Memorial Day, Feminist dancing on Arlington Cemetery graves, 1st amendment expression?

This is supposed to be some sort of satire or something, but having someone dance on the gravesites of those who made the ultimate sacrifice is somewhat appalling, even if they died to ensure the rights for everyone to express themselves like these idiots are doing. There's a bit of irony here since all of those servicemen and women helped uphold the freedom for ANYONE to demonstrate their beliefs with the 1st amendment.

Why is all the focus on the girl dancing when it was clearly staged by the moron in the video. He is more of a problem than she is

He has a face begging to be punched.
This is supposed to be some sort of satire or something, but having someone dance on the gravesites of those who made the ultimate sacrifice is somewhat appalling, even if they died to ensure the rights for everyone to express themselves like these idiots are doing. There's a bit of irony here since all of those servicemen and women helped uphold the freedom for ANYONE to demonstrate their beliefs with the 1st amendment.

Why is all the focus on the girl dancing when it was clearly staged by the moron in the video. He is more of a problem than she is

He has a face begging to be punched.

something we can agree 100% on!
Nobody knows who the dancer is. Dancing sometimes is done to honor someone or something.

The trashmouthed little screamer in the flag shirt and sunglasses seems like a real asshole, though. Mentally ill? On drugs? Both?
This is supposed to be some sort of satire or something, but having someone dance on the gravesites of those who made the ultimate sacrifice is somewhat appalling, even if they died to ensure the rights for everyone to express themselves like these idiots are doing. There's a bit of irony here since all of those servicemen and women helped uphold the freedom for ANYONE to demonstrate their beliefs with the 1st amendment.

This is where it helps to believe in Karma.
Looks like what they were trying to accomplished worked
Growing up, my teachers were all men who had come home from WW2. Instilling patriotism was an active part of their curriculum. Memorizing this was a homework assignment in 7th grade. Thank you Mr. Smith.
Looks like what they were trying to accomplished worked

Yes, it pisses people like me off. But then I didn't see them doing it in front of people like me. I would gladly spend a vacation in jail for breaking some bones.
Not quite sure what the guy is saying/screaming, but...

As a general note, one must appreciate the incredible irony of people who hate a country, leveraging its most precious freedom to attack it.

Unless they were breaking some kind of trespassing law or behavior rule at the cemetery, they have the right to dance on graves.

This country is changing rapidly.

As a general note, one must appreciate the incredible irony of people who hate a country, leveraging its most precious freedom to attack it.

I say this about Trump and Republicans every day.
This is supposed to be some sort of satire or something, but having someone dance on the gravesites of those who made the ultimate sacrifice is somewhat appalling, even if they died to ensure the rights for everyone to express themselves like these idiots are doing. There's a bit of irony here since all of those servicemen and women helped uphold the freedom for ANYONE to demonstrate their beliefs with the 1st amendment.

Setup clearly...Fake af news
Not quite sure what the guy is saying/screaming, but...

As a general note, one must appreciate the incredible irony of people who hate a country, leveraging its most precious freedom to attack it.

Unless they were breaking some kind of trespassing law or behavior rule at the cemetery, they have the right to dance on graves.

This country is changing rapidly.

As a general note, one must appreciate the incredible irony of people who hate a country, leveraging its most precious freedom to attack it.

I say this about Trump and Republicans every day.
Great. As I point out in my sig, I think the ends of our spectrum are killing us.
I know a few things that are clear..
This fake azz shit by the right is useless as a broken terlit.
Man, this is some stupid shit! :wtf:

Is the alleged "feminist" in on this thing with this guy? This is all kindsa blurry.
This is supposed to be some sort of satire or something, but having someone dance on the gravesites of those who made the ultimate sacrifice is somewhat appalling, even if they died to ensure the rights for everyone to express themselves like these idiots are doing. There's a bit of irony here since all of those servicemen and women helped uphold the freedom for ANYONE to demonstrate their beliefs with the 1st amendment.

Couple of things here. For one, the girl wasn't dancing on any graves. She was also dancing in front of the reflection pond, the white house, the washington monument, the M L King statute, and the street where congress people have residences.

The moron wearing the flag apparel in what looks like a cheap one bedroom apartment, should audition for the WWE. Where he could make some money, getting other morons to buy tickets, just to come yell at him.
No nation can withstand this forever. With freedom is supposed to bring responsibility with our views. I have felt on one side or another in my life. When it has come to conflicts the same. Disrespecting a person in a grave, particularly if it is someone near the same age while people are spouting it is their right. But it is not my right to wear a hat. A hat that was a campaign slogan at that. One of many by many candidates. So freedom is not by the individual. It is by what he/she is told by others on how to react. So all the TV/Hollywood/Political shills have vented..."React to That Hat"! Its first amendment you know.

Couple of things here. For one, the girl wasn't dancing on any graves. She was also dancing in front of the reflection pond, the white house, the washington monument, the M L King statute, and the street where congress people have residences.

The moron wearing the flag apparel in what looks like a cheap one bedroom apartment, should audition for the WWE. Where he could make some money, getting other morons to buy tickets, just to come yell at him.
That residential street she is dancing on is actually in front of that Pizzagate restaurant "Comet". So this video has a girl in a Kaepernick jersey wearing a feminist vagina hat dancing in Arlington Cemetery, kneeling at the White House, Pizzagate place, and other landmarks in DC. Whatever the message is, it's scattered all over the place.

The guy has a crazy pro-wrestling shtick and makes a transgender joke about cutting his genitals off then knocking people out if they don't accept him and his gender identity, lol. stupid
I could care less.

Whoever these graves belong to have NO IDEA what is going on and they are just empty shells rotting in coffins 6 feet under. Cemeteries are the most colossal wastes of space I can think of.

I wouldn't be silly enough to have a grave...but if I ever do, all of you can dance, urinate, defecate or anything else you want on it.

I won't mind...guaranteed.

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