Memorial Day weekend: Lower Gas Prices: Where are all the threads praising the Pres?

Conservatives all said we would be well over $5 by Memorial Day

What happened?

Well, there's the rub. You see if I told you you'd try to say Obama had nothing to do with it, but then again you want to give him credit for keeping it below $5.
Lower gas prices are largely due to slower economic activity around the world. It looks like we're entering another worldwide recession.

Thanks Obama!
Yeah, because Obama controls how the Chinese run their economy. :lol:

You were not missed.
Because he wanted to?

Fine. But if you're gonna buy a living room on wheels, expect it to cost you a lot more money to get it down the road. Stop whining.

I think it's perfectly fine to complain about 100% increases in fuel costs over a couple years.

That's because you are a dishonest sack of shit who wants to ignore the fact that gas bottomed along with everything else when the economy collapsed.
Left New Mexico two days ago, where the prices are amongst the lowest in the nation, and was paying in the $3.50 range and am in Fornicalia right now and the prices have never been higher.

Where are all these "low" gas prices?
The sheep on the Right started bleating about 5 dollar gas coming right about at the top of the gas market.


Sure, here's Soggy spamming the $5 gas meme all over. This is just a handful of the hundreds of times he's posted it.

The GOP of course, no accomplishments to point to, no optimism, no demonstrable concern for the people.

Seriously? So, Obama's going to point to his record of $16,000,000,000,000 debt, $1,500,000,000,000 deficits, inflation, $5 gas, 1/6 of Americans on public assistance, 30,000,000 unemployed, Solyndra, Sun Power, union bailouts, Wall Street bailouts, Fast and Furious, housing markets off 40%, etc?

Yeah.. run on that.


Perhaps we could discuss the Obama economy? You know, $16,000,000,000,000 debt, $1,500,000,000,000 defects as far as the eye can see, inflation, $5 gas, housing markets off 40%, record numbers of Americans on public assistance, worthless U.S. $, 40,000,000+ unemployed, Solyndra, union bailouts, Wall Street bailouts, ties to domestic terrorists, racist preachers, avowed communists, U.S. global competitiveness down 4 positions, health insurance costs up 23%, etc

I also voted for Hillary in the primary. Obama took it away from her just like he's taking it away from your current crop of fruit loops.

Yes, Obama will certainly gain re-election based on his record of $16,000,000,000,000 debt, inflation, $5 gas, housing market off 40%, 40,000,000+ unemployed, sliding $... oh, wait, I guess that;s why he keeps pushing rubbers and whining about Bush... one day drilling is bad, the next day he's screaming about how drilling's up.

He's toast and you know it.

maybe it should be voted on.

It will be in November.

And the Dems are going to kill the Republican Party on this one.

Yeah Chris.... $16,000,000,000,000 debt,massive deficits, rampant unemployment, 40,000,000 unemployed, $5 gas, inflation, housing market off 40% and voters will vote based on Obama and the Fluke chic's stance on birth control.

You're one goofy mofo...

What's to be pro Obama about? $16,000,000,000,000 debt, record deficits, inflation, $5 gas, housing market off 40%, 40,000,000 unemployed.....

Why do you think the left is so focused on rubbers and gay marriage? Obama's record is so abysmal that he can only lie the few occasions he actually has the balls to mention the economy.

It'd be nice if Lakhota could start a thread defending Obama's $16,000,000,000,000 debt, record deficits, declining US $, housing markets down 40%, 40,000,000+ unemployed, $5 gas, inflation, etc. rather than some stupid piece about an election 12 years ago.

But, I guess this is the essence of deflection.

More bad news for Republicans.

What will they run on?


Obama's record... $16,000,000,000,000 debt, $1,500,000,000,000 deficits, inflation, markets still off from 2004 levels, $5 gas, crumbling US $, housing markets still off, 30,000,000+ unemployed, record numbers of Americans on public assistance, bailouts, eroding stature abroad....

And thats just for starters...
Conservatives all said we would be well over $5 by Memorial Day

What happened?

Well, there's the rub. You see if I told you you'd try to say Obama had nothing to do with it, but then again you want to give him credit for keeping it below $5.

Well you see......Republicans were counting on running on that $5 a gallon gas come November. Best I can tell, the price of gas under Obama stayed below he price we saw under Bush.

May have to take that one off the table
4.28 out here. But 50 cents of it is a state tax which, if the government actually did want to lower prices, it could lower that tax but it doesn't.

The government makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do, so hate government not big oil.
4.28 out here. But 50 cents of it is a state tax which, if the government actually did want to lower prices, it could lower that tax but it doesn't.

The government makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do, so hate government not big oil.

Go easy with the truth Misty. They can't handle the truth. :)
4.28 out here. But 50 cents of it is a state tax which, if the government actually did want to lower prices, it could lower that tax but it doesn't.

The government makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do, so hate government not big oil.

That's a lie. Are you a liar?
4.28 out here. But 50 cents of it is a state tax which, if the government actually did want to lower prices, it could lower that tax but it doesn't.

The government makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do, so hate government not big oil.

That's a lie. Are you a liar?

Who says it's a lie?

Other than you and maybe the Obama Regime?

Exxon/Mobile has a bit of experience in the field and they say YOU are wrong:

So how much does the government make on a gallon of gas?

In this example, retailers collected state and federal gasoline taxes of 39 cents per gallon on average. Total gas taxes per gallon range by state – from lows of less than 30 cents per gallon to highs of more than 60 cents per gallon in places like New York and California.

How does this compare to what a company like ExxonMobil makes on a gallon of gasoline? As we saw earlier, sometimes a company or an operation may lose money. Other times, it may make money. A competitive market just provides an opportunity, not a guaranteed profit. In the first two quarters of 2011, for example, ExxonMobil made 7 cents and 8 cents a gallon , respectively, on the gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products it refined and sold in the United States.
-- What am I paying for in the price of a gallon of gasoline? | ExxonMobil's Perspectives Blog

If you can prove exxonmobile is lying (and saying they are biased is not even close to proving that their claims are false), then you might have some valid basis to call Misty a "liar."

Otherwise, you owe her (at least) an apology.
Left New Mexico two days ago, where the prices are amongst the lowest in the nation, and was paying in the $3.50 range and am in Fornicalia right now and the prices have never been higher.

Where are all these "low" gas prices?
Left New Mexico two days ago, where the prices are amongst the lowest in the nation, and was paying in the $3.50 range and am in Fornicalia right now and the prices have never been higher.

Where are all these "low" gas prices?


I paid $3.89/gallon two months ago to fill up here.

I paid $3.57 yesterday.

The most I've ever paid for a gallon of gas here was $4.29 in 2008.
Only the radical left would do a little dance because gas prices are $3.68.

And raise your hand if you believe gas prices are going to STAY "lowered" for long.

My I introduce a new concept to some of our liberal budz? It's called cause and effect.

And I put forth the proposition that sooner or later the tension between Iran and Israel WILL result in some dramatic action. This will result in a REACTION. Even if the REACTION is not war (with all its consequences), we can anticipate that the oil supply will be disrupted.

OUR national energy "policy" during the course of the Obama Administration (over 3 1/2 years, it's time to stop pretending we can always just blame the 'prior' Administration) is -- to put it nicely -- fucking useless.

Where are gas prices going to go?

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