McKinsey: Automation May Wipe Out 1/3 of America’s Workforce by 2030

This is exactly why I hate unions. They are an impediment to progress.

The meter readers need to move on and get new jobs.

This is where our education system needs to step in.

So in your world we put 800 or so entry-level employees out on the street with nothing to support themselves on and thsts the fault of the employer or the education system in your mind?

They looked at trying to automate part of my mapping responsibilities. When they tested the program against our puny "human" abilities and found thst while the computer did the work quicker, it missed major safety or reliability issues about 7/10 times while we only missed them 1.5/10 times. Automation isn't always better thsn human work.
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Wake up, America. You're children are being robbed of a future by elected hucksters.

No. They're being robbed of their future by corporate penny pinchers more interested in their bottom line thsn in loyalty to the nation they do business in.
Completely wrong. It is the fault of those workers who are so dumb that they cannot see that a job you can do without training, is a job a machine can do better and more quickly. There are about 6 million technical jobs going begging. My company has a billboard up on a major highway advertising for skilled tradesmen. We simply cannot fill the positions we have. And most skilled people there make 100K or better a year. A corporation has to make money for it's investors. That means keeping production high, and it's prices for it's products as low as possible. At the same time, also delivering a quality product.

When a politician like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown says to coal miners, I will get your jobs back, and they refuse free training for technical jobs, then that politician is creating a real problem, and the workers are dumb fucks for not seeing the lie.
Time to think about 30 hour work weeks.

The amount of value created by a single worker is much greater than a worker of the past, but our wages are not reflecting that.

I would be first in line for that puppy! Give me 3 10 hour days and I am golden!

There is a flip side we also have to implement.

We are living longer, we should be working longer. Common sense.

Social Security and Medicare eligibility age needs to be changed to 70, indexed to 9 percent of the population.

It is already 67 for me
Hi, youngster. LOL I am 74, and still working as a millwright in a steel mill. Still doing 4 day rotating shifts, 12 hour shifts, occasionally working 5 and six day shifts. Because we cannot get the skilled help we need. Not enough qualified millwrights, not enough electricians, and not enough automation people.
Completely wrong. It is the fault of those workers who are so dumb that they cannot see that a job you can do without training, is a job a machine can do better and more quickly. There are about 6 million technical jobs going begging. My company has a billboard up on a major highway advertising for skilled tradesmen. We simply cannot fill the positions we have. And most skilled people there make 100K or better a year.

Have you ever thought thst maybe not everyone can (or in my case WANTS) to spend more time and money on schooling?

I have an Associates Degree that is essentially a Technical Degree in CAD. I have no interest in going back to get a r year degree or refresh my skills. I've got more thsn 20 years of experience to go with thst degree. If thst combination isn't enough to qualify for a job, then I don't want the job.

You know what one of my main duties is now?... training Electrical Engineers with a 4 or 5 year degree how to do basic functions of their job, which they should be able to figure out themselves.
This is exactly why I hate unions. They are an impediment to progress.

The meter readers need to move on and get new jobs.

This is where our education system needs to step in.

So in your world we put 800 or so entry-level employees out on the street with nothing to support themselves on and thsts the fault of the employer or the education system in your mind?

They looked at trying to automate part of my mapping responsibilities. When they tested the program against our puny "human" abilities and found thst while the computer did the work quicker, it missed major safety or reliability issues about 710 times while we only missed them 1.5/10 times. Automation isn't always better thsn human work.[/QUOTIn my mind, those entry level employees should be trained in the types of jobs that won't get away. Meter readers? No reason the reading cannot go over the internet.
The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are long gone. We need to retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

McKinsey: automation may wipe out 1/3 of America’s workforce by 2030

In a new study that is optimistic about automation yet stark in its appraisal of the challenge ahead, McKinsey says massive government intervention will be required to hold societies together against the ravages of labor disruption over the next 13 years. Up to 800 million people—including a third of the work force in the U.S. and Germany—will be made jobless by 2030, the study says.

The bottom line: The economy of most countries will eventually replace the lost jobs, the study says, but many of the unemployed will need considerable help to shift to new work, and salaries could continue to flatline. "It's a Marshall Plan size of task," Michael Chui, lead author of the McKinsey report, tells Axios.

Translation: Stop drinking the piss of politicians who tell you they will bring back the jobs that went overseas. The jobs didn't go overseas. They have been automated and are never coming back.

Read this, too:

Between 1993 and 2007, every new robot replaced between 3 and 5.6 workers.

Read this:

"Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.”

Gone, baby, gone. Those jobs are not coming back. Ever. Anyone who promises you they are is a fucking criminal liar.

When a shitbag politician tells you he is going to bring back those lost jobs with tariffs and trade deals, he is talking out of his ass. He is being fucking lazy and hoping you are too ignorant to catch on.

We need to start burning those politicians at the stake, and start forcing their replacements to retool our entire education system.

Back to Axios:

  • The transition compares to the U.S. shift from a largely agricultural to an industrial-services economy in the early 1900s forward. But this time, it's not young people leaving farms, but mid-career workers who need new skills. "There are few precedents in which societies have successfully retrained such large numbers of people," the report says, and that is the key question: how do you retrain people in their 30s, 40s and 50s for entirely new professions?

Wake up, America. You're children are being robbed of a future by elected hucksters.
That's all just an excuse for a government take-over of the means of production.

It will happen slowly, and most of those jobs will be replaced incrementally. It's not going to be a sudden 20% unemployment spike. This is another "sky is falling" boogieman from the communist left in an effort to become a socialist nation.
Completely wrong. It is the fault of those workers who are so dumb that they cannot see that a job you can do without training, is a job a machine can do better and more quickly. There are about 6 million technical jobs going begging. My company has a billboard up on a major highway advertising for skilled tradesmen. We simply cannot fill the positions we have. And most skilled people there make 100K or better a year.

Have you ever thought thst maybe not everyone can (or in my case WANTS) to spend more time and money on schooling?

I have an Associates Degree that is essentially a Technical Degree in CAD. I have no interest in going back to get a r year degree or refresh my skills. I've got more thsn 20 years of experience to go with thst degree. If thst combination isn't enough to qualify for a job, then I don't want the job.

You know what one of my main duties is now?... training Electrical Engineers with a 4 or 5 year degree how to do basic functions of their job, which they should be able to figure out themselves.
Well, if you do not want to spend money or time on education, don't bitch about being unemployable.
Well, if you do not want to spend money or time on education, don't bitch about being unemployable.

I'm fully employable in my current job. My employer wants me to invest time and money to qualify for A JOB I DON'T WANT.

They want me to do it so they can backfill a spot that will likely open in the next 16 months. Again, I don't want the job and they can't force me into it.
Completely wrong. It is the fault of those workers who are so dumb that they cannot see that a job you can do without training, is a job a machine can do better and more quickly. There are about 6 million technical jobs going begging. My company has a billboard up on a major highway advertising for skilled tradesmen. We simply cannot fill the positions we have. And most skilled people there make 100K or better a year.

Have you ever thought thst maybe not everyone can (or in my case WANTS) to spend more time and money on schooling?

I have an Associates Degree that is essentially a Technical Degree in CAD. I have no interest in going back to get a r year degree or refresh my skills. I've got more thsn 20 years of experience to go with thst degree. If thst combination isn't enough to qualify for a job, then I don't want the job.

You know what one of my main duties is now?... training Electrical Engineers with a 4 or 5 year degree how to do basic functions of their job, which they should be able to figure out themselves.
Well, if you do not want to spend money or time on education, don't bitch about being unemployable.

This. I got out of the Marines with 20 years of military experience and a half finished bachelor's. I heard for two years how everyone loved the military and would hire BS. No degree nobody would even look at my resume, let alone call be back, and this included Gov jobs on a base close to where I wanted to move.

So I busted out the rest of my Bachelors, and then got my Master's along with two certifications at the same time. Granted I was lucky that I had the GI bill and was able to use it and work while going to school. Now I am set
Well, if you do not want to spend money or time on education, don't bitch about being unemployable.

I'm fully employable in my current job. My employer wants me to invest time and money to qualify for A JOB I DON'T WANT.

They want me to do it so they can backfill a spot that will likely open in the next 16 months. Again, I don't want the job and they can't force me into it.
Well you can't force them to give you a paycheck either. So once you have decided you'd rather be worthless to your employer where do you expect to be?
So I busted out the rest of my Bachelors, and then got my Master's along with two certifications at the same time. Granted I was lucky that I had the GI bill and was able to use it and work while going to school. Now I am set

Does your current position honestly REQUIRE the skills and education level of a Bachelors Deegree or Masters, or was that just a way to filter out "Undesireable" candidates?
This is exactly why I hate unions. They are an impediment to progress.

The meter readers need to move on and get new jobs.

This is where our education system needs to step in.

So in your world we put 800 or so entry-level employees out on the street with nothing to support themselves on and thsts the fault of the employer or the education system in your mind?

They looked at trying to automate part of my mapping responsibilities. When they tested the program against our puny "human" abilities and found thst while the computer did the work quicker, it missed major safety or reliability issues about 7/10 times while we only missed them 1.5/10 times. Automation isn't always better thsn human work.
You aren't doing the humans any favors when you spell That's as thsts or than as thsn. Just saying.
The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are long gone. We need to retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

McKinsey: automation may wipe out 1/3 of America’s workforce by 2030

In a new study that is optimistic about automation yet stark in its appraisal of the challenge ahead, McKinsey says massive government intervention will be required to hold societies together against the ravages of labor disruption over the next 13 years. Up to 800 million people—including a third of the work force in the U.S. and Germany—will be made jobless by 2030, the study says.

The bottom line: The economy of most countries will eventually replace the lost jobs, the study says, but many of the unemployed will need considerable help to shift to new work, and salaries could continue to flatline. "It's a Marshall Plan size of task," Michael Chui, lead author of the McKinsey report, tells Axios.

Translation: Stop drinking the piss of politicians who tell you they will bring back the jobs that went overseas. The jobs didn't go overseas. They have been automated and are never coming back.

Read this, too:

Between 1993 and 2007, every new robot replaced between 3 and 5.6 workers.

Read this:

"Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.”

Gone, baby, gone. Those jobs are not coming back. Ever. Anyone who promises you they are is a fucking criminal liar.

When a shitbag politician tells you he is going to bring back those lost jobs with tariffs and trade deals, he is talking out of his ass. He is being fucking lazy and hoping you are too ignorant to catch on.

We need to start burning those politicians at the stake, and start forcing their replacements to retool our entire education system.

Back to Axios:

  • The transition compares to the U.S. shift from a largely agricultural to an industrial-services economy in the early 1900s forward. But this time, it's not young people leaving farms, but mid-career workers who need new skills. "There are few precedents in which societies have successfully retrained such large numbers of people," the report says, and that is the key question: how do you retrain people in their 30s, 40s and 50s for entirely new professions?

Wake up, America. You're children are being robbed of a future by elected hucksters.

Don't panic but you posted something I agree with you on at least in general.
Well you can't force them to give you a paycheck either. So once you have decided you'd rather be worthless to your employer where do you expect to be?

I expect to be right where I am, at the top level of the Department's Progression Roster for the next 30 years. My Union dues ensure that I can only be fired for cause, not because I refuse to bid on a non-progression "Senior" level job that i don't want.
So I busted out the rest of my Bachelors, and then got my Master's along with two certifications at the same time. Granted I was lucky that I had the GI bill and was able to use it and work while going to school. Now I am set

Does your current position honestly REQUIRE the skills and education level of a Bachelors Deegree or Masters, or was that just a way to filter out "Undesireable" candidates?

The Bachelors is required, the Master's was a bonus but for me a lot of the required courses I needed were done via my Master's program.

I am a Survey Statistician and my Bachelors was just basic business so I did not have enough math/stats class. My Masters is in Analytics, so it was pure stats/math.
The days of growing up to work in your daddy's factory are long gone. We need to retool our education system for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of yesterday.

McKinsey: automation may wipe out 1/3 of America’s workforce by 2030

In a new study that is optimistic about automation yet stark in its appraisal of the challenge ahead, McKinsey says massive government intervention will be required to hold societies together against the ravages of labor disruption over the next 13 years. Up to 800 million people—including a third of the work force in the U.S. and Germany—will be made jobless by 2030, the study says.

The bottom line: The economy of most countries will eventually replace the lost jobs, the study says, but many of the unemployed will need considerable help to shift to new work, and salaries could continue to flatline. "It's a Marshall Plan size of task," Michael Chui, lead author of the McKinsey report, tells Axios.

Translation: Stop drinking the piss of politicians who tell you they will bring back the jobs that went overseas. The jobs didn't go overseas. They have been automated and are never coming back.

Read this, too:

Between 1993 and 2007, every new robot replaced between 3 and 5.6 workers.

Read this:

"Almost 88 percent of job losses in manufacturing in recent years can be attributable to productivity growth, and the long-term changes to manufacturing employment are mostly linked to the productivity of American factories.”

Gone, baby, gone. Those jobs are not coming back. Ever. Anyone who promises you they are is a fucking criminal liar.

When a shitbag politician tells you he is going to bring back those lost jobs with tariffs and trade deals, he is talking out of his ass. He is being fucking lazy and hoping you are too ignorant to catch on.

We need to start burning those politicians at the stake, and start forcing their replacements to retool our entire education system.

Back to Axios:

  • The transition compares to the U.S. shift from a largely agricultural to an industrial-services economy in the early 1900s forward. But this time, it's not young people leaving farms, but mid-career workers who need new skills. "There are few precedents in which societies have successfully retrained such large numbers of people," the report says, and that is the key question: how do you retrain people in their 30s, 40s and 50s for entirely new professions?

Wake up, America. You're children are being robbed of a future by elected hucksters.
You're delusional if you believe all these displaced workers can be trained to write code.
So I busted out the rest of my Bachelors, and then got my Master's along with two certifications at the same time. Granted I was lucky that I had the GI bill and was able to use it and work while going to school. Now I am set

Does your current position honestly REQUIRE the skills and education level of a Bachelors Deegree or Masters, or was that just a way to filter out "Undesireable" candidates?
Who are you to decide what is required for an employer?
The Bachelors is required, the Master's was a bonus but for me a lot of the required courses I needed were done via my Master's program.

I am a Survey Statistician and my Bachelors was just basic business so I did not have enough math/stats class. My Masters is in Analytics, so it was pure stats/math.

Thank You. Would a Bachelors in Analytics it Statistics have been enough?

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