, lack every humanly characteristic to be of any use to anybody but a monster like in the fuck do you shame a bitch that lies and knows it?

What Maxine and the democrats should be doing is rallying democrats to vote this november and help registering those not registered.

Maxine like most people in Washington are too removed from the real America to see what is going on out here. They're too buffered by armed guards and staff to know, we're living in dangerous times and the Trump base comprise of idiots with guns. Her rhetoric demands the types of threats she's was very foolish of her to say that shit and she should have known better.....its time she arms herself and hire protection
She has a long history of corruption.

As far as her words, it seems like she's just looking to fuel a fire that she herself lit. Likely to stimulate more of the mob violence we saw the other day around here in one of those vids.
She has a long history of corruption.

As far as her words, it seems like she's just looking to fuel a fire that she herself lit. Likely to stimulate more of the mob violence we saw the other day around here in one of those vids.
She’s a shit stirrer. And her voter base is easily manipulated.
This woman is a total badass.
Did not know much about her, so i looked up some history, recent & older.
She ranted against Obama as well as Trump!
She definitely speaks her mind.
Yeah, she speaks her mind, then don't go whining when the shit you say turns into violent threats against you. Under Obama you can talk that shit, but trying to shame Trump supporters, really bitch?
I will say this for the last time....I love these "In God we trust", bible toting, apple pie choking, God fearing Christians we have in AmeriKKKa.....don't you people know, every great civilization in history has imploded from within, thanks to its people and its leadership. Yaw keep fucking with God, the man's gonna hear you eventually. Hope she's only wounded.....there's a place in hell for people that supports Trump and advocates violence

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