McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

As far as dictators getting a start. That comes from a government and press that stops listening to the public. Feeling powerless, they seek a voice. People voted for Trump to gain a voice in government and stop a press that has over stepped their purpose and become a tool of corruption.
Senator McCain said on a more serious note is that hating the press means hating people like hate mongers, but helping the first amendment to love people. So, therefore, it considers to be a thin line between these two.

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Our 1st Amendment Folks..
View attachment 113182

Sen. John McCain on Saturday defended the free press following criticism by President Trump, warning that a suppression of an "adversarial" press can lead to a dictatorial regime.

When asked about the president's tweet from Friday that accused the media of being the "enemy of the American people," McCain took the opportunity to underscore the importance of free press in the modern era.

"A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press," McCain told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."

McCain on shutting down press: That's how dictators get started
I am gonna go with Senator McCain's defense of the First Amendment. The First Amendment to the Constitution, as its third article of the Bill of Rights, states clearly that "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of the religion, or the freedom of the press, etc." I know that the First Amendment is needed forever and ever.

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There is no first amendment issue here since there are no laws proposed to limit the press. The first amendment doesn't prohibit criticism of the press and McCain has dishonestly tried to portray criticism of the press as suppression of the press. Aren't you outraged by McCain's lies about the first amendment?

McCain wears Depends and takes Geritol. He thinks he can play the "old guy card" and say whatever comes to mind without consequence.
More paranoid delusions. Trump isn't trying to shut them down, he's trying to expose their extreme bias.

He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not.. A president needs a poker face with thick skin...Trumps emotional roller coaster is showing it bugs him.

Obama had fake news all over the internet too, its is a political tool which is a scam but it isn't up to Trump to call it out..He used this tool as well to get himself elected .
So according to you Trump can't stand up for what he believes becauuuuuuseeee......he's Trump?

What is this asinine logic. ANY American can speak their mind INCLUDING the president.
Obama complained endlessly about conservative media, did you have a problem with that too?

I will admit Trump needs to let the "I won" bullshit go but I have no problem with him challenging our hysterical media.

Yes Obama slammed the news as well, but he didn't make each and every speech about it. We have serious events going on and all he can do is slam the news the whole time, talk about how rich and smart he is, and as you said how well he did in the election.
You know I supported Trump last summer, I still agree with some things..but saw through him
He is so obsessed it could be dangerous.

Check out his twitter page, I am a bit embarrassed.
More paranoid delusions. Trump isn't trying to shut them down, he's trying to expose their extreme bias.

He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not.. A president needs a poker face with thick skin...Trumps emotional roller coaster is showing it bugs him.

Obama had fake news all over the internet too, its is a political tool which is a scam but it isn't up to Trump to call it out..He used this tool as well to get himself elected .
So according to you Trump can't stand up for what he believes becauuuuuuseeee......he's Trump?

What is this asinine logic. ANY American can speak their mind INCLUDING the president.
Obama complained endlessly about conservative media, did you have a problem with that too?

I will admit Trump needs to let the "I won" bullshit go but I have no problem with him challenging our hysterical media.

Yes Obama slammed the news as well, but he didn't make each and every speech about it. We have serious events going on and all he can do is slam the news the whole time, talk about how rich and smart he is, and as you said how well he did in the election.
You know I supported Trump last summer, I still agree with some things..but saw through him
He is so obsessed it could be dangerous.

Check out his twitter page, I am a bit embarrassed.
Relax. The world will continue to spin despite your worries.
How many times do we need to rehash this?

How many threads are about the 2nd Amendment silly...just like the rights fear of Obama stealing their guns, some are truly concerned about Trumps possible dictator leaning.
----------------------------------------------------------- off topic but GUNS mentioned but obama would take all guns if he could have and hilary is the same , Trump probably saved gun owners for as long as he is President EWings !!
Actually McCain has it wrong, but then again he is a Liberal Fascists best friend.

It's when The Media becomes Propagandists for a Particular Dogma, or Ideology that they are laying the ground work and setting the Table for a Dictator who is Sympatico to their Agenda.

We came dangerously close to a dictatorship with Obama because of The Press' Duplicity, and the ball would have been advanced further in Tyranny had Clinton been elected.

The Press does not have to agree with The President but they cannot let themselves be a Partisan and Monilithic Instrument of Propaganda for a Leftist Agenda.

We need balance in the press like we have balance in our three coequal branches of Government, but sadly they have no checks and balances so once they become an Agendized Monilithic Industry they offer We The People No Protelctions from Tyranny In Fact they then become an Advocate for Tyranny.

And that is the dangerous state we find our so called free press in today.

In the last 2 years I have been glued to all of the news channels, and debated on here as well.

I don't see anything different being done to Trump that happened to Obama.

The internet is a sese pool of trolls , and Trump had the biggest voice against Obama..
How many times do we need to rehash this?

How many threads are about the 2nd Amendment silly...just like the rights fear of Obama stealing their guns, some are truly concerned about Trumps possible dictator leaning.

The Loony Left will stay "truly concerned" about some new fabricated bullshit at all times, it won't go away. That said, there is no sense of urgency to convince the whack-jobs otherwise. See how this works?
How many times do we need to rehash this?

How many threads are about the 2nd Amendment silly...just like the rights fear of Obama stealing their guns, some are truly concerned about Trumps possible dictator leaning.
----------------------------------------------------------- off topic but GUNS mentioned but obama would take all guns if he could have and hilary is the same , Trump probably saved gun owners for as long as he is President EWings !!

Obama was never coming after your guns Pismoe, that was fake news sent out by the NRA.
Anyway let's just talk about the 1st Amendment..ok?

No one is shutting down the press. They're free to do business... some of them just might have to get their information second hand from a more conservative source.


If we don't stop you populist bahs-turds now, we will end up just like Nazi Germany.

'You' have tried to stop the opposition by:
- Silencing Free Speech
- Violence
- Riots
- Destroying Property
- Arson
- Looting
- Firebombing GOP HQs
- Intimidating, beating & bloodying Trump Supporters
- Threatening Electoral College Voters
- Calling for military coups
- Calling for assassinations
- Betrayal by holdovers in govt positions

Ironic how the Fascists / Nazis are justifying being 'Nazis' so they will 'prevent orhers from becoming Nazis'...
I have done none of those things, LIAR!
How many times do we need to rehash this?

How many threads are about the 2nd Amendment silly...just like the rights fear of Obama stealing their guns, some are truly concerned about Trumps possible dictator leaning.

The Loony Left will stay "truly concerned" about some new fabricated bullshit at all times, it won't go away. That said, there is no sense of urgency to convince the whack-jobs otherwise. See how this works?

I used to have the biggest kick out of going to the rightwing news sites and watch them rip his speech apart and tell 1/2 truth to piss people off.
Now we get the fake news coming at us on the internet...against or for everything..

Stop thinking it is just the liberals, you are being brainwashed..
Our 1st Amendment Folks..
View attachment 113182

Sen. John McCain on Saturday defended the free press following criticism by President Trump, warning that a suppression of an "adversarial" press can lead to a dictatorial regime.

When asked about the president's tweet from Friday that accused the media of being the "enemy of the American people," McCain took the opportunity to underscore the importance of free press in the modern era.

"A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press," McCain told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."

McCain on shutting down press: That's how dictators get started
No one ever accused John McCain of being smart or even honest. How is criticizing the press suppression of the press unless McCain believes President Trump's criticisms of the press are so devastatingly effective the press will collapse under the weight of them?

Rand Paul responded by saying McCain just showed us again how lucky we are McCain is not in charge.

Wiki: This sounds just like what he is doing..

Dictators also use their leadership skills to persuade the masses to believe their agendas. They use censorship to control the flow of information so as to maintain power.

Our First Amendment test is here. We can’t afford to flunk it.
Trump has made it clear that he has no intention of protecting or defending those rights. He has said repeatedly that he wants to change the laws that allow the press to publish news — however imperfectly — without fear of punishment.
No, what President Trump is doing is criticizing the MSM for false, biased reporting. Nothing he has said or done suggests limiting free press in any way. The first amendment is simply not relevant here.
How many times do we need to rehash this?

How many threads are about the 2nd Amendment silly...just like the rights fear of Obama stealing their guns, some are truly concerned about Trumps possible dictator leaning.
----------------------------------------------------------- off topic but GUNS mentioned but obama would take all guns if he could have and hilary is the same , Trump probably saved gun owners for as long as he is President EWings !!

Obama was never coming after your guns Pismoe, that was fake news sent out by the NRA.
Anyway let's just talk about the 1st Amendment..ok?

Um, you know that YOU introduced the 2nd Amendment into this conversation? Once it's its in and you can thank yourself for that.
Our 1st Amendment Folks..
View attachment 113182

Sen. John McCain on Saturday defended the free press following criticism by President Trump, warning that a suppression of an "adversarial" press can lead to a dictatorial regime.

When asked about the president's tweet from Friday that accused the media of being the "enemy of the American people," McCain took the opportunity to underscore the importance of free press in the modern era.

"A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press," McCain told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."

McCain on shutting down press: That's how dictators get started
I am gonna go with Senator McCain's defense of the First Amendment. The First Amendment to the Constitution, as its third article of the Bill of Rights, states clearly that "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of the religion, or the freedom of the press, etc." I know that the First Amendment is needed forever and ever.

Sent from my LG-K330 using Tapatalk
There is no first amendment issue here since there are no laws proposed to limit the press. The first amendment doesn't prohibit criticism of the press and McCain has dishonestly tried to portray criticism of the press as suppression of the press. Aren't you outraged by McCain's lies about the first amendment?
No, he defended the first amendment after President Trump made a huge grill on the news media on Twitter, saying that fake news is the speak of the devil. Why do you consider on making lies on the Freedom of Speech, the freedom of the press, etc.? Do supporters of President Trump like you making me do some lies?

Sent from my LG-K330 using Tapatalk
The first amendment is in no way relevant to criticism of the press, which is what McCain is dishonestly calling suppression of the free press.

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