Meanwhile...America's Favorite Lovers have just involved Obama in the FBI Text Scandal

This is shocking news...NOT!

It's like discovering the e-mail from Hitler that he knew about the Holocaust.

Sure, everyone knew he knew, but where is the proof?
I am constantly shocked to learn that a sitting US president should deem if fit to be appraised of suspicions the Russians are infiltrating, if not colluding, a presidential campaign
New text messages from FBI agents reveal Obama wanted ‘to know everything’ about Clinton email probe

Obama once denied being in the loop regarding Hillary's e-mails, however, the recent investigation of those involved going after Trump show that POTUS asked to be updated regarding the Hillary investigation.
Is there something illegal about the request?

Nothing Obama has ever done has been illegal. That would be racist.
So no it's not illegal for the executive or Congress to request a briefing on FBI investigations....Why? Those two branches of govt. have oversight on the FBI...
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This is shocking news...NOT!

It's like discovering the e-mail from Hitler that he knew about the Holocaust.

Sure, everyone knew he knew, but where is the proof?
I am constantly shocked to learn that a sitting US president should deem if fit to be appraised of suspicions the Russians are infiltrating, if not colluding, a presidential campaign
It would have more to do with campaign financing issues...
This is shocking news...NOT!

It's like discovering the e-mail from Hitler that he knew about the Holocaust.

Sure, everyone knew he knew, but where is the proof?
I am constantly shocked to learn that a sitting US president should deem if fit to be appraised of suspicions the Russians are infiltrating, if not colluding, a presidential campaign
It would have more to do with campaign financing issues...
Ummm, I dunno. Seriously, If a campaign is suspected of campaign finance violations, imo a sitting potus should sit it out. But when a former campaign worker tells the FBI the Russians are in Trump's campaign, I think the Potus has keep apprised. It's dicey. If he goes public, he could swing the election. If he doesn't, we could have a Russian plant. I think Obama made the right call, but Comey should have left it alone too.
This is shocking news...NOT!

It's like discovering the e-mail from Hitler that he knew about the Holocaust.

Sure, everyone knew he knew, but where is the proof?
I am constantly shocked to learn that a sitting US president should deem if fit to be appraised of suspicions the Russians are infiltrating, if not colluding, a presidential campaign

Nothing shocks me anymore.

I would not even be shocked if Obama was merely Putin himself in drag.
This is shocking news...NOT!

It's like discovering the e-mail from Hitler that he knew about the Holocaust.

Sure, everyone knew he knew, but where is the proof?
I am constantly shocked to learn that a sitting US president should deem if fit to be appraised of suspicions the Russians are infiltrating, if not colluding, a presidential campaign

Nothing shocks me anymore.

I would not even be shocked if Obama was merely Putin himself in drag.
If Obama were Putin, Trump would be dead of dioxin poison
One would have to be a complete idiot to think Obama was out of the loop, and that he had no idea the FBI was actively trying to undermine Trump's candidacy. He was calling ALL the shots and everyone knows it.
A complete idiot or a liberal.
1.Of course, there was never any doubt what a double-dealing, lying back-stabber Hussein Obama is....and, this may simply be gilding that lily, but now we catch him lying about not being at the head of the corruption in the FBI and DoJ.

He swore that he had nothing to do with the, 'matter'....of Hillary Clinton's law breaking with her emails....
Now it turns out the very opposite is true.

2.“On Sept. 2, 2016 — just weeks away from election day — Ms. Page texted Mr. Strzok, her lover, about preparing a report for then-FBI Director James B. Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
That raises questions about Mr. Obama’s involvement in the Clinton investigation, the report said.”
New texts between FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation

3.“…reveal that President Barack Obama wanted “to know everything we’re doing” about the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to a report Wednesday.

FBI lawyer Lisa Page wrote to her lover and fellow agent Peter Strzok in September 2016 about preparing talking points for FBI Director James Comey when he updated Obama on the probe because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Fox News reported.

Earlier that spring, Obama had vowed not to interfere.

“I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line,” he told Fox News in an interview in April 2016.

“I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period, ” he said.

The FBI agents’ text messages were included in a new batch recovered as part of the Department of Justice inspector general’s investigation into how the FBI handled the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server."

C'mon, Democrats/Liberals......put into words that shrug you've evinced about every revelation of corruption in support of a police state.
Now that it is confirmed Hussaine was the most corrupt President in history and had weaponized the DOJ, FBI, and State Dept. to attack our democracy, does anyone doubt Hussaine's birth certificate was not a faked Photoshop job?
Obama once denied being in the loop regarding Hillary's e-mails, however, the recent investigation of those involved going after Trump show that POTUS asked to be updated regarding the Hillary investigation.

Which then raises the question

if THAT is the case, what dimwits like you, SHOULD be asking is the WHY, then, Obama kept this little tidbit secret.......

Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July
FBI Director James B. Comey told Congress that the FBI launched its investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. elections nearly nine months ago. He said the FBI started investigating the matter in July and that its work was still in the early stages. He declined to say when the investigation might concluded.

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July | The ...
But but but surely a sitting President should not ask for information if there's a suspicion the Russians are infiltrating or colluding in a presidential election .... I mean it just smacks of ..... treason.
Just ask Putin for Propaganda to help Obama & Clinton to interfere in our ELECTION, and Pay them for it.
Then have your stooges in The FBI and DOJ commit Treason and give a FISA JUDGE Russian Propaganda and submit False Affidavits so you can SPY on the TRUMP Campaign with Putin's Help.
And when you fail to win the Presidency, launch an Investigation based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton and Obama and launder even more money for PUTIN so you can launch your COUP and Nullify an Election entirely with Putin's Help.

That's a much better plan than trying to beat President Trump in a Fair Election.
Obama swore that he had no idea that what was going on the first time he saw anything was in the news. This cannot possibly be true. (SARCASM)
Watch Obama's lying tentacles will find their way into irs, fast and furious, and Benghazi scandals.
1.Of course, there was never any doubt what a double-dealing, lying back-stabber Hussein Obama is....and, this may simply be gilding that lily, but now we catch him lying about not being at the head of the corruption in the FBI and DoJ.

He swore that he had nothing to do with the, 'matter'....of Hillary Clinton's law breaking with her emails....
Now it turns out the very opposite is true.

2.“On Sept. 2, 2016 — just weeks away from election day — Ms. Page texted Mr. Strzok, her lover, about preparing a report for then-FBI Director James B. Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
That raises questions about Mr. Obama’s involvement in the Clinton investigation, the report said.”
New texts between FBI’s Peter Strzok, Lisa Page show Obama wanted updates on Clinton investigation

3.“…reveal that President Barack Obama wanted “to know everything we’re doing” about the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to a report Wednesday.

FBI lawyer Lisa Page wrote to her lover and fellow agent Peter Strzok in September 2016 about preparing talking points for FBI Director James Comey when he updated Obama on the probe because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing,” Fox News reported.

Earlier that spring, Obama had vowed not to interfere.

“I do not talk to the attorney general about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line,” he told Fox News in an interview in April 2016.

“I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Full stop. Period, ” he said.

The FBI agents’ text messages were included in a new batch recovered as part of the Department of Justice inspector general’s investigation into how the FBI handled the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private email server."

C'mon, Democrats/Liberals......put into words that shrug you've evinced about every revelation of corruption in support of a police state.

There is nothing unusual or illegal about a president wanting to be briefed on an investigation...

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