Meanwhile in Egypt. The killing of Christians continues.


B131 said:
wouldn't be any butchers over there if we didn't spend the last 40 years giving them good reasons to hate Christians.

Here's the thing. The Christian Community existed in Egypt for thousands of years. Then we started fucking with them, and they looked for someone to take their frustrations out on.

Again, this is our problem, how?

Oh fucking spare me Joe Muslims have been attacking Christians in unprovoked wars of conquest and slaighter since Mohammad and Copts have always been the victims pf pogroms in Egypt as an oppressed minoroty, but ya it's our foreign policy....
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Oh fucking spare me Joe Muslims have been attacking Christians in unprovoked wars of conquest and slaighter since Mohammad and Copts have always been the victims pf pogroms in Egypt as an oppressed minoroty, but ya it's our foreign policy....

And conversely, Christians have been attacking Muslims in unprovoked wars, too. From the Crusades to Iraq.

While I think it's a bit silly to fight over who an Imaginary Pixie in the Sky really loves best, the practicality is that the Copts were allowed to live in Egypt since about 700 AD. The only thing that changed was that we started meddling in their affairs, insisting Mubarek had to go, and then going along with a new military coup when they voted in people we don't like.
JoeB131 said:
Jesus never existed.

Agreed, and neither did Mohammad, but if he did according to the Koran and Hadiths he was a genocidal war criminal and child rapist.

And conversely, Christians have been attacking Muslims in unprovoked wars, too. From the Crusades to Iraq.

That's a load of shit, the Muslims had been attacking the Christians and invading and stealing their land for centuries, the Crusades were purely defensive.

While I think it's a bit silly to fight over who an Imaginary Pixie in the Sky really loves best, the practicality is that the Copts were allowed to live in Egypt since about 700 AD. The only thing that changed was that we started meddling in their affairs, insisting Mubarek had to go, and then going along with a new military coup when they voted in people we don't like.

They were allowed to live there? They were there first, the Islamic Imperialists conquered, subjugated, and oppressed them, and they suffered through pogroms then just as they do now.
JoeB131 said:
Jesus never existed.

Agreed, and neither did Mohammad, but if he did according to the Koran and Hadiths he was a genocidal war criminal and child rapist.

And conversely, Christians have been attacking Muslims in unprovoked wars, too. From the Crusades to Iraq.

That's a load of shit, the Muslims had been attacking the Christians and invading and stealing their land for centuries, the Crusades were purely defensive.

While I think it's a bit silly to fight over who an Imaginary Pixie in the Sky really loves best, the practicality is that the Copts were allowed to live in Egypt since about 700 AD. The only thing that changed was that we started meddling in their affairs, insisting Mubarek had to go, and then going along with a new military coup when they voted in people we don't like.

They were allowed to live there? They were there first, the Islamic Imperialists conquered, subjugated, and oppressed them, and they suffered through pogroms then just as they do now.
More than Muslims fought for Christians lands...Many more than just Muslims..
Agreed, and neither did Mohammad, but if he did according to the Koran and Hadiths he was a genocidal war criminal and child rapist.

Actually there is more evidence Muhammed existed, but he wasn't talking to a magic sky pixie, either.

And his followers probably weren't any worse than anyone else at the time.

That's a load of shit, the Muslims had been attacking the Christians and invading and stealing their land for centuries, the Crusades were purely defensive.

Wait now. The Crusades were an invasion of the LEvant, which fell out of Christian hands 400 years earlier. By that logic, illegal immigrants taking over American cities would be "Defensive" since 200 years ago, that was all Mexican land.

and I'm not sure what you would call the colonization of the MIddle East by Europe in the 19th century. Certainly not "Defensive".


They were allowed to live there? They were there first, the Islamic Imperialists conquered, subjugated, and oppressed them, and they suffered through pogroms then just as they do now.

Actually, it was more like this. Muslims came in after centuries of Roman/Byzantine misrule and exploitation. Then they said, 'Hey, how would you like to join our cool new religion.'

And most Egyptians were like, "Cool. We like this new religion". MOstly because the Byzantines kept oppressing them for not worshiping Jesus the right way.

And the Copts were all like, "Well, we'll just keep worshiping Jesus the way the Byzantines didn't approve of."

And the Arabs were all like, "Fine, just pay the tax, we're cool, Bro!"

And that worked out fine for centuries. Until the West found ways to fuck it up.
Actually there is more evidence Muhammed existed,

There is zero evidence that the kiddy fucker Mohammad existed, he is not allowed to be depicted because he did not exist.

but he wasn't talking to a magic sky pixie, either.

The entire Koran is a supposed transcript of a magic sky pixie including all the mass rape, murder, and child exploitation.

And his followers probably weren't any worse than anyone else at the time.

Were his followers child raping mass murderers? Because Mohammad was. You know how I know you're wrong? You are on the side of a child rapist you sick fuck.

Wait now. The Crusades were an invasion of the LEvant, which fell out of Christian hands 400 years earlier.

They were invaded by Muslim mass murdering imperialists, the same as all lands that today sit under the yolk of Islamic Imperialist occupation. The Muslims were attempting to conquer Rome all the way until the late 9th century you lying piece of shit.

By that logic, illegal immigrants taking over American cities would be "Defensive" since 200 years ago, that was all Mexican land.

Except Mexico attacked the US first you lying fuck.

and I'm not sure what you would call the colonization of the MIddle East by Europe in the 19th century. Certainly not "Defensive".


All lands that today are Muslim sit under unjust occupation by invading mass murdering Imperialists who worship a genocidal war criminal pedophile.

Actually, it was more like this. Muslims came in after centuries of Roman/Byzantine misrule and exploitation. Then they said, 'Hey, how would you like to join our cool new religion.'

And most Egyptians were like, "Cool. We like this new religion". MOstly because the Byzantines kept oppressing them for not worshiping Jesus the right way.

And the Copts were all like, "Well, we'll just keep worshiping Jesus the way the Byzantines didn't approve of."

And the Arabs were all like, "Fine, just pay the tax, we're cool, Bro!"

And that worked out fine for centuries. Until the West found ways to fuck it up.

Yes yes and all the Christians were like: "thanks for raping our women, subjugating us, and stealing our children."

Devshirme - Wikipedia

You are one sick mother fucker.
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Why is it that Kristians are only concerned about people of their own religion being harmed or dying? Aren't all people 'god's children'? Or is that just a bumper sticker?
There is zero evidence that the kiddy fucker Mohammad existed, he is not allowed to be depicted because he did not exist.

well, yes, there is, because we know he and his followers conquered Mecca and Medina.

Were his followers child raping mass murderers? Because Mohammad was. You know how I know you're wrong? You are on the side of a child rapist you sick fuck.

I really don't have time to indulge your racism this morning, stupid.

Except Mexico attacked the US first you lying fuck.

No, they didn't. We attacked them after we broke our treaty promising not to annex Texas.

Now go see a shrink about your racism before you hurt someone.
well, yes, there is, because we know he and his followers conquered Mecca and Medina.

Provide the contemporary non-Muslim source.

I really don't have time to indulge your racism this morning, stupid.

Islam isn't a race dipshit and neither are the historical indisputable facts that Mohammad fucked a 9 year old and mass murdered the Jewish banu tribes of the Arabian peninsula.

No, they didn't. We attacked them after we broke our treaty promising not to annex Texas.

Now go see a shrink about your racism before you hurt someone.

Lying sack of shit they fired on and killed 12 US soldiers on our side of the Nueces river you ignorant faggot and it was they who violated the treaty of Velasaco.
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Islam isn't a race dipshit and neither are the historical indisputable facts that Mohammad fucked a 9 year old and mass murdered the Jewish banu tribes of the Arabian peninsula.

Wait a minute, if he fucked a 9 year old and mass-murdered the Jews, that means he did exist!

Make up your mind...
Islam isn't a race dipshit and neither are the historical indisputable facts that Mohammad fucked a 9 year old and mass murdered the Jewish banu tribes of the Arabian peninsula.

Wait a minute, if he fucked a 9 year old and mass-murdered the Jews, that means he did exist!

Make up your mind...

If he did exist, then according to Muslim sources he was a pedophile and mass murderer, I said that from the beginning dipshit.

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