McConnell digs a hole on Social Security, falls in

Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

With time running out in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell decided to remind the state that he wanted to effectively eliminate the popular and effective Social Security system. Indeed, it’s been part of McConnell’s governing vision for many, many years.

When local reporter Joe Sonka asked McConnell whether voters should expect the senator to push Social Security privatization after the midterms, McConnell replied, “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance.”

Wait, he’s not?

I’m starting to think Republicans have collectively forgotten the point of a political campaign. Last week, Scott Brown told voters in New Hampshire, “I’m not going to talk about whether we’re going to do something in the future.” Around the same time, McConnell said he’ll only announce Senate Republicans’ agenda after the election.

Okay, so you're against privatizing social security. Here's the question: You got any other plan? Or do you simply want to continue on with the same broken system and let it break the back of the economy?
Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

Baby Boomers, the Greediest Generation, should have saved for their retirement instead of writing IOUs to themselves to pay for their inability to live within their means as well as giving us the bills to pay their retirement and dumping it all on us. It's them who screwed us, not us who are screwing them.
Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

Baby Boomers, the Greediest Generation, should have saved for their retirement instead of writing IOUs to themselves to pay for their inability to live within their means as well as giving us the bills to pay their retirement and dumping it all on us. It's them who screwed us, not us who are screwing them.

What do you think the payroll tax is?
If you privatize Social Security, you still owe the current and future recipients the 2+ trillion in payroll taxes that they put into the Trust Fund.

BUT, you can no longer use yearly payroll taxes to pay out benefits, because the payroll tax will disappear with privatization.

Follow me so far?

NOW, you'll have to actually pay back the money the general fund borrowed from the Trust Fund -

Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

With time running out in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell decided to remind the state that he wanted to effectively eliminate the popular and effective Social Security system. Indeed, it’s been part of McConnell’s governing vision for many, many years.

When local reporter Joe Sonka asked McConnell whether voters should expect the senator to push Social Security privatization after the midterms, McConnell replied, “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance.”

Wait, he’s not?

I’m starting to think Republicans have collectively forgotten the point of a political campaign. Last week, Scott Brown told voters in New Hampshire, “I’m not going to talk about whether we’re going to do something in the future.” Around the same time, McConnell said he’ll only announce Senate Republicans’ agenda after the election.
I keep pointing out what spineless cowards the GOP leadership is, and here is your proof. "I'm not announcing what the agenda would be in advance."

It does not get more chickenhearted than that!

Elect us...because you have no fucking clue what we will do. Jesus!

Newt Gingrich laid out the Contract for America. Put his balls right on the table and said EXACTLY what the Republicans would do if they won Congress.

Now we have a sack of the most cowardly, backstabbing, pessimistic, fearmongering whiners who have ever run the party. And their useful idiot minions echo their whining and trembling. Their pants are soaked with piss and their teeth have bullshit stains.

This is who may be running the Senate in a few months.

God help us all.
Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

With time running out in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell decided to remind the state that he wanted to effectively eliminate the popular and effective Social Security system. Indeed, it’s been part of McConnell’s governing vision for many, many years.

When local reporter Joe Sonka asked McConnell whether voters should expect the senator to push Social Security privatization after the midterms, McConnell replied, “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance.”

Wait, he’s not?

I’m starting to think Republicans have collectively forgotten the point of a political campaign. Last week, Scott Brown told voters in New Hampshire, “I’m not going to talk about whether we’re going to do something in the future.” Around the same time, McConnell said he’ll only announce Senate Republicans’ agenda after the election.

Well he's a little late.

LBJ did that when he put SS into the General fund which they've been robbing ever since.

Oh and last I heard LBJ was a Dem. Color me shocked.

That's a myth that you mental retards should really stop repeating.
Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

With time running out in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell decided to remind the state that he wanted to effectively eliminate the popular and effective Social Security system. Indeed, it’s been part of McConnell’s governing vision for many, many years.

When local reporter Joe Sonka asked McConnell whether voters should expect the senator to push Social Security privatization after the midterms, McConnell replied, “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance.”

Wait, he’s not?

I’m starting to think Republicans have collectively forgotten the point of a political campaign. Last week, Scott Brown told voters in New Hampshire, “I’m not going to talk about whether we’re going to do something in the future.” Around the same time, McConnell said he’ll only announce Senate Republicans’ agenda after the election.

Okay, so you're against privatizing social security. Here's the question: You got any other plan? Or do you simply want to continue on with the same broken system and let it break the back of the economy?

Social Security can be 'saved' with minor adjustments.

Remember who saved Social Security in 1983, when it was in far worse shape?

Ronald Reagan!
Social Security can be 'saved' with minor adjustments.

Remember who saved Social Security in 1983, when it was in far worse shape?

Ronald Reagan!

Saved? Saved?! Why in the world should we want to save it? It's a horrible and ridiculously costly program. Why should we want to save it? Why not simply get rid of it?
Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

With time running out in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell decided to remind the state that he wanted to effectively eliminate the popular and effective Social Security system. Indeed, it’s been part of McConnell’s governing vision for many, many years.

When local reporter Joe Sonka asked McConnell whether voters should expect the senator to push Social Security privatization after the midterms, McConnell replied, “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance.”

Wait, he’s not?

I’m starting to think Republicans have collectively forgotten the point of a political campaign. Last week, Scott Brown told voters in New Hampshire, “I’m not going to talk about whether we’re going to do something in the future.” Around the same time, McConnell said he’ll only announce Senate Republicans’ agenda after the election.

Okay, so you're against privatizing social security. Here's the question: You got any other plan? Or do you simply want to continue on with the same broken system and let it break the back of the economy?

Social Security can be 'saved' with minor adjustments.

Remember who saved Social Security in 1983, when it was in far worse shape?

Ronald Reagan!
Social Security was "saved" in 1983 by adding two years to the eligibility age. Except that two years was not to be fully implemented until...drum roll please...2022! 39 years to implement!

Social Security will be broke before then, so it was not saved. There is a big difference between fixing a problem and kicking the can down the road to the next generation.

Our life expectancy has risen by more than two years since then, and we still haven't arrived at the full implementation!

I guess they all wanted to make sure they were dead and gone before the higher retirement age kicked in.

We need to do more drastic measures. We should immediately raise the retirement age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward. This will actually save Social Security once and for all.

Social Security was not intended for everyone to draw from it. It was meant for people who lived past the mean. The average life expectancy when SS was enacted was 60 and only 5.4% of the population was over the age of 65 at that time.

When Medicare was piled onto the senior entitlement package, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, over 13 percent of the population is over 65.

This means a smaller and smaller percentage of the population is supporting a larger and larger percentage of the population. This is an unsustainable track.

Japan is about to get hit by a senior citizen tsunami before us. They have an aging population that is soon going to overwhelm their entitlement system.

Here is the situation in a nutshell: We are living longer. We should be working longer. Common sense.
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John Boehner, God bless his fat fuzzy orange head, has openly called for increasing the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70. As much as that guy annoys me, I really respect him for being one of the few people in Washington with the balls to say it out loud and take a piss on the third rail.
Republicans not only want to screw the American worker, now they want to screw the retired workers......

With time running out in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell decided to remind the state that he wanted to effectively eliminate the popular and effective Social Security system. Indeed, it’s been part of McConnell’s governing vision for many, many years.

When local reporter Joe Sonka asked McConnell whether voters should expect the senator to push Social Security privatization after the midterms, McConnell replied, “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance.”

Wait, he’s not?

I’m starting to think Republicans have collectively forgotten the point of a political campaign. Last week, Scott Brown told voters in New Hampshire, “I’m not going to talk about whether we’re going to do something in the future.” Around the same time, McConnell said he’ll only announce Senate Republicans’ agenda after the election.

Well he's a little late.

LBJ did that when he put SS into the General fund which they've been robbing ever since.

Oh and last I heard LBJ was a Dem. Color me shocked.
Not quite true Claudette....

LBJ put social security in to the overall budget so he could pretend we were not spending a high percentage of our taxes on the War in Viet Nam..... by adding it to the budget, it MASKED the percentage of money being spent on the war out of all taxes collected, including SS tax monies, made the percentage of money being spent on Defense/the war appear was a trick for certain!

BUT LBJ and the Democrats DID NOT start spending social security surplus funds as YOU CLAIM.... there was virtually NO SURPLUS BACK THEN in Social Security....

the Social Security tax fo individuals and business match, was ONLY 3% and we collected ONLY what we had to PAY OUT....

It was NOT UNTIL RONALD REAGAN, when he raised the Social Security taxes to 6% on individuals and businesses, in the guise of protecting the future of social security by collecting surpluses in SS well ahead of the time the Boomers were to retire, that we had any SS surpluses at all for the Congress to mask their deficit with....

So, you are wrong on this....
If you privatize Social Security, you still owe the current and future recipients the 2+ trillion in payroll taxes that they put into the Trust Fund.

BUT, you can no longer use yearly payroll taxes to pay out benefits, because the payroll tax will disappear with privatization.

Follow me so far?

NOW, you'll have to actually pay back the money the general fund borrowed from the Trust Fund -


If you privatize Social Security, you still owe the current and future recipients the 2+ trillion in payroll taxes that they put into the Trust Fund.

Yes. And then you'll save more than the 2+ trillion in payroll taxes and have more money for retirement.
And you won't be dependent on the crooks in DC.
"Privatizing Social Security" is another way of saying "throw you to the wolves of Wall Street to eat you alive."

This is a scheme by Wall Street to steal more of your money.

And then when all the rubes have lost their asses to the crooks who will flourish under this scheme, just like they did before the days of Social Security, the rubes will come to Washington with their begging bowls.

That's a solid gold guarantee.
"Privatizing Social Security" is another way of saying "throw you to the wolves of Wall Street to eat you alive."

This is a scheme by Wall Street to steal more of your money.

And then when all the rubes have lost their asses to the crooks who will flourish under this scheme, just like they did before the days of Social Security, the rubes will come to Washington with their begging bowls.

That's a solid gold guarantee.

Privatizing Social Security would underscore the fact that there is no need for the program to exist in the first place.

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