Memorial Day weekend: Lower Gas Prices: Where are all the threads praising the Pres?

I thought Republicans were campaigning on $5 a gallon gas .....what happened?

$3.47 today and dropping

3.89 here...went up 6 cents over the last couple of days.
Funny how the price is dropping everywhere else in the country except where CON$ live! :eusa_liar:

This Week In Petroleum

Gasoline prices fall for seventh straight week
The U.S. average retail price of regular gasoline decreased 4 cents this week to $3.71 per gallon, 14 cents per gallon lower than last year at this time. This marks the seventh straight week of decline. Prices have decreased in all regions of the Nation three of the last five weeks. The East and Gulf Coast both saw drops of about seven cents, to $3.63 per gallon and $3.49 per gallon, respectively. The Midwest price decreased 1.5 cents to $3.63 per gallon, while the Rocky Mountain price was down about a penny to $3.75 per gallon. Rounding out the regions, the West Coast price was down more than a cent to $4.24 per gallon.

not dropping out here ED......and there are lots of Liberals out here.....
That's not a fair thing to say, Article 15. Obama's had 3 years to get his act together. He's not passing a budget so he can spiral spend more. He spends, the economy spirals. This is not a blame Bush situation any more.

Yes, it is a fair thing to say but thank you for chiming in, <patronizing ad hominem omitted>.
Sir, I was hoping Obama would get the hang of his tasks, but instead he's one of the most insulated, isolated PsOTUS who's served, and he's waited too long to discipline his spending to make a difference. It's starting to look like if we didn't have the Congress putting on the brakes, his spending would be in orbit, and the debt on a journey to the center of the earth. Oh, wait. that already happened anyway. :rolleyes:

That's very nice of you to share your opinion.

It doesn't change the fact that the price of gas plummeted along with everything else when the economy crashed in 2008. They bottomed out somewhat below $2 a gallon and have since gravitated back towards pre-crash prices....much like how the stock market has gravitated back up. In fact, prices are still about fifty cents lower than they were when they peaked in the summer of 2008. To complain about the "massive" increase in the price of gas like the poster whom I addressed my comment to without the context of why the price was so low in January 2009 or that they still haven't returned to where they peaked at 6 months prior to that is nothing but disingenuous partisan hooey.
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Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

Well, I didn't blame Obama. I blamed speculation.

On the other hand, what was the price of gas when Obama was inaugurated?

It's about $3.75 in Michigan now for regular. I haven't looked it up, but if it's the same now as it was then, then well done to him for keeping the price stable, though I'd still prefer to see it lower.
Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

Well, I didn't blame Obama. I blamed speculation.

On the other hand, what was the price of gas when Obama was inaugurated?

It's about $3.75 in Michigan now for regular. I haven't looked it up, but if it's the same now as it was then, then well done to him for keeping the price stable, though I'd still prefer to see it lower.

The price for gas when he was inaugurated was under 2 dollars. It went up and hasn't dipped below 3 anywhere since he's been in office.
Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

Well, I didn't blame Obama. I blamed speculation.

On the other hand, what was the price of gas when Obama was inaugurated?

It's about $3.75 in Michigan now for regular. I haven't looked it up, but if it's the same now as it was then, then well done to him for keeping the price stable, though I'd still prefer to see it lower.

The price for gas when he was inaugurated was under 2 dollars. It went up and hasn't dipped below 3 anywhere since he's been in office.

It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices
Yes, it is a fair thing to say but thank you for chiming in, <patronizing ad hominem omitted>.
Sir, I was hoping Obama would get the hang of his tasks, but instead he's one of the most insulated, isolated PsOTUS who's served, and he's waited too long to discipline his spending to make a difference. It's starting to look like if we didn't have the Congress putting on the brakes, his spending would be in orbit, and the debt on a journey to the center of the earth. Oh, wait. that already happened anyway. :rolleyes:

That's very nice of you to share your opinion.

It doesn't change the fact that the price of gas plummeted along with everything else when the economy crashed in 2008. They bottomed out somewhat below $2 a gallon and have since gravitated back towards pre-crash prices....much like how the stock market has gravitated back up. In fact, prices are still about fifty cents lower than they were when they peaked in the summer of 2008. To complain about the "massive" increase in the price of gas like the poster whom I addressed my comment to without the context of why the price was so low in January 2009 or that they still haven't returned to where they peaked at 6 months prior to that is nothing but disingenuous partisan hooey.
Sorry, that dog doesn't hunt, Mr. Article 15. Obama is either the POTUS or Bush still is. We know that cannot be.

Obama needs to grow a pair and negotiate a budget or he's done.
Well, I didn't blame Obama. I blamed speculation.

On the other hand, what was the price of gas when Obama was inaugurated?

It's about $3.75 in Michigan now for regular. I haven't looked it up, but if it's the same now as it was then, then well done to him for keeping the price stable, though I'd still prefer to see it lower.

The price for gas when he was inaugurated was under 2 dollars. It went up and hasn't dipped below 3 anywhere since he's been in office.

It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices

Well, I didn't blame Obama. I blamed speculation.

On the other hand, what was the price of gas when Obama was inaugurated?

It's about $3.75 in Michigan now for regular. I haven't looked it up, but if it's the same now as it was then, then well done to him for keeping the price stable, though I'd still prefer to see it lower.

The price for gas when he was inaugurated was under 2 dollars. It went up and hasn't dipped below 3 anywhere since he's been in office.

It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices

If you can explain why the price of oil was $140 per barrel in 08' when the price was as high as it is today and is currently $90 per barrel feel free.

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The price for gas when he was inaugurated was under 2 dollars. It went up and hasn't dipped below 3 anywhere since he's been in office.

It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices

If you can explain why the price of oil was $140 per barrel in 08' when the price was as high as it is today and is currently $90 per barrel feel free.


Beats the shit out of me...ask the speculators
Obama Administration Fast Tracks Renewables, Slows Oil & Gas

While the Obama Administration is lollygagging regarding opening federal lands to oil and gas development, its Interior Department has been active in approving renewable projects on federal lands. As part of President Obama’s alleged “all-of-the-above” energy strategy, the U.S. Interior Department approved 27 wind, solar and geothermal projects on public lands since 2009, and the agency has an additional 17 projects to review this year.

Unfortunately President Obama’s “all-of-the-above” energy plan, while a catch phrase that seems inclusive, does not cover oil and natural gas production on about 95 percent of federal lands and is hostile to coal use. For example, federal waters opened to oil and natural gas production in 2008 by President Bush and Congress are not included in the President’s 2012 to 2017 offshore leasing plan.[ii] In practical terms, the Offshore Drilling Moratorium in place between 1981 and 2008 will remain in place until at least 2017 under the Obama Administration leasing plans. Institute for Energy Research | Obama Administration Fast Tracks Renewables, Slows Oil and Gas

Obama has been granting solar, wind, and geothermal projects in record numbers and they are failing. Yet when it comes to the energy sources he considers to be dirty he has been dragging his feet.

The former CEO of Shell Oil had a terrible meeting with him while he was a Senator. He asked Obama if he was going to assure that our energy independence would include domestic oil production. Obama said he was going to instead concentrate on bio-fuels. Then Obama quickly turned and started walking away, like he hated the guy. Well, the former CEO John Hofmeister didn't let this deter him. He followed him to his car telling him that this kind of approach was reckless at best. Obama didn't care. He got in his car, slammed the door and took off.
It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices

If you can explain why the price of oil was $140 per barrel in 08' when the price was as high as it is today and is currently $90 per barrel feel free.


Beats the shit out of me...ask the speculators

You mean oil producing nations....or the ones betting on commodities.....because the price of oil is what they speculate on, which causes the price of oil to go up.

You don't even understand all of the fees that go along with gasoline prices, do you?

Maybe you should look it up instead of waiting for some lie out of the Obama Administration. They, believe it or not, specialize in gossip, while the truth is much more complex, yet easily understood if the powers that be wanted to educate us. The media used to take care of this, but they're, at least for the moment, all in for Obama.
The price for gas when he was inaugurated was under 2 dollars. It went up and hasn't dipped below 3 anywhere since he's been in office.

It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices


I drove from Michigan to Maine at the end of 2008 and did a course there for three months. When I left Michigan in October the price was about $3.70 (up from about $3.40 in the summer). When I returned in January 2009 it was over $4.00. So either the prices along my route were way out of whack with the US average, or I'm reading the chart wrong, or the chart itself is wrong.
It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices


I drove from Michigan to Maine at the end of 2008 and did a course there for three months. When I left Michigan in October the price was about $3.70 (up from about $3.40 in the summer). When I returned in January 2009 it was over $4.00. So either the prices along my route were way out of whack with the US average, or I'm reading the chart wrong, or the chart itself is wrong.

The chart is right.

I dunno where you were paying $4 for gas in January of 2009.

I remember paying less than $2 and thinking to myself "well at least the price of gas crashed too".

I drove from Michigan to Maine at the end of 2008 and did a course there for three months. When I left Michigan in October the price was about $3.70 (up from about $3.40 in the summer). When I returned in January 2009 it was over $4.00. So either the prices along my route were way out of whack with the US average, or I'm reading the chart wrong, or the chart itself is wrong.

The chart is right.

I dunno where you were paying $4 for gas in January of 2009.

I remember paying less than $2 and thinking to myself "well at least the price of gas crashed too".

The chart is right....but of course it doesn't tell the whole story.
Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

That's a good question sallow. So it begs the question why didn't you start one instead of baiting the opposition?

Besides the fact that prices really aren't much lower. 2 dollars up vs 35 cents down from the high.

Because when they were going higher..there were sure enough of them directly blaming President Obama..

So..boys and girls?

Where is the love?

:lol: :eusa_whistle:

Lower than what? And as i recall, you deranged Obamabots sure did blame your BOOOSH Boogeyman for higher Gas Prices. In fact, you Wingnuts even called his 4% Unemployment and Record High Stock Markets a 'Depression.' You Bots are incredibly dishonest.
The price for gas when he was inaugurated was under 2 dollars. It went up and hasn't dipped below 3 anywhere since he's been in office.

It was a momentary dip in gas prices due to the collapsing economy. The price of everything was dropping. As the economy recovered, so did gas prices

The dollar isn't worth as much as it was either.

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