Memorial Day weekend: Lower Gas Prices: Where are all the threads praising the Pres?

I just look at the gas prices at the stations around where I live, Ed. I don't take a poll, I just look at the prices. Two days ago it was 3.83, today it was 3.89...I live in an area that is considered to be a tourist area, so maybe that has something to do with it being the Memorial weekend, that I'm sure, your poll didn't take into consideration. But, it's the same for the liberals who live in this area, also. So it's not a lib/con thing, it's a money thing.

PS our high was it has come down 4 cents...something you lib$ can chew on for awhile.
I thought free market competition was supposed to prevent gouging. Wouldn't the only way that Big Oil could gouge the tourists be if ALL the gas stations raised their prices together? Wouldn't that be some kind of monopoly? Wouldn't you think in a free market at least a few gas stations would lower their prices to match their lower costs to undercut their "competition?"
Given who is making the most off of gasoline and who is making the least, it's Big Daddy Big Gubmint doing all the "gouging".
So you are saying that Meister's gas went up 6 cents because big government raised the gas tax this week and not the oil monopoly. :rofl::lmao:
You are priceless Dupe!!!! :cuckoo:
Some places are about to drop below the $3.00 mark! Maybe we should start a suicide watch for CON$erviNutzis!

Columbia Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in South Carolina

Sam's Club
5426 Forest Dr near Chilton Rd

While you're at it....check out the west coast prices. :eusa_whistle:
Here, knock yourself out! - Find Low Gas Prices in the USA and Canada West Covina California gas prices are $5.25/gal as of 7 hours ago.

Fucken idiot.....this site shows the lowest and the highest prices. lol

Guess it's only happening in Blue states.....:eusa_whistle:
Highest recorded average price for reg unleaded: $4.114 on 7/17/2008

That's why Republicans were celebrating the prospect of $5 a gallon gas this summer. They were all set to hang skyrocketing prices on Obama. Now Bush and the Republicans still hold the distinction of highest gass prices

Unemployment is 8.1% and dropping, gas prices are dropping. It is going to be hard to convince voters that thing would improve under Romney

Real unemployment or the bogus number's game "numbers" foisted off on America by Team Obama?

The Republicans were losing 770,000 jobs a month when they left office.......spin that
I just look at the gas prices at the stations around where I live, Ed. I don't take a poll, I just look at the prices. Two days ago it was 3.83, today it was 3.89...I live in an area that is considered to be a tourist area, so maybe that has something to do with it being the Memorial weekend, that I'm sure, your poll didn't take into consideration. But, it's the same for the liberals who live in this area, also. So it's not a lib/con thing, it's a money thing.

PS our high was it has come down 4 cents...something you lib$ can chew on for awhile.
I thought free market competition was supposed to prevent gouging. Wouldn't the only way that Big Oil could gouge the tourists be if ALL the gas stations raised their prices together? Wouldn't that be some kind of monopoly? Wouldn't you think in a free market at least a few gas stations would lower their prices to match their lower costs to undercut their "competition?"

So you're saying you got nothing :eusa_whistle:
Understood...can't argue facts.
I'll take your dodge as an admission that free market Capitalism does not exist in the energy market.
Thank you.
Only the radical left would do a little dance because gas prices are $3.68.

I thought Republicans were campaigning on $5 a gallon gas .....what happened?

$3.47 today and dropping

Republicans "campaigning on" $5.00? What on earth does that mean? Nobody wants gas to go up but $3.68 is nothing to write home about. Crude was at $100 when Barry took office but gas was around $3.05. With a solid democrat majority in both houses Barry managed to get gas prices around $4.00 in two years.
I thought free market competition was supposed to prevent gouging. Wouldn't the only way that Big Oil could gouge the tourists be if ALL the gas stations raised their prices together? Wouldn't that be some kind of monopoly? Wouldn't you think in a free market at least a few gas stations would lower their prices to match their lower costs to undercut their "competition?"
Given who is making the most off of gasoline and who is making the least, it's Big Daddy Big Gubmint doing all the "gouging".
So you are saying that Meister's gas went up 6 cents because big government raised the gas tax this week and not the oil monopoly. :rofl::lmao:
You are priceless Dupe!!!! :cuckoo:

Why don't you check out how much the "evil" company makes on a gallon of gas and compare it to the "ever loving" obama government is making on a gallon of gas. :eek::lol:
Highest recorded average price for reg unleaded: $4.114 on 7/17/2008

That's why Republicans were celebrating the prospect of $5 a gallon gas this summer. They were all set to hang skyrocketing prices on Obama. Now Bush and the Republicans still hold the distinction of highest gass prices

Unemployment is 8.1% and dropping, gas prices are dropping. It is going to be hard to convince voters that things would improve under Romney

Dropping.........but still way too high.

I'm gonna use a typical Obama tactic on you.

How much lower will the price of gas go if Romney is president?

How much lower will unemployment go if Romney is president?

I figure $2 gas is something to brag well as a 5% unemployment rate.

Right now Obama has nothing to brag about. The price of gas is controlled by some oil producing countries by their governments. They own the industry so they set the price. Because of that they can drive the price per barrel up or down. Right now it's roughly $90 per barrel. I'd like to see it somewhere around $40 per barrel.
Highest recorded average price for reg unleaded: $4.114 on 7/17/2008

That's why Republicans were celebrating the prospect of $5 a gallon gas this summer. They were all set to hang skyrocketing prices on Obama. Now Bush and the Republicans still hold the distinction of highest gass prices

Unemployment is 8.1% and dropping, gas prices are dropping. It is going to be hard to convince voters that things would improve under Romney

Dropping.........but still way too high.

I'm gonna use a typical Obama tactic on you.

How much lower will the price of gas go if Romney is president?

How much lower will unemployment go if Romney is president?

I figure $2 gas is something to brag well as a 5% unemployment rate.

Right now Obama has nothing to brag about. The price of gas is controlled by some oil producing countries by their governments. They own the industry so they set the price. Because of that they can drive the price per barrel up or down. Right now it's roughly $90 per barrel. I'd like to see it somewhere around $40 per barrel.

And if they can get us to buy the gas at that horrible price, the government is happy to keep the price HIGH. The higher it is per gallon, the more money they make in taxes -- by surgically removing it from our wallets.
That's why Republicans were celebrating the prospect of $5 a gallon gas this summer. They were all set to hang skyrocketing prices on Obama. Now Bush and the Republicans still hold the distinction of highest gass prices

Unemployment is 8.1% and dropping, gas prices are dropping. It is going to be hard to convince voters that thing would improve under Romney

Real unemployment or the bogus number's game "numbers" foisted off on America by Team Obama?

The Republicans were losing 770,000 jobs a month when they left office.......spin that

We don't have to....because you just did.
Given who is making the most off of gasoline and who is making the least, it's Big Daddy Big Gubmint doing all the "gouging".
So you are saying that Meister's gas went up 6 cents because big government raised the gas tax this week and not the oil monopoly. :rofl::lmao:
You are priceless Dupe!!!! :cuckoo:

Why don't you check out how much the "evil" company makes on a gallon of gas and compare it to the "ever loving" obama government is making on a gallon of gas. :eek::lol:
So then explain how the Obama government raised the price of YOUR gas 6 cents this week while the gas and oil prices were dropping in the market!!!!!!

You just can't admit that free market Capitalism is a myth and proven to be so by the Oil Monopoly!
Fine. But if you're gonna buy a living room on wheels, expect it to cost you a lot more money to get it down the road. Stop whining.

I think it's perfectly fine to complain about 100% increases in fuel costs over a couple years.

That's because you are a dishonest sack of shit who wants to ignore the fact that gas bottomed along with everything else when the economy collapsed.
That's not a fair thing to say, Article 15. Obama's had 3 years to get his act together. He's not passing a budget so he can spiral spend more. He spends, the economy spirals. This is not a blame Bush situation any more.
I think it's perfectly fine to complain about 100% increases in fuel costs over a couple years.

That's because you are a dishonest sack of shit who wants to ignore the fact that gas bottomed along with everything else when the economy collapsed.
That's not a fair thing to say, Article 15. Obama's had 3 years to get his act together. He's not passing a budget so he can spiral spend more. He spends, the economy spirals. This is not a blame Bush situation any more.

Yes, it is a fair thing to say but thank you for chiming in, simpleton.
That's because you are a dishonest sack of shit who wants to ignore the fact that gas bottomed along with everything else when the economy collapsed.
That's not a fair thing to say, Article 15. Obama's had 3 years to get his act together. He's not passing a budget so he can spiral spend more. He spends, the economy spirals. This is not a blame Bush situation any more.

Yes, it is a fair thing to say but thank you for chiming in, simpleton.

Lashing out at the truth are we????
4.28 out here. But 50 cents of it is a state tax which, if the government actually did want to lower prices, it could lower that tax but it doesn't.

The government makes more off a gallon of gas than the oil companies do, so hate government not big oil.

That's a lie. Are you a liar?

Who says it's a lie?

Other than you and maybe the Obama Regime?

Exxon/Mobile has a bit of experience in the field and they say YOU are wrong:

So how much does the government make on a gallon of gas?

In this example, retailers collected state and federal gasoline taxes of 39 cents per gallon on average. Total gas taxes per gallon range by state – from lows of less than 30 cents per gallon to highs of more than 60 cents per gallon in places like New York and California.

How does this compare to what a company like ExxonMobil makes on a gallon of gasoline? As we saw earlier, sometimes a company or an operation may lose money. Other times, it may make money. A competitive market just provides an opportunity, not a guaranteed profit. In the first two quarters of 2011, for example, ExxonMobil made 7 cents and 8 cents a gallon , respectively, on the gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products it refined and sold in the United States.
-- What am I paying for in the price of a gallon of gasoline? | ExxonMobil's Perspectives Blog

If you can prove exxonmobile is lying (and saying they are biased is not even close to proving that their claims are false), then you might have some valid basis to call Misty a "liar."

Otherwise, you owe her (at least) an apology.

Even if they are not lying, I don't feel bad for them. Exxon is number one on the Forbes list. With three other companies making the top ten. Along with BP coming in at 11.
That's because you are a dishonest sack of shit who wants to ignore the fact that gas bottomed along with everything else when the economy collapsed.
That's not a fair thing to say, Article 15. Obama's had 3 years to get his act together. He's not passing a budget so he can spiral spend more. He spends, the economy spirals. This is not a blame Bush situation any more.

Yes, it is a fair thing to say but thank you for chiming in, <patronizing ad hominem omitted>.
Sir, I was hoping Obama would get the hang of his tasks, but instead he's one of the most insulated, isolated PsOTUS who's served, and he's waited too long to discipline his spending to make a difference. It's starting to look like if we didn't have the Congress putting on the brakes, his spending would be in orbit, and the debt on a journey to the center of the earth. Oh, wait. that already happened anyway. :rolleyes:
Don't you America-haters ever get tired of lying???

The oil monopoly has stopped drilling on Fed lands on purpose to get the prices up, not because they are not getting permits. The oil monopoly let most of their 2010 permits sit idle!!!!!!

Oil and gas: Two-thirds of federal drilling permits sat idle in 2010 -- 01/13/2011 --

Two-thirds of federal drilling permits sat idle in 2010
Phil Taylor, E&E reporter
Greenwire: Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oil and gas companies drilled fewer new wells on public lands in 2010 than in any other year over the past decade, leaving nearly two-thirds of their drilling permits unused, according to federal records obtained by Greenwire.

The Bureau of Land Management issued 4,090 drilling permits in fiscal 2010, but oil and gas operators drilled 1,480 new wells, using about 36 percent of permits issued.

BLM's permitting data refute industry assertions that the Obama administration is blocking oil and gas development to protect Western landscapes and wildlife, said Dave Alberswerth of the Wilderness Society, a former Interior Department official in the Clinton administration.

"The downturn in drilling on public lands is purely a function of internal corporate decisions and declining natural gas prices, not [Interior Secretary Ken] Salazar's oil and gas policies," Alberswerth said.

Don't you America-haters ever get tired of lying???

now you sound like one of the Far Righties Ed....are you proud?....

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