Media reality check.

You really can't stop adorating Trump, do you have a shrine or temple where you worship him?

So it's Biden's fault that Putin invaded Ukraine?

Is that your position?
Howzabout Putin gets the hell out of Ukraine?

Would that work?
What does Ukraine mean to you? It means nothing but politics convinces you. I believe the United States is a free and sovereign nation. Many of our elected and non-elected political people are in the globalist camp. And it is they who orchestrate the whims they want. Putin wants and wanted a buffer from NATO and the globalist cabal. There will be no glorious global government utopia because we are not ready for it. Where are the richer proponents of it giving up their wealth for the cause? None are.
Reality: An evil leader in Russia is being pushed to respond with seven thousand nuclear warheads aimed at the US.

US media: Trump is bad!

If Putin launches nuclear weapons at the U.S., will Trump call him a Genius?
Is the Ukraine war Biden's fault?

Yes or no?

Biden has a weak grasp on reality. He is a puppet.

Biden has a weak grasp on reality. He is a puppet.
I'll ask again:

Is the Ukraine war Biden's fault?

Yes or no?

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