McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

If we don't stop you populist bahs-turds now, we will end up just like Nazi Germany.

'You' have tried to stop the opposition by:
- Silencing Free Speech
- Violence
- Riots
- Destroying Property
- Arson
- Looting
- Firebombing GOP HQs
- Intimidating, beating & bloodying Trump Supporters
- Threatening Electoral College Voters
- Calling for military coups
- Calling for assassinations
- Betrayal by holdovers in govt positions

Ironic how the Fascists / Nazis are justifying being 'Nazis' so they will 'prevent orhers from becoming Nazis'...
I have done none of those things, LIAR!
Do you know what those little marks around the word 'you' mean?

Evidently NOT. Educate yourself.

It means 'you' as in 'snowfkakes', 'Democrats', not YOU specifically, 'genius'.
How many times do we need to rehash this?

How many threads are about the 2nd Amendment silly...just like the rights fear of Obama stealing their guns, some are truly concerned about Trumps possible dictator leaning.
----------------------------------------------------------- off topic but GUNS mentioned but obama would take all guns if he could have and hilary is the same , Trump probably saved gun owners for as long as he is President EWings !!

Obama was never coming after your guns Pismoe, that was fake news sent out by the NRA.
Anyway let's just talk about the 1st Amendment..ok?
---------------------------------------------- Sure , ok , but you mentioned Guns , i responded !! And i respond again as your comments can't be ignored . The FAKE NEWS is that hilary , obama , democrat party , feinstein doesn't want to disarm Americans . There , i'm done responding to your mention of GUNS EWings !!
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Obama and Hillary Clinton are out of the picture and ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to disrupt an American national election, & or to do a Cyber attack on the United states is TREASON.


You can try and deflect all you want too, but it won't work. This is the biggest scandal in American history, and it's going to end up being a 1000 times worse than Watergate, because it does in fact involve a Foreign adversary.

You people picked a real "winner" here.


Amen! Heads must roll.

Yeah, he'll be impeached there's no doubt about it. They're also investigating FBI Director James Comey which will be making the headline news also.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Good for Shepard Smith ... speaking out against Trump, now at 39%.

Republicans are in quite a spot here. If they don't do something about Trump--they're going to get slaughtered in 2018 and 2020, and I think they know it. Trump is just a comedy T.V. reality show--and everyone is getting very tired of it. Everyday is another disaster.

In Shep's video--he actually states that Trump aids were on the phone with the Russians at the very time the DNC was being hacked. Obviously they have the phone records to prove that. This is Treason there is no getting around that. Campaign aids have absolutely no rational reason to be talking to Foreign adversary's during the campaign season. Russians don't vote and they can't make campaign donations.

Now THAT'S funny...Democrats who

- Have suffered back-to-back 'historic, record-setting' election ass-kickings...

- Have lost the last Presidential election after their prognostications turned out to be horribly WRONG...

- Have lost over 1,000 races / positions in the last year

...trying to give advice on how to be politically successful and how NOT to lose an election

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
No one has shut down or suppressed the press. There are no reporters hauled off to jail as obama tried to do with James Rosen and HIS PARENTS of all people.
How many times do we need to rehash this?

How many threads are about the 2nd Amendment silly...just like the rights fear of Obama stealing their guns, some are truly concerned about Trumps possible dictator leaning.

The Loony Left will stay "truly concerned" about some new fabricated bullshit at all times, it won't go away. That said, there is no sense of urgency to convince the whack-jobs otherwise. See how this works?

I used to have the biggest kick out of going to the rightwing news sites and watch them rip his speech apart and tell 1/2 truth to piss people off.
Now we get the fake news coming at us on the internet...against or for everything..

Stop thinking it is just the liberals, you are being brainwashed..

Now that is some funny shit...a Liberal proclaiming that someone is "brainwashed" in an attempt to be insulting...haha...Good stuff!
Nobody will or should acknowledge the 2% of whackos, Left or Right who have fabricated concerns of "dictator leaning".
The nitpicking by folks with no life will be never ending...this is no secret.
If we don't stop you populist bahs-turds now, we will end up just like Nazi Germany.

'You' have tried to stop the opposition by:
- Silencing Free Speech
- Violence
- Riots
- Destroying Property
- Arson
- Looting
- Firebombing GOP HQs
- Intimidating, beating & bloodying Trump Supporters
- Threatening Electoral College Voters
- Calling for military coups
- Calling for assassinations
- Betrayal by holdovers in govt positions

Ironic how the Fascists / Nazis are justifying being 'Nazis' so they will 'prevent orhers from becoming Nazis'...
I have done none of those things, LIAR!
Do you know what those little marks around the word 'you' mean?

Evidently NOT. Educate yourself.

It means 'you' as in 'snowfkakes', 'Democrats', not YOU specifically, 'genius'.

When Obama was president konservatives headlined each of the items you listed including beating Hillary supporters. Cop violence escalated, threats of secession scorched the airwaves, gun sales accelerated , Rw White people circled the wagons and, at the expense of maligning conservative values and Christian morality, found their Great White Hope
in Donald J. Trump. One of the first things he did was to appoint a known racist to the AG spot. That marked his contract with White American and his breech with Black America. The stage is set for kristalnacht American style!
View attachment 113188

No one is shutting down the press. They're free to do business... some of them just might have to get their information second hand from a more conservative source.



I wonder how deep their death spiral must go before the instinct for self-preservation takes over and these “news” outlets start reporting what is going on in Washington and elsewhere that will affect our lives.
No one has shut down or suppressed the press. There are no reporters hauled off to jail as obama tried to do with James Rosen and HIS PARENTS of all people.
An investigation was launched into the affairs of Rosen and his parent due to allegations of passing classified information to North Korea. Do you think that should have been ignored?
Republican John McCain, although mocked by Donald Trump, has never criticized the Republican so-called president.
---------------------------------------------------------------- so what , i don't remember Trump doing anything except for Trump speaking the Truth about 'mckain' Eloy .
He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not..

I disagree. The bias of the mainstream media needed to be exposed a long time ago. They are more like Pravda now than a free press.

You underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Many of us check several unrelated sources on impotent issues and we understand that some authors are more credible than others, No media outlet is perfect but those outlets are the 4th estate in our freedom process. Without them, a known liar, likeTrump, would have free reign to manipulate his large base of ignoramuses to do anything. And with RW talk shows and FOX news backing his BS up, The world could become a dangerous place for people of color and those White people deemed to be liberal.
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More paranoid delusions. Trump isn't trying to shut them down, he's trying to expose their extreme bias.

He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not.. A president needs a poker face with thick skin...Trumps emotional roller coaster is showing it bugs him.

Obama had fake news all over the internet too, its is a political tool which is a scam but it isn't up to Trump to call it out..He used this tool as well to get himself elected .
---------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think that the Trump is complaining about internet news . Trump is going after organized 'msm' working with lefty politicians and the 'democrats' and democrat party EWings !!

From my observation the fake news gets leaked into the social media site and they fly with it. When we were growing up, we only had the news paper.

It is up to the viewer to check out and educate themselves with many sites.. I have seen lies on MSNBC and Fox news.

Now with twitter and facebook these lies become facts for some people, like paul ryan spreading fake news about obamacare so he can rip it apart. This is another topic but I am just pointing out how things get spread around now a days..
The news is controlled by the super rich who hire people to spread it in forums and social media sites.
Trump has no control over it so he should just stay away from social media.
He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not..

I disagree. The bias of the mainstream media needed to be exposed a long time ago. They are more like Pravda now than a free press.

You underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Many of us check several unrelated sources on impotent issues and we understand that some authors are more credible than others, No media outlet is perfect but those outlets are the 4th estate in our freedom process. Without them, a known liar, likeTrump, would have free reign to manipulate his large base of ignoramuses to do anything. And with RW talk shows and FOX news backing his BS up, The world could become a dangerous place for people of color and those White people deemed to be liberal.

Exactly! Right on the issue of Biased news from both parties..
More paranoid delusions. Trump isn't trying to shut them down, he's trying to expose their extreme bias.

He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not.. A president needs a poker face with thick skin...Trumps emotional roller coaster is showing it bugs him.

Obama had fake news all over the internet too, its is a political tool which is a scam but it isn't up to Trump to call it out..He used this tool as well to get himself elected .
---------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think that the Trump is complaining about internet news . Trump is going after organized 'msm' working with lefty politicians and the 'democrats' and democrat party EWings !!

From my observation the fake news gets leaked into the social media site and they fly with it. When we were growing up, we only had the news paper.

It is up to the viewer to check out and educate themselves with many sites.. I have seen lies on MSNBC and Fox news.

Now with twitter and facebook these lies become facts for some people, like paul ryan spreading fake news about obamacare so he can rip it apart. This is another topic but I am just pointing out how things get spread around now a days..
The news is controlled by the super rich who hire people to spread it in forums and social media sites.
Trump has no control over it so he should just stay away from social media.

Trump knows how to "manipulate" social media - and so does Steve Bannon.
As far as dictators getting a start. That comes from a government and press that stops listening to the public. Feeling powerless, they seek a voice. People voted for Trump to gain a voice in government and stop a press that has over stepped their purpose and become a tool of corruption.

I agree very much, he became popular for that reason. People have a voice now as well on the internet, but there are scums who use it to scam and troll..

I am a left leaning democrat who supported Trump in the beginning for that reason.. It was the GOP trying to cheat him over last summer.. But we were watching like hawks .

I am saying that it is not just the liberal sites doing this..
More paranoid delusions. Trump isn't trying to shut them down, he's trying to expose their extreme bias.

He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not.. A president needs a poker face with thick skin...Trumps emotional roller coaster is showing it bugs him.

Obama had fake news all over the internet too, its is a political tool which is a scam but it isn't up to Trump to call it out..He used this tool as well to get himself elected .
---------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't think that the Trump is complaining about internet news . Trump is going after organized 'msm' working with lefty politicians and the 'democrats' and democrat party EWings !!

From my observation the fake news gets leaked into the social media site and they fly with it. When we were growing up, we only had the news paper.

It is up to the viewer to check out and educate themselves with many sites.. I have seen lies on MSNBC and Fox news.

Now with twitter and facebook these lies become facts for some people, like paul ryan spreading fake news about obamacare so he can rip it apart. This is another topic but I am just pointing out how things get spread around now a days..
The news is controlled by the super rich who hire people to spread it in forums and social media sites.
Trump has no control over it so he should just stay away from social media.

Trump knows how to "manipulate" social media - and so does Steve Bannon.

They have payed millions to study the brain to be able to manipulate the public for advertising and political agendas.
It is all a scam, and when something is true all they have to say now is fake news...people fall for it all of the time.

That's it, hang that fucktard. If for nothing else, the pain he inflicted on his fellow servicemen during 'nam.

Sedition is sedition. McCain is contrary to all the citizens of the USA.

An example needs to be made.

Chuck Todd can go next for all I care.
McCain is an American hero

Trump? He sat that one out

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