Media ignoring 1 crucial factor in Florida school shooting


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Here we go again. A horrific mass shooting occurs. Everyone is in shock and grief. Democrats blame guns and Republicans. Pundits urge the public, “If you see something, say something.” And everyone asks, “Why?”

As information about the perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the “troubled youth” who committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications – you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering drugs with fearsome side effects including “suicidal ideation” and even “homicidal ideation.”


Media ignoring 1 crucial factor in Florida school shooting

Everyone does miss this point, and those who don't it just goes right under the wire as un-noticed kind of like telling the same idiots about vaccines and how to read the inserts which seems quite diffifcult for the mentally challenged or the lazy asses. Then they wonder why they've fallen ill, or fall for the medical bs line of you have cancer because of genetics.

Ok, but way to many kids are being put on behavioral meds because they can't long enough, or the teacher who wants to play Hitler tells the parents put the kid on meds............

Behavior drugs mess up the brain chemicals in these kids.
The FBI dismissed the complaint of a you tube threat to become a professional school shooter because the person alerting the FBI lived in Mississippi and had never met Cruz.
The FBI dismissed the complaint of a you tube threat to become a professional school shooter because the person alerting the FBI lived in Mississippi and had never met Cruz.

I know but doesn't change the fact the kid was on those loving " prescribed drugs" once again.
The FBI dismissed the complaint of a you tube threat to become a professional school shooter because the person alerting the FBI lived in Mississippi and had never met Cruz.

I know but doesn't change the fact the kid was on those loving " prescribed drugs" once again.
YOU need to be prescribed drugs. I see a straight jacket in your future.
The FBI dismissed the complaint of a you tube threat to become a professional school shooter because the person alerting the FBI lived in Mississippi and had never met Cruz.

I know but doesn't change the fact the kid was on those loving " prescribed drugs" once again.
YOU need to be prescribed drugs. I see a straight jacket in your future.

Neither of us are democrats.
I know that. I was just referring to nutcase Mindwars who isn't mentally stable. She's off her rocker!
Big Pharma kills a lot more people than guns. Just sayin'...

But leftards love their meds, they love their medical gods who tell them pop a pill for this and that, take this and take that, then have the nerve to turn around and tell someone else " take your meds" and often the person the loser says it to don't take meds what so ever because they are aware of big ass pharma LOL.
Those medications are so risky for teens to be on.
Mental Health needs to be higher priority for many reasons, yet it just keeps getting pushed in the background again and again. Common sense says a known mentally unstable person should not be allowed to purchase a fire arm. Wouldnt solve everything but sure would be a step forward.
...and BS the FBI couldnt find and investigate who posted that online. "I want to be a professional school shooter".
If his dad died at an early age and his mom passed in November, who was he living with and why in the hell ( presuming they knew about it & his past history) would they allow him to keep that gun in their house
Those medications are so risky for teens to be on.
Mental Health needs to be higher priority for many reasons, yet it just keeps getting pushed in the background again and again. Common sense says a known mentally unstable person should not be allowed to purchase a fire arm. Wouldnt solve everything but sure would be a step forward.
...and BS the FBI couldnt find and investigate who posted that online. "I want to be a professional school shooter".
If his dad died at an early age and his mom passed in November, who was he living with and why in the hell ( presuming they knew about it & his past history) would they allow him to keep that gun in their house

The down fall to the mental health issue :

1. The Feds abuse who is or isn't " mentally ill"
2. Most of these mental health docs are leftist bank on it, nmost of the would be in the hate Trump category which in turn gives them a mentality a bit hard to explain on here but it is kind of like this . " they love power" they have people's lives in their hands and they know it.
All they need to do is say so and so is mentally ill and that is the end of story you are now mentally ill.

There is a mental health law claiming people who want to eat healthy " are mentally ill" no I am not kidding.

3. Mental health on the average person who really is normal , can't be diagnosed because truthfully mental health illnesses are a concocted medical bs lie. ( that's another topic most won't get) . and no that is not saying people aren't seriously ill etc.

But , mental health issues can be and will be abused, Schools will abuse the hell out of it and label 90% of the kids as such just because they can't sit still for ten minutes.
What you say is true and its really unfortunate. If all through the years no one was unable to help him...he should of been put on some sort of terrorist watch list.

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