McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

McCain laid into his Russian collaboration big time

and Priebus just rattled off some fake news for a bit then snuck out the back door

That's it, hang that fucktard. If for nothing else, the pain he inflicted on his fellow servicemen during 'nam.

Sedition is sedition. McCain is contrary to all the citizens of the USA.

An example needs to be made.

Chuck Todd can go next for all I care.
McCain is an American hero

Trump? He sat that one out
---------------------------------------------------------------- all this hero worship is distasteful , mckain did his job that he VOLUNTEERED to do , was paid , taken care of medically then he fed at the government trough these last 40 years or so . And he probably keeps getting reelected partly due to his hero worshipping voters RWinger .
That's it, hang that fucktard. If for nothing else, the pain he inflicted on his fellow servicemen during 'nam.

Sedition is sedition. McCain is contrary to all the citizens of the USA.

An example needs to be made.

Chuck Todd can go next for all I care.
McCain is an American hero

Trump? He sat that one out

Notice how they try to discredit McCain, lol... I am thankful that he is standing up against what he feels is wrong.

That's it, hang that fucktard. If for nothing else, the pain he inflicted on his fellow servicemen during 'nam.

Sedition is sedition. McCain is contrary to all the citizens of the USA.

An example needs to be made.

Chuck Todd can go next for all I care.
McCain is an American hero

Trump? He sat that one out
---------------------------------------------------------------- all this hero worship is distasteful , mckain did his job that he VOLUNTEERED to do , was paid , taken care of medically then he fed at the government trough these last 40 years or so . And he probably keeps getting reelected partly due to his hero worshipping voters RWinger .

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

We've had a free press all along and still do, now if we could just get an unbiased press. We haven't had one for a few decades.

I agree.

I have always maintained that there is not a single problem in this country that would not be solved quickly if we had an honest, aggressive, and diligent press. If we had that, everything else that is worthwhile and fair would follow. Joseph Pulitzer understood the awesome power of the press:

"There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy. Get these things out in the open, describe them, attack them, ridicule them in the press, and sooner or later public opinion will sweep them away. Publicity may not be the only thing that is needed, but it is the one thing without which all other agencies will fail."

“Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together," Pulitzer wrote. "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mold the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.”

Joseph Pulitzer

Pulitzer was right; as the press goes, so goes the country. Unfortunately, when the press withholds or distorts the news in favor of a personal political agenda they become an enemy more dangerous by far than any foreign threat could ever be. The greatest threat to our country's security is not Russia or China but the unholy alliance between the MSM and the Soros-backed Democratic Party.

Hillary's personal campaign of tyranny came to an end because Americans learned the truth about her. They caught her in lie after lie after lie. They discovered her role in the senseless death and destruction in the Middle East. They heard the war monger laugh when she took credit for the murder of Gaddafi: “We came, we saw he died.” They became aware of her plans for open borders, an open invitation for criminals and terrorists to enter our country. They learned of her plans to establish a no-fly zone in Syria, a plan which even Obama did not approve and her own military leaders warned would lead to war with Russia. The truth defeated Hillary Clinton and the truth came from the Internet not the MSM. The Democrats want to silence the Internet because they cannot control it.

The Internet is our last line of defense against a corrupt and dangerous political system and the only people trying to muzzle the Internet are those who are part of that deplorable system. But for the Internet, a corrupt, dishonest, war mongering megalomaniac would be President of the United States. With the open support of the MSM Clinton came dangerously close. The Internet literally saved our country.

Trump is not trying to muzzle the press. He is confronting the press openly. That's exactly what he should do. I may disagree with Trump on other things, but his counter-attack strategy against the media is a necessary, courageous and noble effort. If he doesn't win, we all lose except, of course, for those who benefit from secrecy and lies.
John McCain crashed something like six planes and got himself shot down.

He's tenacious.

But he's pretty incompetent
Like McCain had a choice of being able to prevent being shot down, If he was shot down six times and survived, he was a bad mofo gutsy patriot.Now tell me about Trump's heroic deeds!

He crashed something like six planes....wasn't a very good aviator.

McCain might have been able to prevent it.....don't know.

Crashing six planes....I wonder what they were thinking when they put him back in the cockpit after number 5.
That's it, hang that fucktard. If for nothing else, the pain he inflicted on his fellow servicemen during 'nam.

Sedition is sedition. McCain is contrary to all the citizens of the USA.

An example needs to be made.

Chuck Todd can go next for all I care.
McCain is an American hero

Trump? He sat that one out

Notice how they try to discredit McCain, lol... I am thankful that he is standing up against what he feels is wrong.

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My guess is you've never flown for the military.

I know guys that have. Hell I've drank Budweisers with them.
Trump is not trying to muzzle the press. He is confronting the press openly. That's exactly what he should do. I may disagree with Trump on other things, but his counter-attack strategy against the media is a necessary, courageous and noble effort. If he doesn't win, we all lose except, of course, for those who benefit from secrecy and lies.
...and he's in good company.

“From forty years' experience of the wretched guess-work of the newspapers of what is not done in open daylight, and of their falsehood even as to that, I rarely think them worth reading, and almost never worth notice.”

“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day.”

“As for what is not true, you will always find abundance in the newspapers.”

“A coalition of sentiments is not for the interest of printers… [T]he printers can never leave us in a state of perfect rest and union of opinion. They would be no longer useful and would have to go to the plough.”

"I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in the world in their time…”

“The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”

“From a very early period of my life, I had laid it down as a rule of conduct, never to write a word for the public papers.”

Thomas Jefferson
He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not..

I disagree. The bias of the mainstream media needed to be exposed a long time ago. They are more like Pravda now than a free press.

You underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Many of us check several unrelated sources on impotent issues and we understand that some authors are more credible than others, No media outlet is perfect but those outlets are the 4th estate in our freedom process. Without them, a known liar, likeTrump, would have free reign to manipulate his large base of ignoramuses to do anything. And with RW talk shows and FOX news backing his BS up, The world could become a dangerous place for people of color and those White people deemed to be liberal.

You underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Many of us check several unrelated sources on important issues and we understand that some authors are more credible than others, No media outlet is perfect but those outlets are the 4th estate in our freedom process. Without them, biased and crooked political hacks would hide behind the media shield and contrive issues just to frustrate our president.

The president and his staff retain their 1A right to criticize the hired guns. Don't let the Democrat Media Complex fool you. Their agenda is to do everything possible to frustrate the presidency.

To break it down Barney style: The press narrative is false and blatently Communist/NWO propaganda. Most of us see it, Trump called them on it and there's a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Boo Hoo.

Too Bad.

Don't lie next time. (Like that will ever happen)
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
So basically you want to create a dictatorship because someone you don't like says your So Called Ruler of the United States wants to create a dictatorship.

If I say Trump should resign, then you'll agree with me?
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
So basically you want to create a dictatorship because someone you don't like says your So Called Ruler of the United States wants to create a dictatorship.

If I say Trump should resign, then you'll agree with me?

In what way did I condone creating a dictatorship?

No. Seditious, traiterous fucktards have gotten way too brazen. Public hangings are a good way to curb that bullshit.

What if it was 10 years in prison vs a speedy trial and public hanging, what say you?

The rioters are getting 10 years in prison.
If we don't stop you populist bahs-turds now, we will end up just like Nazi Germany.

'You' have tried to stop the opposition by:
- Silencing Free Speech
- Violence
- Riots
- Destroying Property
- Arson
- Looting
- Firebombing GOP HQs
- Intimidating, beating & bloodying Trump Supporters
- Threatening Electoral College Voters
- Calling for military coups
- Calling for assassinations
- Betrayal by holdovers in govt positions

Ironic how the Fascists / Nazis are justifying being 'Nazis' so they will 'prevent orhers from becoming Nazis'...
I have done none of those things, LIAR!
Do you know what those little marks around the word 'you' mean?

Evidently NOT. Educate yourself.

It means 'you' as in 'snowfkakes', 'Democrats', not YOU specifically, 'genius'.

When Obama was president konservatives headlined each of the items you listed including beating Hillary supporters. Cop violence escalated, threats of secession scorched the airwaves, gun sales accelerated , Rw White people circled the wagons and, at the expense of maligning conservative values and Christian morality, found their Great White Hope
in Donald J. Trump. One of the first things he did was to appoint a known racist to the AG spot. That marked his contract with White American and his breech with Black America. The stage is set for kristalnacht American style!
You lie...just like 'your' media.
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
So basically you want to create a dictatorship because someone you don't like says your So Called Ruler of the United States wants to create a dictatorship.

If I say Trump should resign, then you'll agree with me?



He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not..

I disagree. The bias of the mainstream media needed to be exposed a long time ago. They are more like Pravda now than a free press.

You underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Many of us check several unrelated sources on impotent issues and we understand that some authors are more credible than others, No media outlet is perfect but those outlets are the 4th estate in our freedom process. Without them, a known liar, likeTrump, would have free reign to manipulate his large base of ignoramuses to do anything. And with RW talk shows and FOX news backing his BS up, The world could become a dangerous place for people of color and those White people deemed to be liberal.

The president and his staff retain their 1A right to criticize the hired guns. Don't let the Democrat Media Complex fool you. Their agenda is to do everything possible to frustrate the presidency.


And that is as it should be. Otherwise there would be no accountability. Opposing views expressed in the media keeps the public informed and, for those bright enough to fact check the information, that model is invaluable for making informed voting decisions. Our Democracy could not function without it! Trump is keenly aware of that and it irks him to no end!
If we don't stop you populist bahs-turds now, we will end up just like Nazi Germany.

'You' have tried to stop the opposition by:
- Silencing Free Speech
- Violence
- Riots
- Destroying Property
- Arson
- Looting
- Firebombing GOP HQs
- Intimidating, beating & bloodying Trump Supporters
- Threatening Electoral College Voters
- Calling for military coups
- Calling for assassinations
- Betrayal by holdovers in govt positions

Ironic how the Fascists / Nazis are justifying being 'Nazis' so they will 'prevent orhers from becoming Nazis'...
I have done none of those things, LIAR!
Do you know what those little marks around the word 'you' mean?

Evidently NOT. Educate yourself.

It means 'you' as in 'snowfkakes', 'Democrats', not YOU specifically, 'genius'.

When Obama was president konservatives headlined each of the items you listed including beating Hillary supporters. Cop violence escalated, threats of secession scorched the airwaves, gun sales accelerated , Rw White people circled the wagons and, at the expense of maligning conservative values and Christian morality, found their Great White Hope
in Donald J. Trump. One of the first things he did was to appoint a known racist to the AG spot. That marked his contract with White American and his breech with Black America. The stage is set for kristalnacht American style!
You lie...just like 'your' media.
Where is the lie? Back that assertion UP OR STFU
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
So basically you want to create a dictatorship because someone you don't like says your So Called Ruler of the United States wants to create a dictatorship.

If I say Trump should resign, then you'll agree with me?

In what way did I condone creating a dictatorship?

No. Seditious, traiterous fucktards have gotten way too brazen. Public hangings are a good way to curb that bullshit.

What if it was 10 years in prison vs a speedy trial and public hanging, what say you?

The rioters are getting 10 years in prison.
Wow, you're very thick.
McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Republican Senator Arizona Senator told NBC News in a clip released Saturday (above) that President Donald Trump's most recent attack on the media is an example of "how dictators get started."

Chuck Todd, host of "Meet the Press," asked McCain about Trump's tweet Friday, in which the president declared that the media is "the enemy of the American people."

"If you want to preserve Democracy as we know it, you have to have a free and many times adversarial press, and without it I'm afraid we would lose so much of our individual liberties over time. That's how dictators get started," McCain responded.

"They get started by suppressing a free press," he added. "In other words, a consolidation of power, when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do, is shut down the press. I'm not saying that President Trump is trying to be a dictator. I'm just saying we need to learn the lessons of history."

McCain On Trump Declaring The Media An Enemy: "That's How Dictators Get Started"

Amen, John! The problem is - Trump doesn't know anything about history. He may not even know how Hitler started. It's scary...

We've had a free press all along and still do, now if we could just get an unbiased press. We haven't had one for a few decades.

I agree.

I have always maintained that there is not a single problem in this country that would not be solved quickly if we had an honest, aggressive, and diligent press. If we had that, everything else that is worthwhile and fair would follow. Joseph Pulitzer understood the awesome power of the press:

"There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy. Get these things out in the open, describe them, attack them, ridicule them in the press, and sooner or later public opinion will sweep them away. Publicity may not be the only thing that is needed, but it is the one thing without which all other agencies will fail."

“Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together," Pulitzer wrote. "An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mold the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.”

Joseph Pulitzer

Pulitzer was right; as the press goes, so goes the country. Unfortunately, when the press withholds or distorts the news in favor of a personal political agenda they become an enemy more dangerous by far than any foreign threat could ever be. The greatest threat to our country's security is not Russia or China but the unholy alliance between the MSM and the Soros-backed Democratic Party.

Hillary's personal campaign of tyranny came to an end because Americans learned the truth about her. They caught her in lie after lie after lie. They discovered her role in the senseless death and destruction in the Middle East. They heard the war monger laugh when she took credit for the murder of Gaddafi: “We came, we saw he died.” They became aware of her plans for open borders, an open invitation for criminals and terrorists to enter our country. They learned of her plans to establish a no-fly zone in Syria, a plan which even Obama did not approve and her own military leaders warned would lead to war with Russia. The truth defeated Hillary Clinton and the truth came from the Internet not the MSM. The Democrats want to silence the Internet because they cannot control it.

The Internet is our last line of defense against a corrupt and dangerous political system and the only people trying to muzzle the Internet are those who are part of that deplorable system. But for the Internet, a corrupt, dishonest, war mongering megalomaniac would be President of the United States. With the open support of the MSM Clinton came dangerously close. The Internet literally saved our country.

Trump is not trying to muzzle the press. He is confronting the press openly. That's exactly what he should do. I may disagree with Trump on other things, but his counter-attack strategy against the media is a necessary, courageous and noble effort. If he doesn't win, we all lose except, of course, for those who benefit from secrecy and lies.
When politicians lie in front of the unblinking eye of the live news camera, there is no press dishonesty involved in that. The dishonesty arises then those same lying politicians ( like Trump) turn around and tell us on a different network that we cant believe our LYING EYES. Or worse still, they put a surrogate up to tell us what he really MEANT to say...aka alt facts. heh heh heh... you konservatives are so damn devious!

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