McCain: "Dictators Start By Suppressing Media"

That's it, hang that fucktard. If for nothing else, the pain he inflicted on his fellow servicemen during 'nam.

Sedition is sedition. McCain is contrary to all the citizens of the USA.

An example needs to be made.

Chuck Todd can go next for all I care.
It's not traitorous to speak out against the president. Sorry, that's not how it works in America. Russia, maybe. I'm sure they'd be happy to take you
I'm telling you: Public hanging needs to make a comeback.
Let's start with you

What's the charge?
What's the charge against McCain?

"in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

He clearly sides with those against the US often.

U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3 - The U.S. Constitution Online -
You are on a big boy and girl political board here. Many of us (both conservative, liberal & Independent) know a lot more than you do as we have been on this board for many years, and your conspiracy theories won't work here.

I am confident that there are people that know more than I do

and equally confident that YOU are not one of those people

I have seen you & your comments and your knowledge & grasp of facts has left me, how do I say this?

underwhelmed - yes, that's the word I am looking for...

you want a link? why am I not surprised that you, with your alleged "superior knowledge" are clueless as to what I am talking about?

I am talking about the pernicious Fairness Doctrine & the left's attempt to use it to regulate talk radio while leaving television broadcast and cable news alone - sheer hypocrisy and a blatant attempt to suppress free speech

here is one link (several are out there to pull from) Talk radio under siege - On Media

nah, let's give you 2 links, Obama's attempt to use the FCC to silence conservative talk radio host's was pretty aggressive - Articles: Obama Declares War on Conservative Talk Radio

happy reading
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Obama and Hillary Clinton are out of the picture and ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to disrupt an American national election, & or to do a Cyber attack on the United states is TREASON.


You can try and deflect all you want too, but it won't work. This is the biggest scandal in American history, and it's going to end up being a 1000 times worse than Watergate, because it does in fact involve a Foreign adversary.

You people picked a real "winner" here.


Amen! Heads must roll.
You are a very stupid person.

Obama and Hillary Clinton are out of the picture and ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to disrupt an American national election, & or to do a Cyber attack on the United states is TREASON.


You can try and deflect all you want too, but it won't work. This is the biggest scandal in American history, and it's going to end up being a 1000 times worse than Watergate, because it does in fact involve a Foreign adversary.

You people picked a real "winner" here.


Amen! Heads must roll.

Yeah, he'll be impeached there's no doubt about it. They're also investigating FBI Director James Comey which will be making the headline news also.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Good for Shepard Smith ... speaking out against Trump, now at 39%.

Republicans are in quite a spot here. If they don't do something about Trump--they're going to get slaughtered in 2018 and 2020, and I think they know it. Trump is just a comedy T.V. reality show--and everyone is getting very tired of it. Everyday is another disaster.

In Shep's video--he actually states that Trump aids were on the phone with the Russians at the very time the DNC was being hacked. Obviously they have the phone records to prove that. This is Treason there is no getting around that. Campaign aids have absolutely no rational reason to be talking to Foreign adversary's during the campaign season. Russians don't vote and they can't make campaign donations.

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Republicans are in quite a spot here. If they don't do something about Trump--they're going to get slaughtered in 2018 and 2020, and I think they know it. Trump is just a comedy T.V. reality show--and everyone is getting very tired of it. Everyday is another disaster.

remember when Hillary and basically all of the democrats, members of the media and democrats were pulling for Trump to win the nomination because he would be the easiest candidate to beat in the general election?

and our friends STILL don't get it

Trump is resonating with the people he needs to

just as this past election was a huge shock and surprise to those groups, so will be the elections in '18 & '20

Obama and Hillary Clinton are out of the picture and ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to disrupt an American national election, & or to do a Cyber attack on the United states is TREASON.


You can try and deflect all you want too, but it won't work. This is the biggest scandal in American history, and it's going to end up being a 1000 times worse than Watergate, because it does in fact involve a Foreign adversary.

You people picked a real "winner" here.


Amen! Heads must roll.

Yeah, he'll be impeached there's no doubt about it. They're also investigating FBI Director James Comey which will be making the headline news also.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Good for Shepard Smith ... speaking out against Trump, now at 39%.

Republicans are in quite a spot here. If they don't do something about Trump--they're going to get slaughtered in 2018 and 2020, and I think they know it. Trump is just a comedy T.V. reality show--and everyone is getting very tired of it. Everyday is another disaster.

In Shep's video--he actually states that Trump aids were on the phone with the Russians at the very time the DNC was being hacked. Obviously they have the phone records to prove that. This is Treason there is no getting around that. Campaign aids have absolutely no rational reason to be talking to Foreign adversary's during the campaign season. Russians don't vote and they can't make campaign donations.

Amen! Thank you.
Obama and Hillary Clinton are out of the picture and ALL EYEBALLS are focused on the Comrade.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to disrupt an American national election, & or to do a Cyber attack on the United states is TREASON.


You can try and deflect all you want too, but it won't work. This is the biggest scandal in American history, and it's going to end up being a 1000 times worse than Watergate, because it does in fact involve a Foreign adversary.

You people picked a real "winner" here.


Amen! Heads must roll.

Yeah, he'll be impeached there's no doubt about it. They're also investigating FBI Director James Comey which will be making the headline news also.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Good for Shepard Smith ... speaking out against Trump, now at 39%.

Republicans are in quite a spot here. If they don't do something about Trump--they're going to get slaughtered in 2018 and 2020, and I think they know it. Trump is just a comedy T.V. reality show--and everyone is getting very tired of it. Everyday is another disaster.

In Shep's video--he actually states that Trump aids were on the phone with the Russians at the very time the DNC was being hacked. Obviously they have the phone records to prove that. This is Treason there is no getting around that. Campaign aids have absolutely no rational reason to be talking to Foreign adversary's during the campaign season. Russians don't vote and they can't make campaign donations.

Amen! Thank you.

Shep is milk toast...
Ugh, no. Dictators begin by controlling the media. This allows them to set "what is the truth" relative to broad public discourse and communication. Just look at the past election and administration. Was there a single unbiased journalistic standard? Of course not.
It seems impossible that democrats could possibly believe they have a better chance in 2018 than they did in 2016. They were so convinced that Hillary was going to win that they refused to consider an alternative. Overnight they went from outrage that Trump might not accept the results of the election to outrage that Trump accepted the results of the election.
Our 1st Amendment Folks..

Sen. John McCain on Saturday defended the free press following criticism by President Trump, warning that a suppression of an "adversarial" press can lead to a dictatorial regime.

When asked about the president's tweet from Friday that accused the media of being the "enemy of the American people," McCain took the opportunity to underscore the importance of free press in the modern era.

"A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press," McCain told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."

McCain on shutting down press: That's how dictators get started
Our 1st Amendment Folks..
View attachment 113182

Sen. John McCain on Saturday defended the free press following criticism by President Trump, warning that a suppression of an "adversarial" press can lead to a dictatorial regime.

When asked about the president's tweet from Friday that accused the media of being the "enemy of the American people," McCain took the opportunity to underscore the importance of free press in the modern era.

"A fundamental part of that new world order was a free press. I hate the press, I hate you especially, but the fact is we need you, we need a free press," McCain told Chuck Todd in an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press."

McCain on shutting down press: That's how dictators get started
No one ever accused John McCain of being smart or even honest. How is criticizing the press suppression of the press unless McCain believes President Trump's criticisms of the press are so devastatingly effective the press will collapse under the weight of them?

Rand Paul responded by saying McCain just showed us again how lucky we are McCain is not in charge.
More paranoid delusions. Trump isn't trying to shut them down, he's trying to expose their extreme bias.

He made a big mistake by picking a fight with the news people fake or not.. A president needs a poker face with thick skin...Trumps emotional roller coaster is showing it bugs him.

Obama had fake news all over the internet too, its is a political tool which is a scam but it isn't up to Trump to call it out..He used this tool as well to get himself elected .

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