McKinsey: Automation May Wipe Out 1/3 of America’s Workforce by 2030

This is absolute idiocy.

Automation has actually slowed down a ton since the 90s, and 12 years will mean basically nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Machines can’t even replace incompetent teenagers behind the counter of a McDonalds yet.

Even the automated cashier stations at Walmart are starting to lose their appeal, and they implemented that shit a half a decade ago.

Well that's what it's about. It's up to the people whether to accept automation or not. As for myself, I only went to a self-checkout line in the grocery store when I was in a hurry one time. Other than that, I refuse to use them.

Wendy's adds automation to the fast-food menu
At the time self-checkout stations were put in, just about everybody said they would replace the cashiers wholesale in a short time.

5 years later my Walmart still has a tiny and cramped section for self-checkout that barely anyone uses, while the cashier lines are almost always full.

Automation is failing everywhere except assembly lines.

The only reason for that is because the stores don't offer a discount for using them. When self-serve gasoline pumps first came out, it was an idea by a gas station owner who didn't want his mechanics stopping all the time to pump gasoline. So they started to install self-serve pumps and offered a few cents less per gallon on gasoline. Before you knew it, everybody was trying to save money on gasoline and self-serve exploded.

If stores figure that strategy out, they will do the same. Eventually (like full serve gasoline pumps) people will just get used to checking themselves out. Then they will eventually take the discount away and we will be stuck with self-serve checkouts.
Not going to happen.

Pumping gas and cashiering are far different. You are talking about replacing a secondary function(a mechanic pumping gas)versus replacing a primary function(a cashier....cashiering)

Currently the self-checkout is just a weak substitute for the “15 items or less” lines that are starting to come back in spite of it. It is far more time efficient for a competent cashier to ring up and bag your items no matter how many you have.

The biggest weakness of self-checkout is that it is impossible to even checkout more than 20 items without running out of space to bag all the items on the counter at the same time(which you have to do if you don’t want the machine to think you are stealing LOL).At best you can only check out a lot of items if you do multiple transactions and waste a ton of time(and space).

What the stores are doing now is opening up more self-checkouts and less cashier checkouts. They want to pressure people into those self-checkout lines to eventually replace cashiers. You may have four or five people in lines at the cashier and nobody in the self-checkout line.

All stores today would get rid of their cashiers and force us into self-checkouts, but they have to be concerned about their number one competition, and that is online shopping. Grocery stores would have nothing to worry about, however, for all other items, Americans might choose online shopping instead of the headache of shopping in person then having to check yourself out.
That most certainly isn’t happening here.

Our Walmart has a smaller self-checkout section than it used to have because they brought back the quick checkout section that they initially got rid of. None of the other stores in my area even have self-checkout.

If anything, online shopping(which is largely human to human interaction)will just further hurt the self-checkout stations.
What the stores are doing now is opening up more self-checkouts and less cashier checkouts. They want to pressure people into those self-checkout lines to eventually replace cashiers. You may have four or five people in lines at the cashier and nobody in the self-checkout line.

Only mentally retarded people and shitheads complain about self-checkouts.

Before self-checkouts were a gleam in any managers eye, checkouts were a pain. During busy periods, you'd have to wait a long time. And, you'd be annoyed when you saw another line move faster, or if you were stuck behind a retarded customer who takes "forever".

With self-checkouts, I rarely have to wait more than a few moments to checkout. And, some stores are allowing phones to be used as self-checkout tools, meaning never having to wait to checkout.

Don't worry, stores will keep at least one manned checkout lane for the mentally-retarded customers who have problems swinging an item over a scanner and dropping it into a bag, you know those idiots who are challenged enough by swinging an item over a conveyor belt and dropping it. You should really pay someone to do your shopping for you (Walmart know offers that service) and STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, it's sad of you to drag you butt through the isles and having to load your cart yourself. It's like your trying to put workers out of a job.
What the stores are doing now is opening up more self-checkouts and less cashier checkouts. They want to pressure people into those self-checkout lines to eventually replace cashiers. You may have four or five people in lines at the cashier and nobody in the self-checkout line.

Only mentally retarded people and shitheads complain about self-checkouts.

Before self-checkouts were a gleam in any managers eye, checkouts were a pain. During busy periods, you'd have to wait a long time. And, you'd be annoyed when you saw another line move faster, or if you were stuck behind a retarded customer who takes "forever".

With self-checkouts, I rarely have to wait more than a few moments to checkout. And, some stores are allowing phones to be used as self-checkout tools, meaning never having to wait to checkout.

Don't worry, stores will keep at least one manned checkout lane for the mentally-retarded customers who have problems swinging an item over a scanner and dropping it into a bag, you know those idiots who are challenged enough by swinging an item over a conveyor belt and dropping it. You should really pay someone to do your shopping for you (Walmart know offers that service) and STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean, it's sad of you to drag you butt through the isles and having to load your cart yourself. It's like your trying to put workers out of a job.

Well........that's exactly what you are doing; putting workers out of a job. You're doing their job for them instead. Even you can figure that out, can't you???????
Folks better get an education. Low skill manual labor jobs are gonna be much harder to come by in the future. Machines can do almost everything more efficiently than humans. Better get educated folks.
Folks better get an education. Low skill manual labor jobs are gonna be much harder to come by in the future. Machines can do almost everything more efficiently than humans. Better get educated folks.

I'm not worried for myself. I'll be retired in less than ten years. But younger folks better wise up to this ongoing change.
I doubt your Walmarts get that much business. Checking out 20 items at a time without any cashier training is vastly inferior to someone who takes pride in their speedy transactions just breezing through your 300 items like it is nothing and possibly helping you carry some of them to your car.

In 20 years I half expect technology to actually start moving backwards, if not completely halted by vast ethnic and racial conflict stopping peacetime technological development.

We have moved basically nowhere from the late 90s compared to where we thought we would.

WTF? Cashier training? To swing an item over a scanner and drop it into a bag?

WTF? How often to you go through a checkout line with 300 items? Even if you do, these Walmarts now have full-size self-checkouts, with conveyor belts, making large purchases a breeze.

WTF? Someone who takes pride in their speedy transactions? Half the checkout clerks in Walmart are slow as constipation. They're often elderly or (slightly) mentally handicapped. Even if there is a speedy clerk, I still get out of the store faster with self-checkout, even with a huge purchase, because I don't have to wait behind a someone with an overflowing cart, or a retarded customer who neutralizes the benefit of a speedy clerk, before I can check out.

WTF? Technology will start moving backwards? If you actually do have a functioning brain, I'd like you to elaborate on how you imagine racial conflict will reverse technology?
Folks better get an education. Low skill manual labor jobs are gonna be much harder to come by in the future. Machines can do almost everything more efficiently than humans. Better get educated folks.

Start with educating yourself. Computers can do "educated" things better than manual labor. Computers can easily out-expert the most educated of people.

Someone without an advanced education can be quickly trained to do most nursing type of jobs, but computers are decades away from being able to replace nurses, because of the manual labor element. But, computers can replace most doctors the moment society approves of the idea.

Take diagnosing an illness. A computer asks a patient a few questions. A trained monkey administers a few tests and vitals, and then a computer asks more questions, based on a vast database. Repeat if necessary. The computer diagnoses the illness by comparing the person's symptoms with a vast database that no human doctor could hope to match, and without the chance of human error. The computer reaches the most likely diagnoses and then issues a prescription.

The only reason educated people will keep their jobs longer is because faggots, jews, and politicians will legislate obstacles to expert computers. Only a doctor can issue a prescription. Only a licensed teacher can contribute to accredited diplomas.
I'm interested to see one. If it can get my Quarter Pounder with Cheese, NO pickles or Onions for me, I'll be satisfied.

Soon it'll be as easy as saying, "Hey Google, I want a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, NO pickles or Onions." But, for now, you have to do some tapping on a touch screen, which is only slightly daunting the first time you do it. And, I prefer to do it myself to make sure the order is right.
The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are long gone. We need to retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

McKinsey: automation may wipe out 1/3 of America’s workforce by 2030

In a new study that is optimistic about automation yet stark in its appraisal of the challenge ahead, McKinsey says massive government intervention will be required to hold societies together against the ravages of labor disruption over the next 13 years. Up to 800 million people—including a third of the work force in the U.S. and Germany—will be made jobless by 2030, the study says.

The bottom line: The economy of most countries will eventually replace the lost jobs, the study says, but many of the unemployed will need considerable help to shift to new work, and salaries could continue to flatline. "It's a Marshall Plan size of task," Michael Chui, lead author of the McKinsey report, tells Axios.

Translation: Stop drinking the piss of politicians who tell you they will bring back the jobs that went overseas. The jobs didn't go overseas. They have been automated and are never coming back.

Read this, too:

Between 1993 and 2007, every new robot replaced between 3 and 5.6 workers.

Read this:

"Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.”

Gone, baby, gone. Those jobs are not coming back. Ever. Anyone who promises you they are is a fucking criminal liar.

When a shitbag politician tells you he is going to bring back those lost jobs with tariffs and trade deals, he is talking out of his ass. He is being fucking lazy and hoping you are too ignorant to catch on.

We need to start burning those politicians at the stake, and start forcing their replacements to retool our entire education system.

Back to Axios:

  • The transition compares to the U.S. shift from a largely agricultural to an industrial-services economy in the early 1900s forward. But this time, it's not young people leaving farms, but mid-career workers who need new skills. "There are few precedents in which societies have successfully retrained such large numbers of people," the report says, and that is the key question: how do you retrain people in their 30s, 40s and 50s for entirely new professions?

Wake up, America. You're children are being robbed of a future by elected hucksters.

Step 1 completely shut off illegal immigration? That would create a deficit in low end jobs, which would shoot yo wages. It would also save the mass amount of tax dollars that goes to illegal immigrants in fraudulent social benefits, special schooling etc!

But, in your eyes, that is a bad way to protect Americans and, again in your eyes, only a central planned government is the solution.

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Soon it'll be as easy as saying, "Hey Google, I want a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, NO pickles or Onions." But, for now, you have to do some tapping on a touch screen, which is only slightly daunting the first time you do it. And, I prefer to do it myself to make sure the order is right.

I'e got no problem using the touch screen. I'm probably happier with thst than a voice activated system. Either have to be better than the current poor English speaking cashier/order taker system they currently have.
You said: I'll step back and watch the Department crumble, as there are types of work I do that nobody else in the Department can do.

Pure fantasy.
My sister's husband had that attitude. Because his job was specialized. He said again and again the department would fall apart without him. One day he got too mouthy and they couldn't take it anymore.

They found someone else. There is always someone else.No one is irreplaceable. No one.

You're right, nobody is irreplaceable. The question is:

Wiil the chaos that occurs during the learning process be worth whatever savings comes from replacing the employee?

In my case they've already tried it once. In May of 2015 they gave my work queue to another member of the departnent and had me take that person's work. Between then and January 2017, three different people tried to the work for thst area. None of them were able to do it. I'e spent the last year undoing the mistakes and deficiencies those 3 peoole caused before Operations and Engineering demanded I be given back thst work.
Maybe next time, they'll outsource it to India.

They can' for 2 reasons...

1. Existing Union contract placing that work in Northboro, MA.

2. Existing dictate from the AG of Massachusetts that MA work must stay in MA. They can't even send it to company workers in RI or NY.
Brings back a song Automation from My Son the Nut album (1963) my parents bought me some 54 years ago.

Brings back a song Automation from My Son the Nut album (1963) my parents bought me some 54 years ago.


My Lord I remember that album. My aunt had it and used to play it all the time. For some reason as a child, I was always fascinated with that picture on the cover. Brings back some memories.
Time to think about 30 hour work weeks.

The amount of value created by a single worker is much greater than a worker of the past, but our wages are not reflecting that.

I would be first in line for that puppy! Give me 3 10 hour days and I am golden!

There is a flip side we also have to implement.

We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense.

Social Security and Medicare eligibility age needs to be changed to 70, indexed to 9 percent of the population.

Depends on the job, bro. Depends on the job.

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