Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
Menendez: We don?t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill - Seung Min Kim -


Your Senators need to be hearing the public's deep objections to the S. 744 immigration bill that is supposed to get a vote of the full Senate when Senators return in June.

The word from various Senate staffers is that if they are not hearing the phones ring with objections EVERY day, the Senators and their top advisors assume that opposition is dying down. We can't let let the Senators and staffs spend the weekend thinking they can get by with voting FOR this bill.

Call your 2 Senators and tell them to vote NO on S.744 the Amnesty bill. (Here's a toll-free number: 888-978-3094). You can leave a message after hours with most Senators 24 hours a day.

If you're nervous about making that first call to a Senate receptionists, just say your name and where you are from and ask them to tell the Senator that he/she should vote NO on S.744 because it puts amnesty before enforcement.

Here's how to find out who your reps are and their e-mail addresses:
Contacting the Congress: A Citizen's Congressional Directory

But if you want to say a few more words, use any or all of these talking points, and as they are written or (better) in your own words.


*Vote NO on S. 744 which moves all promises of immigration enforcement to after it gives work permits to 11 million illegal aliens. It is not enforcement-first but amnesty-first.

*All the polls this week show that most Americans are opposed to anything that isn't enforcement-first.

*The Judiciary Committee had many chances to change the bill and every time voted against enforcement-first. KILL THE BILL.
Rubio was on Hannity yesterday with a select group of immigration supporters taking questions from them.

I didn't get to watch all of it, but what I did get to watch, every question was a softball.
Don't tell Jake, he is already planning a celebration for its passage.
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.
If the bill does not pass, then those like RooBabby above will be happy he and others have destroyed the national ability of the GOP to compete with the Dems.

However, those of us who remain in the GOP will not let the reactionaries and liberts have the party. Not going to happen.
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.

Amnesty is not the best policy. Secure the borders first. We have ample proof what happens if you do not secure the borders and then amnesty. We did it for 2 million in 86 and now we have 11 million more.
Omnibus Bill, RGS: secure the borders, immigration reform, and enhanced business requirements and penalties forbidding the hiring of illegals.

You reactionaries will not get the one without the other at the same time.
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.

Rewarding people for breaking the law is the right thing? You have a really twisted mind. :cuckoo:
Poor Jakey....never underestimate the resources of people you don't know ;)

We both know who pink lil roobaby was.

If the bill does not pass, then those like RooBabby above will be happy he and others have destroyed the national ability of the GOP to compete with the Dems.

However, those of us who remain in the GOP will not let the reactionaries and liberts have the party. Not going to happen.
Yah, you reaped the consequences of not following your own advice. ;)

never underestimate the resources of people you don't know ;)

If the bill does not pass, then those like RooBabby above will be happy he and others have destroyed the national ability of the GOP to compete with the Dems.

However, those of us who remain in the GOP will not let the reactionaries and liberts have the party. Not going to happen.
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Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.

that's really all you Democrats CARE about, isn't it..
The hell if it's good for our country and us people

and you call others partisan hacks
Menendez: We don’t have 60 votes for immigration reform bill

Which the democrats will happily place on the doorstep of the GOP for every Hispanic voter to see.

Conservatives seem incapable of doing the right thing, even if it’s in their own partisan best interest.

that's really all you Democrats CARE about, isn't it..
The hell if it's good for our country and us people

and you call others partisan hacks

This Republican, along with many other Republicans in the House and the Senate, say you are wrong.

We support the bills, they will pass.
I don't care.....let's see them bring it to a vote so everyone is accountable

Let the republicans be answerable for the next ten years
I don't care.....let's see them bring it to a vote so everyone is accountable

Let the republicans be answerable for the next ten years

of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS
I don't care.....let's see them bring it to a vote so everyone is accountable

Let the republicans be answerable for the next ten years

of course that's all you care about, not if adding 20 million more people onto our 8% unemployment, welfare, and the hell if they broke our laws....all you Democrats and especially OBAMA see IS NEW VOTERS

More than that, 11-20+ on to welfare and another 33+million more;

TV Ad Asks Florida If Adding 33 Million More Foreign Workers And $6.3 Trillion In Welfare For Illegal Aliens Is Their Idea Of Immigration Reform

Rubio also neglects to mention in his ad that his bill will give work permits to 33 million more foreign job seekers in just the next ten years, doubling immigration.
Obama needs new bodies to help pay for his Socialist vision, ObamaCare..not enough kids that voted for him I guess

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