Measuring success in Afghanistan withdrawal

If we weren't collectively stupid we would never have gone to Afghanistan either. We were never going to defeat terrorism.
Bullshit. We went into Afg to attack Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.

In that we succeeded and in fact GOT Bin Laden (after forcing him into irrelevancy)
Treat people with dignity, yes, but seal the border. For just one thing, the migrants coming through have inordinately high cases of Covid.
From what I've read the covid rates are similar to the US population. They should all be tested and a vax required for entry imo, we have no shortage of vax now. I just don't agree with total sealing of any border and asylum seekers shouldn't be forced to remain in violent dangerous situations. JMO on it.
Criticizing the execution of the withdrawal doesnt mean you’re criticizing the decision itself. BLUF: The Biden admin fucked this up royally. There’s no way to sugar coat it. Getting out was the right decision, it was the right decision when Trump made it And Biden was correct to not reverse that decision. But really the execution of that decision is most important part. And clearly this admin didn’t plan, they didn’t do the things they should have done. It’s on them.
What would you like to see for a successful exit?
Something orderly. We didn't need another Saigon, but Biden gave it to us along with giving Afghanistan to the Taliban.

With such leadership we are quickly becoming a second-rate power.
Something orderly. We didn't need another Saigon, but Biden gave it to us along with giving Afghanistan to the Taliban.

With such leadership we are quickly becoming a second-rate power.
There is no pretty way to do this.

The Russian exit was far more humiliating and disastrous.
The transportation and more basic weapons are there for good. And will do massive damage.
Our military vehicles require constant maintenance and spare parts. They will work for a while

Yes, rifles, mortars, grenades will work….but they already have those
Getting Americans out of Afghanistan alive will be ' breaking even'. There is no 'success' to gain from Afghanistan now.
Other than maintaining a permanent military force, there was no “win” in Afghanistan

The Taliban were going to wait us out
A successful withdrawal of Afghanistan will be if every American soldier and civil service worker gets out alive. How else will you measure success?

I heard yesterday that we had peace there with only 3,500 troops and haven't had a casualty in 18 months!

Biden fucked this up in record time. I can't even imagine how furious our Veterans must be at this!! Would be like handing Paris back over to the Nazis
What did we accomplish other than obtaining some sense of vengeance?
Al Qaeda was a continuing threat to our safety. We ended that dumbass

They are not a factor now and Bin Laden is
Al Qaeda was a continuing threat to our safety. We ended that dumbass

They are not as factor now and Bin Laden is
If you actually think we are any safer from terrorism today than we were before then you are the dumbass. The same kinds of people still exist in the Middle East, obviously. It doesn't matter if the names change.
Criticizing the execution of the withdrawal doesnt mean you’re criticizing the decision itself. BLUF: The Biden admin fucked this up royally. There’s no way to sugar coat it. Getting out was the right decision, it was the right decision when Trump made it And Biden was correct to not reverse that decision. But really the execution of that decision is most important part. And clearly this admin didn’t plan, they didn’t do the things they should have done. It’s on them.
What is the result you are looking for?
If you actually think we are any safer from terrorism today than we were before then you are the dumbass. The same kinds of people still exist in the Middle East, obviously. It doesn't matter if the names change.
So you would have allowed Al Qaeda and Bin Laden to remain in Afg and continue to plan attacks on us.

What is the result you are looking for?
I was using the metric you outlined in the OP. Everyone gets out. I guess your definition of "everyone" will determine the grade. But seriously, even if "everyone" gets out of Afghanistan ok, at best it's a D+? Maybe C-.

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