McCain was a war hawk. List, proving once again the left stand for nothing.

I agree . He was a war hawk.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to dance on his grave. What’s with you cons trying to justify Trumps disgraceful behavior when it comes to McCain.

I didn’t like his politics but I believe he was an honorable pol.
I wonder if you will exercise that discretion with every Republican death or does he get the pass because of his feud with Trump?

I suspect it is the latter
Can't think of another Republican I would bother defending....
That's because McCain was an opportunistic politician, not a patriotic statesman.
I agree . He was a war hawk.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to dance on his grave. What’s with you cons trying to justify Trumps disgraceful behavior when it comes to McCain.

I didn’t like his politics but I believe he was an honorable pol.
I wonder if you will exercise that discretion with every Republican death or does he get the pass because of his feud with Trump?

I suspect it is the latter
Can't think of another Republican I would bother defending....
That's because McCain was an opportunistic politician, not a patriotic statesman.
So tax cuts for the rich and screwing everyone else is patriotic? A pure BS propaganda machine is patriotic?
I agree . He was a war hawk.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to dance on his grave. What’s with you cons trying to justify Trumps disgraceful behavior when it comes to McCain.

I didn’t like his politics but I believe he was an honorable pol.
I wonder if you will exercise that discretion with every Republican death or does he get the pass because of his feud with Trump?

I suspect it is the latter
Can't think of another Republican I would bother defending....
That's because McCain was an opportunistic politician, not a patriotic statesman.
So tax cuts for the rich and screwing everyone else is patriotic? A pure BS propaganda machine is patriotic?
Talk about propaganda. ...."Tax cuts for the rich". Everyone that pays federal income tax got a tax cut. Idiot.
I agree . He was a war hawk.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to dance on his grave. What’s with you cons trying to justify Trumps disgraceful behavior when it comes to McCain.

I didn’t like his politics but I believe he was an honorable pol.
I wonder if you will exercise that discretion with every Republican death or does he get the pass because of his feud with Trump?

I suspect it is the latter
Can't think of another Republican I would bother defending....
That's because McCain was an opportunistic politician, not a patriotic statesman.
So tax cuts for the rich and screwing everyone else is patriotic? A pure BS propaganda machine is patriotic?
Talk about propaganda. ...."Tax cuts for the rich". Everyone that pays federal income tax got a tax cut. Idiot.
83% went to the rich and giant corporations both absolutely bloated after 35 years of giveaway to the rich, dupe. Absolutely backwards to what the country needs. Remember the country?
I wonder if you will exercise that discretion with every Republican death or does he get the pass because of his feud with Trump?

I suspect it is the latter
Can't think of another Republican I would bother defending....
That's because McCain was an opportunistic politician, not a patriotic statesman.
So tax cuts for the rich and screwing everyone else is patriotic? A pure BS propaganda machine is patriotic?
Talk about propaganda. ...."Tax cuts for the rich". Everyone that pays federal income tax got a tax cut. Idiot.
83% went to the rich and giant corporations both absolutely bloated after 35 years of giveaway to the rich, dupe. Absolutely backwards to what the country needs. Remember the country?
Something wrong with corporations keeping more of the money they earn to invest in growth and hiring people? The economy is boiling. Makes you angry, huh. Why don't you like the idea of a job for everyone that wants one? Idiot.
Please, add my home country of Ukraine, where him, Soros and Obama's administration have arranged a coup which was followed with a civil war.

Also he was a father of ISIS.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that McCain only supports jihadists in Eastern Europe though! He also backs the overt Nazis acting as death squads for Kiev in the ongoing Ukrainian conflict.

This of course started in 2014, but McCain has continued to pledge support for Kiev’s crimes in the Donbass region to this day. This is all par for the course in McCain’s larger theme of challenging Russia– the country he believes controls the separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The story of McCain’s hatred of Russia spans back to the Cold War. We won’t get into McCain’s fear of communism that’s evolved into just general Russophobia. But we will say he didn’t have many excuses to focus on making threats towards Moscow for a good 15-20 year stretch.

This changed in 2008, with the war in South Ossetia between Georgia and Russia. During this conflict McCain was the loudest voice saying the US “should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia’s security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation.”

This same situation repeated in Ukraine in 2014 but McCain’s worst comments came this year. As soon as the US Intelligence Community’s accused Russia of interference in the 2016 US elections– and without any evidence– McCain was first to say the event was an “act of war.”

True Dat!

McCain didn't know wtf is really going on there ... He should have kept his nose out of those hot places, together with other warmongering buddies of his.
Yes, he was an interventionist which is why I was perfectly happy with him as first my representative and then senator, but I didn't support him for president.
I agree . He was a war hawk.

Doesn’t mean I’m going to dance on his grave. What’s with you cons trying to justify Trumps disgraceful behavior when it comes to McCain.

I didn’t like his politics but I believe he was an honorable pol.
I wonder if you will exercise that discretion with every Republican death or does he get the pass because of his feud with Trump?

I suspect it is the latter
Can't think of another Republican I would bother defending....
That's because McCain was an opportunistic politician, not a patriotic statesman.
So tax cuts for the rich and screwing everyone else is patriotic? A pure BS propaganda machine is patriotic?
Talk about propaganda. ...."Tax cuts for the rich". Everyone that pays federal income tax got a tax cut. Idiot.
All they have are their democrat talking points. Which is all identity politics. That is all.

They still actually think the tax cuts were ONLY for "THE RIIIIIIICH."

Cannot get anywhere with these pathetic, ignorant, hypocritical programmed robots.

They just spew out the cliches. Ignore the good things happening in the economy and hope everything goes horrible.

They are so pathetic, they cheer for their leaders that say they want the economy to tank. Just so they can claim they were right.

Not only is it pointless to communicate with them, it is really becoming clear the only good left winger is one with their teeth knocked out.

So the 'left' stands for nothing? Not one thing? They have no political stances? They don't stand for single payer healthcare? They don't stand for fewer guns? They don't stand for smaller defense budgets?



Okay...from now on - Theowl32's OFFICIAL stance is that 'the left stands for nothing'.
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.

Didn't always agree with him.
I did respect him.

Rest in Peace Senator McCain.
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.


When deciding between a proven conservative like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump who invited Bill and Hillary to his wedding; you chose Trump.
So take your "stand for nothing" ass and fuck off.
Can't think of another Republican I would bother defending....
That's because McCain was an opportunistic politician, not a patriotic statesman.
So tax cuts for the rich and screwing everyone else is patriotic? A pure BS propaganda machine is patriotic?
Talk about propaganda. ...."Tax cuts for the rich". Everyone that pays federal income tax got a tax cut. Idiot.
83% went to the rich and giant corporations both absolutely bloated after 35 years of giveaway to the rich, dupe. Absolutely backwards to what the country needs. Remember the country?
Something wrong with corporations keeping more of the money they earn to invest in growth and hiring people? The economy is boiling. Makes you angry, huh. Why don't you like the idea of a job for everyone that wants one? Idiot.

You know they used that money in share buy back... Only an idiot would believe it otherwise...

The tax cut was idiocy on economic grounds... You either believe the economy is struggling and need a tax cut stimulate it or you believe the economy is going well and there is need of tax raise to slow it down and avoid a crash...
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.


When deciding between a proven conservative like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump who invited Bill and Hillary to his wedding; you chose Trump.
So take your "stand for nothing" ass and fuck off.
I supported Cruz until he dropped out. I have to support trump.
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.


When deciding between a proven conservative like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump who invited Bill and Hillary to his wedding; you chose Trump.
So take your "stand for nothing" ass and fuck off.
I supported Cruz until he dropped out. I have to support trump.

I understand the voting for the lesser of two evils…however the reason Cruz dropped out was because he lacked support and the “conservatives” were going to Trump
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.


When deciding between a proven conservative like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump who invited Bill and Hillary to his wedding; you chose Trump.
So take your "stand for nothing" ass and fuck off.
I supported Cruz until he dropped out. I have to support trump.

I understand the voting for the lesser of two evils…however the reason Cruz dropped out was because he lacked support and the “conservatives” were going to Trump
Trump is doing exactly what needs to be done, in my opinion. I have no complaints, so far.
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.


When deciding between a proven conservative like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump who invited Bill and Hillary to his wedding; you chose Trump.
So take your "stand for nothing" ass and fuck off.
I supported Cruz until he dropped out. I have to support trump.

I understand the voting for the lesser of two evils…however the reason Cruz dropped out was because he lacked support and the “conservatives” were going to Trump
Trump is doing exactly what needs to be done, in my opinion. I have no complaints, so far.

Trump has been fairly pathetic over this and has shown that McCain can live in his head rent free even after he is dead..

Trump took days to acknowledge his service to the nation...

Lets be clear, Trump is so small minded he struggles to understand how a McCain can get respect from both sides of the aisle even though their was disagreements on policy...

McCain will get more respect and thanks than Trump will ever get and he knows that... That is why he has to be pushed into any actions...
It’s amazing how a person can change in 10 years.

He was compared to George Wallace and also called a Hawkish war monger by liberals in 2008 because he DARED TO RUN AGAINST OBAMA.

Now that he became a critic of Trump, he is the salt of the earth.

Lefties are shameless and have no souls. They are absolutely fucking disgusting.

Their crocodile tears and disingenuous reverence for McCain are vomituous.

By the way liberal pukes are lionizing McCain, one would think he was a RINO.

This one awful woman said it was just “disgusting”how Trump wouldn’t say more good things about tMcCain.

Was it “disgusting” when YOUR FUCKING NETWORK referred to this “lion of a man”, “war hero”, and “great American” as a RACIST?

I call that disgusting and an insult to minorities who have suffered actual racism.

Minorities are nothing put pawns to the left. They exploit the underclass for power and wealth.
In 2008 the media was whining that McCain's campaign was the most hateful to date.

Then turning around and implying he was a racist,brain damaged old man.

They said he was old and decrepit and would die in office, so no one should vote for him.

How’s that for respect?:113:

Analysis: Age an issue in the 2008 campaign? -

That’s “disgusting”.
A Complete History Of John McCain Calling For War Around The World

The list is of course a history of all the instances McCain has called for US-led intervention around the world. There’s obviously a long history here, so Geopolitics Alerthas compiled the largest examples from Europe to Asia. We’ll start with the obvious wars first.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Despite McCain’s claim in 2014 that “the Iraq war probably wouldn’t have happened” if he had won the 2000 Republican primary and then general election, this assertion seems ridiculous. On September 12th 2001, McCain appeared on MSNBC presenting a long list of countries he felt were providing a “safe harbor” to groups like al Qaeda. This list of course included Iraq and several other countries that appear later on this list.


Another country on that 2001 list (of course) was Syria. Now, the Bush regime may have never gotten a chance to continue toppling Mideast countries (thanks to the failure in Iraq and the exposure of that war being sold on lies). But McCain seemingly never lost sight of his hatred for Bashar Al-Assad.

Shortly after the Arab Spring “broke out” in Syria, McCain – and his constant partner in war crimes Sen. Lindsey Graham – quickly found communication channels with the “Syrian opposition.” Just a few short months after the US endorsed protests in Syria (even having their ambassador attend), McCain and Graham began calling for arms to start flowing to the Free Syrian Army and other “rebel” groups.

McCain’s plans for Syria never quite worked the way he wanted but he probably should’ve know they would never yield a positive result. If McCain didn’t want to look at Iraq to prove that point, he had another more recent example he could’ve used: the NATO intervention in Libya.

It was less than a year before McCain wanted to arm Syrian takfiris that he had supported with the bombing and no fly zones in Libya. McCain even wanted tougher actions against the country. Which has now become an anarchic Wild West that’s home to all sorts of horrors from the Islamic State to a new slave trade.

West and Central Africa
McCain is also a champion of the “war on terror” in other parts of Africa. While McCain hasn’t directly supported terrorists in some countries in Africa, he still has called for more US intervention across the continent.

This list includes countries dealing with Islamic insurgencies, such as Mali. McCain has also called for plans like “deploying Special Forces” to rescue girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in Nigeria and intervention in Sudan, where McCain and his wife have invested money for some time.

Another country on the list of hated nations originally put forth by Bush undersecretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz, and also another long time target of McCain, is of course Iran.

Although McCain has always said “he prays” there will never be at war with Iran, the man constantly calls for it and even jokes aboutbombing the country when he feels the mood is right. The truth of the matter is, McCain’s positions towards Iran are so hostile that even flagship neoconservative institutions like the Cato Institute think he is too hawkish.

Bosnia and Kosovo
But McCain isn’t satisfied with just backing salafi jihadists in the traditional Middle East and North African theaters. He’s also backed violent radicals across the fringes of Europe. This trend really started in the mid 1990’s when McCain was a vocal supporter of then president Bill Clinton’s war in Bosnia.

Many of the Muslims traveling to Bosnia joining the mujahideen there have joined groups like IS in recent years. And IS flags can occasionally be seen in the Sunni areas of Bosnia now. McCain was still backing potential takfiri movements, recently accusing Russia of interfering in local affairs, and calling for more US intervention in the country.

McCain made similar decisions when he advocated US intervention in Kosovo in the late 90’s. In the Kosovo conflict, McCain backed the Kosovo Liberation Army: a genocidal jihadist organization with ties to Al Qaeda under Osama Bin Laden.


But but but he hated Trump well enough.


When deciding between a proven conservative like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump who invited Bill and Hillary to his wedding; you chose Trump.
So take your "stand for nothing" ass and fuck off.
I supported Cruz until he dropped out. I have to support trump.

I understand the voting for the lesser of two evils…however the reason Cruz dropped out was because he lacked support and the “conservatives” were going to Trump
Trump is doing exactly what needs to be done, in my opinion. I have no complaints, so far.

Trump has been fairly pathetic over this and has shown that McCain can live in his head rent free even after he is dead..

Trump took days to acknowledge his service to the nation...

Lets be clear, Trump is so small minded he struggles to understand how a McCain can get respect from both sides of the aisle even though their was disagreements on policy...

McCain will get more respect and thanks than Trump will ever get and he knows that... That is why he has to be pushed into any actions...
Whatever. Trump is the President of the United States. McCain ran for President and lost. Those are the facts.
It’s amazing how a person can change in 10 years.

He was compared to George Wallace and also called a Hawkish war monger by liberals in 2008 because he DARED TO RUN AGAINST OBAMA.

Now that he became a critic of Trump, he is the salt of the earth.

Lefties are shameless and have no souls. They are absolutely fucking disgusting.

Their crocodile tears and disingenuous reverence for McCain are vomituous.

By the way liberal pukes are lionizing McCain, one would think he was a RINO.

This one awful woman said it was just “disgusting”how Trump wouldn’t say more good things about tMcCain.

Was it “disgusting” when YOUR FUCKING NETWORK referred to this “lion of a man”, “war hero”, and “great American” as a RACIST?

I call that disgusting and an insult to minorities who have suffered actual racism.

Minorities are nothing put pawns to the left. They exploit the underclass for power and wealth.
In 2008 the media was whining that McCain's campaign was the most hateful to date.

Then turning around and implying he was a racist,brain damaged old man.

They said he was old and decrepit and would die in office, so no one should vote for him.

How’s that for respect?:113:

Analysis: Age an issue in the 2008 campaign? -

That’s “disgusting”.

What are you talking about... The second video show Reagan handling it and led with a joke...

Get fucking serious... GOP has invented lies about John Kerry, Bush campaign played dirty tricks on McCain, Obama didn't...

This is the Trumpets usual insult everyone and take offence from everything...

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