McKinsey: Automation May Wipe Out 1/3 of America’s Workforce by 2030

The American average lifespan is only 78.

Which is 18 years longer than when Social Security was established.

We are living DECADES longer. We should be working longer. Common sense.

I don't see a benefit to raising the age of retirement to 70, especially if there are fewer jobs due to automation, I don't see how someone who is 65, less productive really stands a chance in the workforce.
The 65 year old of today is healthier than the 65 year old of 1935.

We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common. Fricking. Sense.

My issue with this is as you age your productivity goes down and if you have older Americans hanging onto jobs that younger people should have, then what happens? What are companies going to do? Hang onto people who earn more money and don't produce as much as they used to, or fire them and hire younger people who are more productive?

What happens to the older generation who can't find a job but are now too young to retire? Plus the average lifespan hasn't really increased that much. In 1960 it was 70, now it's 78. Then what happens if the average lifespan ever drops, what do we do then?

Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For First Time In Decades, Report Finds
How are any of the problems you described not applicable to the current situation?

If you work until 70, you have increased the number of your earning years. You will be contributing longer to the treasury, and drawing out less. That's a boon to our federal expenditures on entitlement programs.

5.4% of Americans were over 65 when SS was established. Now, 15% of Americans are over 65. That is an unsustainable trend. Less workers are supporting more retirees.

We are living longer. We should be working longer. Common sense.

As for life expectancy dropping, that's because we are victims of our own prosperity and have become obese.

It is our current situation. If you increase the retirement age and there are fewer jobs due to automation then there is going to be a gap between employment and retirement.
Which is why it should be coupled to a 30 hour work week.

How many people can afford a 30 hour work week?
I agree that technology is going to eliminate many repetitive labor time jobs. I don't believe it is the fault of politicians. They will need to start figuring out what the heck you do with 15 to 20% unemployment.
i will be 134 years old by then, so it wont affect me
Don't be too sure about that. I don't think it will be in the next 10 years but in the next 50? Oh yeah.
i wonder how old george soros will be? 835?
Spot on! Trump promised to put coal miners back in the ground, HRC wanted to train them for 21st jobs (build and maintain robots to explore mine shafts, possibly).


Mine shafts from which to extract what?

Coal for the power plants you lefties have shut down?

Read an interesting story out of Massachusetts today. About how lefties like you have shut down an offshore windfarm project that was proposed to replace the electricity that used to generated by coal-fired power plants. How do you propose to run your little electric car and recharge your phone batteries when you've shut down all electric production?

Oh wait....train unemployed to run on your personal treadmills? Of course only until you can grow squirrels big enough for the job. Convenient - 'cause squirrels don't vote. Well....maybe in California.......but only if they're foreign-born squirrels, right?
Spot on! Trump promised to put coal miners back in the ground, HRC wanted to train them for 21st jobs (build and maintain robots to explore mine shafts, possibly).


Mine shafts from which to extract what?

Coal for the power plants you lefties have shut down?

Read an interesting story out of Massachusetts today. About how lefties like you have shut down an offshore windfarm project that was proposed to replace the electricity that used to generated by coal-fired power plants. How do you propose to run your little electric car and recharge your phone batteries when you've shut down all electric production?

Oh wait....train unemployed to run on your personal treadmills? Of course only until you can grow squirrels big enough for the job. Convenient - 'cause squirrels don't vote. Well....maybe in California.......but only if they're foreign-born squirrels, right?

Do you have a link to that story?
Which is 18 years longer than when Social Security was established.

We are living DECADES longer. We should be working longer. Common sense.

The 65 year old of today is healthier than the 65 year old of 1935.

We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common. Fricking. Sense.

My issue with this is as you age your productivity goes down and if you have older Americans hanging onto jobs that younger people should have, then what happens? What are companies going to do? Hang onto people who earn more money and don't produce as much as they used to, or fire them and hire younger people who are more productive?

What happens to the older generation who can't find a job but are now too young to retire? Plus the average lifespan hasn't really increased that much. In 1960 it was 70, now it's 78. Then what happens if the average lifespan ever drops, what do we do then?

Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For First Time In Decades, Report Finds
How are any of the problems you described not applicable to the current situation?

If you work until 70, you have increased the number of your earning years. You will be contributing longer to the treasury, and drawing out less. That's a boon to our federal expenditures on entitlement programs.

5.4% of Americans were over 65 when SS was established. Now, 15% of Americans are over 65. That is an unsustainable trend. Less workers are supporting more retirees.

We are living longer. We should be working longer. Common sense.

As for life expectancy dropping, that's because we are victims of our own prosperity and have become obese.

It is our current situation. If you increase the retirement age and there are fewer jobs due to automation then there is going to be a gap between employment and retirement.
Which is why it should be coupled to a 30 hour work week.

How many people can afford a 30 hour work week?
You ever notice the left's version of economic prosperity isn't actually getting paid more for doing more but settling into your new found poverty for less work hours. It's like they can't give you the option to work hard and get rich, all they can do is promise you that your poverty will be achieved with lower work hours.
Go to a four day work week for full time employees is a good start.
That’s dependent on what job you work in, if it’s in some sort of construction or Labor business, well there a deadlines and actual work that needs to be done. And if you’re paying your employees hourly, not only are you going to be forever 1/5 behind on your deadlines, those employees won’t be too happy with 4 days pay. Sure there’s a lot of jobs with people spending multiple hours a day on social media and whatnot because they don’t actually have work to do the entire time. But there’s also a shit ton of jobs that still need to operate on 5 day work weeks. Lawyers, healthcare, labor, anything hourly, etc.

Being able to work a shorter work week on a fulltime job should be a benefit OF automation. Time was when people routinely worked 12 hour days in what was considered a fulltime job.
My issue with this is as you age your productivity goes down and if you have older Americans hanging onto jobs that younger people should have, then what happens? What are companies going to do? Hang onto people who earn more money and don't produce as much as they used to, or fire them and hire younger people who are more productive?

What happens to the older generation who can't find a job but are now too young to retire? Plus the average lifespan hasn't really increased that much. In 1960 it was 70, now it's 78. Then what happens if the average lifespan ever drops, what do we do then?

Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For First Time In Decades, Report Finds
How are any of the problems you described not applicable to the current situation?

If you work until 70, you have increased the number of your earning years. You will be contributing longer to the treasury, and drawing out less. That's a boon to our federal expenditures on entitlement programs.

5.4% of Americans were over 65 when SS was established. Now, 15% of Americans are over 65. That is an unsustainable trend. Less workers are supporting more retirees.

We are living longer. We should be working longer. Common sense.

As for life expectancy dropping, that's because we are victims of our own prosperity and have become obese.

It is our current situation. If you increase the retirement age and there are fewer jobs due to automation then there is going to be a gap between employment and retirement.
Which is why it should be coupled to a 30 hour work week.

How many people can afford a 30 hour work week?
You ever notice the left's version of economic prosperity isn't actually getting paid more for doing more but settling into your new found poverty for less work hours. It's like they can't give you the option to work hard and get rich, all they can do is promise you that your poverty will be achieved with lower work hours.

Then there is real life where there just may not be enough work for the size of our workforce due to automation. Sorry, not everybody gets to be a John Galt like you.
Go to a four day work week for full time employees is a good start.
That’s dependent on what job you work in, if it’s in some sort of construction or Labor business, well there a deadlines and actual work that needs to be done. And if you’re paying your employees hourly, not only are you going to be forever 1/5 behind on your deadlines, those employees won’t be too happy with 4 days pay. Sure there’s a lot of jobs with people spending multiple hours a day on social media and whatnot because they don’t actually have work to do the entire time. But there’s also a shit ton of jobs that still need to operate on 5 day work weeks. Lawyers, healthcare, labor, anything hourly, etc.

Being able to work a shorter work week on a fulltime job should be a benefit OF automation. Time was when people routinely worked 12 hour days in what was considered a fulltime job.

But how does that actually happen? Companies aren't going to voluntarily raise everyone's wages for fewer hours and the way corporations work today, they seem to be more interested in reaping profits now rather than sustaining an economy.
The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are long gone. We need to retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

McKinsey: automation may wipe out 1/3 of America’s workforce by 2030

In a new study that is optimistic about automation yet stark in its appraisal of the challenge ahead, McKinsey says massive government intervention will be required to hold societies together against the ravages of labor disruption over the next 13 years. Up to 800 million people—including a third of the work force in the U.S. and Germany—will be made jobless by 2030, the study says.

The bottom line: The economy of most countries will eventually replace the lost jobs, the study says, but many of the unemployed will need considerable help to shift to new work, and salaries could continue to flatline. "It's a Marshall Plan size of task," Michael Chui, lead author of the McKinsey report, tells Axios.

Translation: Stop drinking the piss of politicians who tell you they will bring back the jobs that went overseas. The jobs didn't go overseas. They have been automated and are never coming back.

Read this, too:

Between 1993 and 2007, every new robot replaced between 3 and 5.6 workers.

Read this:

"Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.”

Gone, baby, gone. Those jobs are not coming back. Ever. Anyone who promises you they are is a fucking criminal liar.

When a shitbag politician tells you he is going to bring back those lost jobs with tariffs and trade deals, he is talking out of his ass. He is being fucking lazy and hoping you are too ignorant to catch on.

We need to start burning those politicians at the stake, and start forcing their replacements to retool our entire education system.

Back to Axios:

  • The transition compares to the U.S. shift from a largely agricultural to an industrial-services economy in the early 1900s forward. But this time, it's not young people leaving farms, but mid-career workers who need new skills. "There are few precedents in which societies have successfully retrained such large numbers of people," the report says, and that is the key question: how do you retrain people in their 30s, 40s and 50s for entirely new professions?

Wake up, America. You're children are being robbed of a future by elected hucksters.

Spot on! Trump promised to put coal miners back in the ground, HRC wanted to train them for 21st jobs (build and maintain robots to explore mine shafts, possibly).

I don't think either really had a solution. I doubt there would be a need for the same amount of high tech jobs as we once had miners. Usually the higher up the pay scale the fewer jobs there are.

Trump's plan was silly, HRC's plan was based on a small sample and It included blue collar, white collar and management training - Trump based his false promises on the miners, and the mine owner's would profit as the miners continued to cough up black phlegm.
Spot on! Trump promised to put coal miners back in the ground, HRC wanted to train them for 21st jobs (build and maintain robots to explore mine shafts, possibly).


Mine shafts from which to extract what?

Coal for the power plants you lefties have shut down?

Read an interesting story out of Massachusetts today. About how lefties like you have shut down an offshore windfarm project that was proposed to replace the electricity that used to generated by coal-fired power plants. How do you propose to run your little electric car and recharge your phone batteries when you've shut down all electric production?

Oh wait....train unemployed to run on your personal treadmills? Of course only until you can grow squirrels big enough for the job. Convenient - 'cause squirrels don't vote. Well....maybe in California.......but only if they're foreign-born squirrels, right?

"Lefties" have not shut down coal fueled power plants you idiot, the markets have.
The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are long gone. We need to retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

McKinsey: automation may wipe out 1/3 of America’s workforce by 2030

In a new study that is optimistic about automation yet stark in its appraisal of the challenge ahead, McKinsey says massive government intervention will be required to hold societies together against the ravages of labor disruption over the next 13 years. Up to 800 million people—including a third of the work force in the U.S. and Germany—will be made jobless by 2030, the study says.

The bottom line: The economy of most countries will eventually replace the lost jobs, the study says, but many of the unemployed will need considerable help to shift to new work, and salaries could continue to flatline. "It's a Marshall Plan size of task," Michael Chui, lead author of the McKinsey report, tells Axios.

Translation: Stop drinking the piss of politicians who tell you they will bring back the jobs that went overseas. The jobs didn't go overseas. They have been automated and are never coming back.

Read this, too:

Between 1993 and 2007, every new robot replaced between 3 and 5.6 workers.

Read this:

"Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.”

Gone, baby, gone. Those jobs are not coming back. Ever. Anyone who promises you they are is a fucking criminal liar.

When a shitbag politician tells you he is going to bring back those lost jobs with tariffs and trade deals, he is talking out of his ass. He is being fucking lazy and hoping you are too ignorant to catch on.

We need to start burning those politicians at the stake, and start forcing their replacements to retool our entire education system.

Back to Axios:

  • The transition compares to the U.S. shift from a largely agricultural to an industrial-services economy in the early 1900s forward. But this time, it's not young people leaving farms, but mid-career workers who need new skills. "There are few precedents in which societies have successfully retrained such large numbers of people," the report says, and that is the key question: how do you retrain people in their 30s, 40s and 50s for entirely new professions?

Wake up, America. You're children are being robbed of a future by elected hucksters.

Spot on! Trump promised to put coal miners back in the ground, HRC wanted to train them for 21st jobs (build and maintain robots to explore mine shafts, possibly).

I don't think either really had a solution. I doubt there would be a need for the same amount of high tech jobs as we once had miners. Usually the higher up the pay scale the fewer jobs there are.

Trump's plan was silly, HRC's plan was based on a small sample and It included blue collar, white collar and management training - Trump based his false promises on the miners, and the mine owner's would profit as the miners continued to cough up black phlegm.

I agree in that I think the only solution for the miners is job training as mining continues to decline, so yeah, Clinton was right there, thank you for correcting me.

My point was more or less how do we handle automation in general,
How are any of the problems you described not applicable to the current situation?

If you work until 70, you have increased the number of your earning years. You will be contributing longer to the treasury, and drawing out less. That's a boon to our federal expenditures on entitlement programs.

5.4% of Americans were over 65 when SS was established. Now, 15% of Americans are over 65. That is an unsustainable trend. Less workers are supporting more retirees.

We are living longer. We should be working longer. Common sense.

As for life expectancy dropping, that's because we are victims of our own prosperity and have become obese.

It is our current situation. If you increase the retirement age and there are fewer jobs due to automation then there is going to be a gap between employment and retirement.
Which is why it should be coupled to a 30 hour work week.

How many people can afford a 30 hour work week?
You ever notice the left's version of economic prosperity isn't actually getting paid more for doing more but settling into your new found poverty for less work hours. It's like they can't give you the option to work hard and get rich, all they can do is promise you that your poverty will be achieved with lower work hours.

Then there is real life where there just may not be enough work for the size of our workforce due to automation. Sorry, not everybody gets to be a John Galt like you.
They don't want to even give you the idea you could be Galt. Keep your poverty job and be happy you get to live. It's the communist way.
It is our current situation. If you increase the retirement age and there are fewer jobs due to automation then there is going to be a gap between employment and retirement.
Which is why it should be coupled to a 30 hour work week.

How many people can afford a 30 hour work week?
You ever notice the left's version of economic prosperity isn't actually getting paid more for doing more but settling into your new found poverty for less work hours. It's like they can't give you the option to work hard and get rich, all they can do is promise you that your poverty will be achieved with lower work hours.

Then there is real life where there just may not be enough work for the size of our workforce due to automation. Sorry, not everybody gets to be a John Galt like you.
They don't want to even give you the idea you could be Galt. Keep your poverty job and be happy you get to live. It's the communist way.

John Galt was a quitter and let's be serious, a fictional billionaire that almost nobody will ever be. Keep the dream alive, I'll bet you everything you have you will never reach that level of wealth, most people won't and our economy needs to work for the middle class too.

We're also talking about the middle class, not 'poverty jobs' like your paper route.
if i have my calculations right,,by 2030,,Hillary will be 117 years old and still running for President
I guess I didn't put enough sex in this topic...:lol:


You are an idiot if you believe that the elites that control the financial system and most of all the corporations disguised as "government" in all the countries with a central bank give a shit about the serfs or providing them a way to eek out an existence. The intentional dumbing down of America via the school system was part of the globalist plan to begin with.

Have you ever bothered to read any of the works of Zbigniew Brzezinski?. There is a soft-kill genocide taking place but you can bet that it will be speeding up. The manipulation of the human genome by chemicals in the food, water and air puts the entire world's population in a most vicarious position.
There's a boat load of truth in what you stated, unfortunately you will continue to be classified as part of the lunatic fringe by far too many

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