McCain talks of dysfunction in the GOP shutdown

Oh please.

What a warped viewpoint to think Republicans are "helping" the country by hurting the country.

It's like an abused housewife thinking her husband beats her because he loves her.

Total bullshit.

If Republicans want to rescind Obamacare, then do it proactively and not abusively.

Why don't you show me who the Republicans were that ran on a platform of Pro Obamacare, Pro raising the debt ceiling and Pro increasing taxes?

R's weren't elected to go to Washington and get down on their knees and give blow jobs to Harry Reid or to the President.

They are representing their constituents and fulfilling their campaign promises.

If you don't like it tough shit.

Please show me the thread of anyone saying that there are republicans wanting the Obamacare. We are talking about the government shutdown. I looked and I may have missed it.
Anyway here are the 49 Republicans against the shutdown:

The GOP Members of the House
Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK): Asked on MSNBC on Monday if a shutdown was “going to hurt the Republicans,” Cole said, “I do, but more importantly I think it’s going to hurt the American people.”

Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA): “I’m prepared to vote for a clean resolution tomorrow… It’s time to govern. I don’t intend to support a fool’s errand at this point.”
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ): “Obamacare is definitely not ready for prime time. But I do not want the government to shut down. I think after voting against it some 40 times, we have represented our constituents and made our point.”

Rep. Chris Gibson (R-NY): “From my perspective, the desired end state remains the same — a delay of the Affordable Care Act/Obamacare and a temporary lifting of the sequester — both to January 2015… However, we need a successful strategy to get that implemented, and this approach will not do it.”

Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY): “The circus created the past few days isn’t reflective of mainstream Republicans — it projects an image of not being reasonable. The vast majority of Republicans are pretty level-headed and are here to govern.”

Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY): “[A]s a lifelong and consistent supporter of women’s rights and health care, I do not support addressing divisive social issues such as access to birth control on a last-minute continuing resolution.’’
Rep. Peter King (R-NY): “We should not be closing down the government under any circumstances… That doesn’t work, it’s wrong, and, you know, Obamacare passed. We have to try to defund it, we have to try to find ways to repeal it. But the fact is, we shouldn’t be using it as a threat to shut down the government.”

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): “We’re pretty much out of options at this point. They’re all giddy about it. You know who benefits the most here from a shutdown? The Democrats benefit and they know that.”

Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL): “The shutdown doesn’t do anything to help our reputation as an incompetent Congress,.. People hire us not to get to this point in the first place.”
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI): “We have to stay on the right side of public opinion… Shutting down the government puts us on the wrong side. The fight is on the debt limit.”

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA): Wolf warned that his party will be blamed in the case of a shutdown. “That’s the battle that’s going on in my party. There are some that are saying, ‘shut it down! … If we shut the government down, who’s going to fund the [Veteran Affairs] Hospital? Who’s going to fund the veteran who doesn’t have a leg? Who’s going to fund the FBI who’s working on a counter-terrorism case? Who’s going to fund cancer research?”

More here>>>>49 Republicans Who Say Shutting Down The Government Over Obamacare Is A Big Mistake | ThinkProgress

Tiny Necromancer response: you mean... 49 RINOs!! Uh uh...That's a lie from the liberal err...That link, I don't like that link!....and furthermore you stink!

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