Maybe this is why Hamas picks on innocent civilians in Israel, only 2% of Jews own guns

So, let me get this straight.

The entire world wants you dead. To the farthest ends of the earth, in Australia, they are chanting gas the Jews, the UN only passes resolutions against the Zionist state, and you barely survive the Holocaust after centuries and centuries of oppression in Europe and you don't own a gun?

So, let me get this straight.

The entire world wants you dead. To the farthest ends of the earth, in Australia, they are chanting gas the Jews, the UN only passes resolutions against the Zionist state, and you barely survive the Holocaust after centuries and centuries of oppression in Europe and you don't own a gun?

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Israel is a liberal state. Maybe they learned something. I doubt it, but maybe
The Zionist pigs were shooting Palestinians dead when all the Arabs had was rocks so don't give me this "picking on the unarmed" bullshit.
The Zionist pigs were shooting Palestinians dead when all the Arabs had was rocks so don't give me this "picking on the unarmed" bullshit.
No government says they are openly murdering innocent civilians, at least, none that I know of.

Not even the Nazi regime.

Hamas is the first.
No government says they are openly murdering innocent civilians, at least, none that I know of.

Not even the Nazi regime.

Hamas is the first.
"Hamas is the first" ...... to admit it? I don't think so. The Jews purposely bombed civilians in the King David Hotel in 1946 and proudly admit it.
Yep most of those people were all unarmed, I saw some report though of at least one household who happened to have some rifles and they repelled the attack on their compound
I guess that was God's great plan for his favorite people - to live in a fucking compound. Shielded by a concrete wall and armed to the teeth.
..... The Jews purposely bombed civilians in the King David Hotel in 1946 and proudly admit it.
You have many things wrong with you.

I figure that your genocidal antisemitism is just one of them.
"Genocidal antisemitism" is required to tell the truth, is it? Maybe a Dick & Jane restricted education is what is needed to deny the truth? Yeah, that must be it.

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