McConnell hints Blacks are not Americans

You are out to lunch :rolleyes:

From, the link :
"The concern is misplaced. Because if you look at the statistics, African-American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."

It means the American "of African ancestry" voters' voting % is the same as the national %. Then, your statement does not say white kids including poor kids.

P.S. African-American does not mean black (there are white African-Americans), and not all back are African-American.
Tell that to the black community and see how fast you are laughed at! might want to bite your tongue before you speak in the future...

I note that your so-called "source" didn't actually quote the alleged slur that you hotfooted it in here to be "outraged" about. Not that I'm at all surprised that a lack of details and proof makes no difference to you when carrying out your marching orders.

Wow . . . Jim . . . you might want to engage your brain before you speak in the future.
I note that your so-called "source" didn't actually quote the alleged slur that you hotfooted it in here to be "outraged" about. Not that I'm at all surprised that a lack of details and proof makes no difference to you when carrying out your marching orders.

Wow . . . Jim . . . you might want to engage your brain before you speak in the future.
You may not have caught the news…
Jim is an idiot…not a joke.
About 21% on average.
I hate McConnell.
I’m not a McConnell fan. And he clearly did speak sloppily. He should have completed the sentence “… of all races combined.”

We all know what he actually meant. But like a misplaced modifier, poor verbiage led to this faux misunderstanding to be taken advantage of by the Russian Canuck Duck.​ might want to bite your tongue before you speak in the future...
Oh no...he forgot to say OTHER americans. Stick your racecard where the sun doesn't shine---everyone is tried of hearing this faux bullshit nonsense.
Oh no...he forgot to say OTHER americans. Stick your racecard where the sun doesn't shine---everyone is tried of hearing this faux bullshit nonsense.
That is so fucking weak that only a prog would suggest it.
An you claim you aren't a leftwinger.

That is correct, since the "they" that has been dividing the country are both wings, the duopoly. Together they have pushed to divide the county so that their power will never be threatened again.

And people like you are their ever helpful pawns in the process
That is correct, since the "they" that has been dividing the country are both wings, the duopoly. Together they have pushed to divide the county so that their power will never be threatened again.

And people like you are their ever helpful pawns in the process
You should have supported Trump more since he was trying to break up corruption and political monopolies.

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