Maybe we need a new or better book.


Apr 27, 2011
In the early years of human history there wasn't a single bible that people read and lived by in order to be better people. They did okay. They just did good things or were good people, or they did bad things and were bad people. So maybe we don't need a bible at all?
Some people may think that way and others might not. Do I think everyone in the world should get their day to day guidance on how to be a better person from the bible? Well that would depend on the bible. For instance there is the one most people know about, the Holy Bible, a good book for life lessons if you can understand it. Sure you could probably read the words and know the meaning behind them but if they don't hit home you won't understand them. As in how could I understand, in the world we live in today, if an all powerful being just appeared in the world an made his presence known and said he would destroy the entire world's population in less than a year, all because we'd failed to worship him correctly, or we had sex with the neighbor's wife or some other such nonsense that would hurt an individual's emotions but as far as the species had little or no effect on the world. Sure he sent his son to die for our sins but if he were willing to destroy all life once for no reason except improper worship, I don't think it's the right book to be letting into the hands of our children. If we lived by those laws today people would be shot for simple things like cussing at a teacher or yelling at the board in a town council meeting(and i know people just love doing that, I mean just look at any news footage of a council meeting there's always someone pissed off in the back).
How about a book that teaches you what it means to really be a good person based on doing good things for the satisfaction that one day all your unwarranted help could be reciprocated, all because you stopped at the broken down car to help or helped the old lady across the street. Or any kind of charity you feel up to performing. A book that teaches goodness for goodness, instead of a book that threatens us to be good our whole life with no mistakes or you'll BURN IN HELL!!!
That's not how I want my children to view the world, I want my children to know that all it takes is to be a good person is to do good things and avoid as many of the bad things as possible. Help others until it hurts, do unto others as they do unto you, and never to be a lamb, be a lion posing as a lamb.
In the early years of human history there wasn't a single bible that people read and lived by in order to be better people. They did okay. They just did good things or were good people, or they did bad things and were bad people. So maybe we don't need a bible at all?
Some people may think that way and others might not. Do I think everyone in the world should get their day to day guidance on how to be a better person from the bible? Well that would depend on the bible. For instance there is the one most people know about, the Holy Bible, a good book for life lessons if you can understand it. Sure you could probably read the words and know the meaning behind them but if they don't hit home you won't understand them. As in how could I understand, in the world we live in today, if an all powerful being just appeared in the world an made his presence known and said he would destroy the entire world's population in less than a year, all because we'd failed to worship him correctly, or we had sex with the neighbor's wife or some other such nonsense that would hurt an individual's emotions but as far as the species had little or no effect on the world. Sure he sent his son to die for our sins but if he were willing to destroy all life once for no reason except improper worship, I don't think it's the right book to be letting into the hands of our children. If we lived by those laws today people would be shot for simple things like cussing at a teacher or yelling at the board in a town council meeting(and i know people just love doing that, I mean just look at any news footage of a council meeting there's always someone pissed off in the back).
How about a book that teaches you what it means to really be a good person based on doing good things for the satisfaction that one day all your unwarranted help could be reciprocated, all because you stopped at the broken down car to help or helped the old lady across the street. Or any kind of charity you feel up to performing. A book that teaches goodness for goodness, instead of a book that threatens us to be good our whole life with no mistakes or you'll BURN IN HELL!!!
That's not how I want my children to view the world, I want my children to know that all it takes is to be a good person is to do good things and avoid as many of the bad things as possible. Help others until it hurts, do unto others as they do unto you, and never to be a lamb, be a lion posing as a lamb.

"A book that teaches goodness for goodness, instead of a book that threatens us to be good our whole life with no mistakes or you'll BURN IN HELL!!!"

Please let me try to say this as kindly as I can... and please let me encourage you to see the following link. I don't think you know yet the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Bible, that everything points to Jesus Christ our Lord. (I think, but not certain to what you have read) I want to please encourage you read the Bible (or even just the two Bible books I posted below) and pray to the Lord to ask Him questions - directly.

Don't listen to people, even me. Go study what it teaches yourself, rather than to listen to "men" first. Besides, do we know of any "man" who knows it all?

You said that we all have to be good or we go to hell, however please know that is NOT what the Bible teaches at all. For, who can be "good" all the time, 100% of the time? Can any of us name one person who can, including ourselves? None of us can.

The Bible shows us that we all fall short, we all do wrong, none of us can do "good" to get to heaven. It is only through Jesus Christ our Lord that we are made "righteous.". None of us are holier than thou...we all mess up. That doesn't make messing up (sin) right, but through love (Gods love) and loving others we grow away from sin, we learn, and we start to do the right things. (out of love and forgiving others)

Here's some reading; I can only try to encourage you, and I hope it blesses you.

Take the Romans Road - or please at least take a peek at it...
What is the Romans Road to salvation?

The Gospel of John - or the start of it, with a link to the first chapter..

John 1 - Passage*Lookup - King James Version -

The Book of Romans - or the start of it, with a link to the first chapter...
Romans 1 - Passage*Lookup - King James Version -

Romans talks about sin, about "being good", or rather falling short of that, etc. But the Romans Road in the first post will show you that being "good" does not get us to heaven.
It's ALL about faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, what HE did for us. That HE paid the price for our sin, we could never have done it.

PS - and you could also see the verse in my siggy. He didn't come to condemn us, He came to save us. But how can we go with Him if we don't even believe Him?

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Or maybe you should actually read it and find out for yourself whether it's true instead of pretending you can determine what God want's rather than learning what God wants from God Himself.

Practicing your faith, seeking God, crazy ideas, i know.
Just Follow the 10 Commandments. It's the Cliff Notes version.

The rest is fluff.
In the early years of human history there wasn't a single bible that people read and lived by in order to be better people. They did okay. They just did good things or were good people, or they did bad things and were bad people. So maybe we don't need a bible at all?
Some people may think that way and others might not. Do I think everyone in the world should get their day to day guidance on how to be a better person from the bible? Well that would depend on the bible. For instance there is the one most people know about, the Holy Bible, a good book for life lessons if you can understand it. Sure you could probably read the words and know the meaning behind them but if they don't hit home you won't understand them. As in how could I understand, in the world we live in today, if an all powerful being just appeared in the world an made his presence known and said he would destroy the entire world's population in less than a year, all because we'd failed to worship him correctly, or we had sex with the neighbor's wife or some other such nonsense that would hurt an individual's emotions but as far as the species had little or no effect on the world. Sure he sent his son to die for our sins but if he were willing to destroy all life once for no reason except improper worship, I don't think it's the right book to be letting into the hands of our children. If we lived by those laws today people would be shot for simple things like cussing at a teacher or yelling at the board in a town council meeting(and i know people just love doing that, I mean just look at any news footage of a council meeting there's always someone pissed off in the back).
How about a book that teaches you what it means to really be a good person based on doing good things for the satisfaction that one day all your unwarranted help could be reciprocated, all because you stopped at the broken down car to help or helped the old lady across the street. Or any kind of charity you feel up to performing. A book that teaches goodness for goodness, instead of a book that threatens us to be good our whole life with no mistakes or you'll BURN IN HELL!!!
That's not how I want my children to view the world, I want my children to know that all it takes is to be a good person is to do good things and avoid as many of the bad things as possible. Help others until it hurts, do unto others as they do unto you, and never to be a lamb, be a lion posing as a lamb.

why not its been rewritten to fi t into the needs of eurotrash for years ,like what ? no divorce ? well rewrite the bible to allow it . some 93 now 94 different version so fare , what one more , more or less .
Maybe one day when I have nothing better to do I'll read the Bible to see what all the hub-bub's all about.
Actually read it twice before I was 12. And that created an agnostic amonst a family of evangelicals.

The Bible is well worth reading. However, to truly understand it, one needs to understand the context within which it was written. And that takes many years of reading.
Nobody reads books any more. From now on all religious texts should be on twitter.

Now that is a scarry thought...The bible gets transferred on-line, the final translation. When you type in to read the bible your seach engine will provide you with hundreds of sites all claiming to have the true translation and that the others are wrong. The next generations won't bother with books any more so the true meanings of the bible will be what is read off of some web site. It will be bastardized to fit every crack pots self delusion. I think it would make a good movie.
Nobody reads books any more. From now on all religious texts should be on twitter.

Now that is a scarry thought...The bible gets transferred on-line, the final translation. When you type in to read the bible your seach engine will provide you with hundreds of sites all claiming to have the true translation and that the others are wrong. The next generations won't bother with books any more so the true meanings of the bible will be what is read off of some web site. It will be bastardized to fit every crack pots self delusion. I think it would make a good movie.

Can I photoshop Jesus?
Please let me try to say this as kindly as I can... and please let me encourage you to see the following link. I don't think you know yet the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Bible, that everything points to Jesus Christ our Lord. (I think, but not certain to what you have read) I want to please encourage you read the Bible (or even just the two Bible books I posted below) and pray to the Lord to ask Him questions - directly.

Don't listen to people, even me. Go study what it teaches yourself, rather than to listen to "men" first. Besides, do we know of any "man" who knows it all? ....

Marie, you make some good points in your post. However, I feel I need to point out that in the first link you provide it has a button to click on saying "I have accepted Christ today". This is not Biblical. Nowhere in the Bible dose it say you have to 'accept' Christ or in any way say it. The Bible demands that you have to have faith in Christ, but it does not say that if you 'accept' Christ you will be saved. The only thing that saves is the LORD, with His grace, granting faith to you. Faith is a gift.

Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Please let me try to say this as kindly as I can... and please let me encourage you to see the following link. I don't think you know yet the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Bible, that everything points to Jesus Christ our Lord. (I think, but not certain to what you have read) I want to please encourage you read the Bible (or even just the two Bible books I posted below) and pray to the Lord to ask Him questions - directly.

Don't listen to people, even me. Go study what it teaches yourself, rather than to listen to "men" first. Besides, do we know of any "man" who knows it all? ....

Marie, you make some good points in your post. However, I feel I need to point out that in the first link you provide it has a button to click on saying "I have accepted Christ today". This is not Biblical. Nowhere in the Bible dose it say you have to 'accept' Christ or in any way say it. The Bible demands that you have to have faith in Christ, but it does not say that if you 'accept' Christ you will be saved. The only thing that saves is the LORD, with His grace, granting faith to you. Faith is a gift.

Eph 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Eph 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Wrong. That is exactly what it states in John 3:16, Also the Trinity confirms that Jesus is God.

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